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    How To Start Pulp & Paper Based Industry

    The pulp is the most basic material needed for producing paper. This is fed into a machine which creates webs of paper. These webs are initially moist and the water has to be removed from them. It is thoroughly pressed and dried out. The process of pressing helps in removing all the moisture out of the web by force. A very specific felt is then used to collect all this squeezed out water. If in case the case is being made by hand then a blotter sheet is used to do the same job.

    The pulp and paper industry, which includes products such as office and catalog paper, glossy paper, tissue and paper-based packaging, uses over 40 percent of all industrial wood traded globally.

    The rate at which the pulp and paper industry is flourishing, is absolutely phenomenal. The Indian economy directly hinges upon this very industry. Of course, like everything else, this dependency causes some conflicts. A single volume of material is limited, as per already set standards. The agenda then becomes all about presenting this produced material in such a way, that the economy can derive out most benefits. Paper is a thing of our everyday lives. It is consumed heavily and is also disposed off heavily.  Especially in the urban areas, paper contributes to most of the solid waste. This paper waste, if reprocessed and recycled can have a lot of potential value. As the world has been growing ‘green’ for many years now, paper recycling has become a very mainstream activity.

    How does the market look like for the pulp and paper industry?

    The world is going largely digital. Things are becoming online more than offline. This means all the things for which we needed paper is now being done with a keyboard and a pointer. But, despite these drastic shifts in the lifestyles, the demand for paper is expected to grow, and that too by an impressive margin of 53 percent. Thanks to various government initiatives more and more kids are now attending schools. This means that they will be needing writing material in order to pursue their education. This right there is a huge selling mine. As compared to the world, our per capita consumption is low. But, thanks to the introduction of new technology the conditions are expected to improve by a long shot.

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