Tamarind, with its tangy taste and versatile applications, has long been a staple ingredient in cuisines around the world. However, beyond its culinary uses, tamarind holds immense untapped potential ..
The poultry industry stands as the fastest-growing sector in Indian agriculture, with eggs emerging as a favored protein source among urban Indians. India ranks fourth globally in egg production, with..
In the realm of nutritious snacks, Fox Nuts, also known as Makhana or Gorgon Nuts, have emerged as a wholesome and versatile option. As consumers increasingly prioritize health-conscious choices, the ..
Are you looking to venture into the food processing industry? Consider the promising world of fox nuts, also known as "makhana" or "lotus seeds." Fox nuts are gaining popularity globally due to their ..
The adoption is increasing of ready-to-eat food products. It is owing to their longer shelf life, and the space across the retail shelves is increasing for the dehydrated vegetables. The drying techno..
Organic farming is the production system eliminating largely the synthetic compounded fertilizers usage. It also does not use pesticides, growth regulators, or feed additives. Organic farming is a way..