India is one of the largest producers and consumers of edible oils in the world, making the edible oils processing business a lucrative and essential sector of the Indian economy. The demand for various types of edible oils, including mustard oil, groundnut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and palm oil, continues to rise due to the growing population and changing dietary patterns. This article explores the intricacies of the edible oils processing business in India, highlighting the market potential, types of edible oils, processing techniques, and the factors driving growth in this industry.

Edible fats are derived from both animal and plant sources. Animal-derived fats, such as pork fat (lard) and tallow, come from meat processors who supply the raw materials. Manufacturers establish long-term agreements with these meat processing industries to ensure a steady supply of raw materials. The process involves chopping fatty tissues from pork or beef into small pieces and boiling them in steam digesters. The released fat floats on the water surface and is collected by skimming. Additional fat is extracted by pressing the membranous tissue in a hydraulic press, and further separated from the liquid phase using a desludging centrifuge.

Vegetable fats, like margarine, are produced through the hydrogenation of oils such as soybean, corn, or safflower oil. Initially, the oil undergoes bleaching with earth or charcoal to eliminate undesirable odors and colors. The oil is then subjected to hydrogen gas under high pressure, solidifying it into margarine. Various processes are employed to manufacture different vegetable oils and fats.

Once refined, edible oils and fats are packaged in containers and distributed to end-users in the food and beverage, animal nutrition, and pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals industries. Leading manufacturers in the global edible oils and fats market include Cargill Incorporated, Bunge Limited, ADM, Fuji Oil Co. Ltd., and Kao Corporation.

Market Potential of Edible Oils Market in India

The edible oils market in India is vast and dynamic, with an estimated market size of over INR 2 lakh crores. The increasing health consciousness among consumers has led to a shift towards healthier oils, such as olive oil and rice bran oil, boosting the demand for these premium products. The urbanization trend, coupled with rising disposable incomes, has further fueled the consumption of packaged and branded edible oils.

India’s dependency on imports to meet its edible oil requirements presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Currently, the country imports nearly 60% of its edible oil needs, primarily palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia. This reliance on imports underscores the potential for domestic production to bridge the gap and reduce the import bill, making the edible oils processing business an attractive venture for entrepreneurs and investors.

Types of Edible Oils

The Indian edible oils market is diverse, comprising various types of oils that cater to different regional preferences and culinary uses. Some of the most popular edible oils in India include:

  1. Mustard Oil: Predominantly used in Northern and Eastern India, mustard oil is known for its strong aroma and pungent flavor. It is a staple in Indian households, particularly for cooking and pickling.

  2. Groundnut Oil: Also known as peanut oil, groundnut oil is widely used in Southern and Western India. It is favored for its mild flavor and high smoking point, making it suitable for frying and sautéing.

  3. Sunflower Oil: Sunflower oil is popular across India due to its light taste and high vitamin E content. It is commonly used for frying and baking.

  4. Soybean Oil: Soybean oil is one of the most widely consumed edible oils globally, including in India. It is preferred for its neutral flavor and versatility in cooking.

  5. Palm Oil: Palm oil is primarily used in the food processing industry for making margarine, shortening, and various processed foods. It is also a significant component of the edible oil market due to its cost-effectiveness.

  6. Olive Oil: Increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers, olive oil is used in salads, dressings, and light cooking. Its health benefits have led to a rise in demand, particularly in urban areas.

  7. Rice Bran Oil: Known for its high smoke point and health benefits, rice bran oil is gaining popularity in Indian kitchens. It is used for deep frying and general cooking.

Processing Techniques

The processing of edible oils involves several stages, each critical to ensuring the quality and safety of the final product. The main steps in edible oil processing include:

  1. Cleaning and Dehulling: The raw oilseeds or nuts are cleaned to remove impurities and dehulled to separate the kernel from the shell or husk.

  2. Crushing and Pressing: The cleaned seeds or nuts are crushed to extract the oil. Mechanical pressing, also known as expeller pressing, is the most common method, where the oil is extracted using a mechanical press.

  3. Solvent Extraction: In cases where mechanical pressing is insufficient, solvent extraction is used to maximize oil yield. This involves using a solvent, typically hexane, to dissolve the oil from the crushed material. The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind the extracted oil.

  4. Degumming: The extracted oil is treated with water or an acid solution to remove gum, phosphatides, and other impurities.

  5. Neutralization: The degummed oil undergoes neutralization to remove free fatty acids by treating it with an alkali solution, typically caustic soda.

  6. Bleaching: The neutralized oil is then bleached using activated clay or carbon to remove color pigments, impurities, and trace metals.

  7. Deodorization: The bleached oil is deodorized using steam distillation to remove volatile compounds that cause undesirable odors and flavors.

  8. Winterization: For oils that tend to cloud at low temperatures, such as sunflower oil, winterization is performed to remove waxes and other high-melting-point impurities.

Factors Driving Growth of Edible Oil in India

Several factors are contributing to the growth of the edible oils processing business in India:

  1. Health Awareness: Increasing awareness about the health benefits of different types of edible oils, such as olive oil and rice bran oil, is driving demand. Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and opting for oils with higher nutritional value.

  2. Urbanization and Lifestyle Changes: The urban population is growing, and with it, the demand for convenient, packaged, and branded edible oils. Busy lifestyles and rising disposable incomes are leading to a preference for ready-to-use products.

  3. Government Initiatives: The Indian government is promoting the cultivation of oilseeds through various schemes and subsidies to boost domestic production. This is aimed at reducing dependency on imports and supporting the local agricultural sector.

  4. Technological Advancements: Advances in processing technology are improving the efficiency and quality of edible oil production. Modern machinery and techniques enable better extraction and refining processes, enhancing product quality.

  5. Export Potential: India’s edible oils industry has significant export potential, especially in neighboring countries and regions with a large Indian diaspora. Exporting high-quality, branded edible oils can open up new revenue streams for businesses.

  6. Rising Disposable Income: With an increase in disposable income, consumers are willing to spend more on premium and branded edible oils, driving market growth.


The edible oils processing business in India presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors. The diverse range of edible oils, coupled with rising health awareness and changing consumer preferences, offers a fertile ground for growth and innovation. By leveraging technological advancements, adhering to quality standards, and capitalizing on government initiatives, businesses can thrive in this dynamic market.

With the increasing focus on health and wellness, sustainable practices, and quality assurance, the edible oils industry is poised for significant growth in the coming years. Entrepreneurs looking to venture into this sector can benefit from the evolving trends and consumer demands, positioning themselves for success in the competitive landscape of the edible oils processing business in India.