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How To Start Plastic & Polymer Based Industry

Rubber and plastic are two completely different commodities, both in terms of their composition, as well as their applications. But, both are equally important in our daily lives, be it within a household or out of it. Their usage, instead of slowing down, is actually going up by the day.

When it comes to rubber, India ranks 4th in its production and is one of the rubber giants of the world.

When it comes to rubber, India ranks 4th in its production and is one of the rubber giants of the world. Rubber is very diverse in its usage. It is extensively pervasive in many different fields. The utility of rubber is extremely widespread. Be it houses to industries, raw materials, intermediate goods or finished goods. Rubber is needed at every step of the way.  Tires and tubes, for instance, are the biggest buyers of rubber. Rest of the rubber production is claimed by various other products such as footwear, camel backs, hoses and even belts. The tires and tubes are further divided into the ones used for auto and bicycle. The numbers indicating the growth of rubber industry are only expected to bloom further. These will increase by 8 percent to be exact. The scope for further bloom is immense, as technology is on the rise and so is machinery, which can further fine-tune rubber into more diverse products.

Plastic is also known as the material of the modern generation. It came into the limelight much later, somewhere in the late 1980s. But, it caught onto the bandwagon rather quickly and is today a very popular material. As the environment protection units came into the light, the restrictions on tree cutting for wood increased. Hence, plastic started getting a lot of attention, thanks to its feather light weight, the ease of its maintenance and the natural glimmer it seems to possess. In just a few years, plastic started replacing wood, some metals and also glass. Plastic is extensively used in the automobile industry. Thanks to the bloom of vehicles, plastic has become a force to be reckoned with.

Plastic can further be divided into:

  • Thermoplastics, which include elastomers, the popular PVC, the majorly used polythenes and various other resins.
  • Thermosetting, Once again include elastomers, cross linked polythene, phenolic and various forms of polyesters.

Plastic is not the humble world of carry bags anymore. It has expanded far and beyond. Various applications including, but not limited to packaging, moldings, automobiles and telecom etc. are lot part of the plastic universe. Many electric appliances, decorations, fittings and equipment also make extensive use of plastic. Various other full-fledged fields such as medicine and even horticulture need plastic to make their day-to-day operations easier.

Polymers have made a place for themselves in the lives of most individuals, as they are ideal containers which can wither almost all sorts of weathers. India is thriving in the world polymer market and is close to being the 3rd largest world producer of polymer. The demand is growing at an unprecedented rate and the market is hot for any and every individual wanting to set up a business in this field.

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