Complete Technology Handbook on Mining, Quarrying, Mineral and Ore Processing, Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, Chromite, Graphite, Gold, Granite and other Mining Projects with Profiles

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Complete Technology Handbook on Mining, Quarrying, Mineral and Ore Processing, Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, Chromite, Graphite, Gold, Granite and other Mining Projects with Profiles
Book contain chapters on Coal Mining, Limestone Mining, Granite Mining, Rock Mining and Crushing, Graphite Mining, Gold Mining, Gypsum Mining, Copper Mining, Smelting and Refining, Potash Mining, Green Metallurgical Processing of Chromite and Applications, Processing of Alumina- Rich Indian Iron Ore Slime, Conversion of a Waste to a High Valued Product, Definitions and Properties of Limes, Analytical Testing of Limestone and Lime, Limestone Processing Technology, Lime Manufacturing Process, Silica Ramming Mass (Acidic Ramming Mass), Ferrosilicon (Ferro silicon), Limestone Quarrying and Processing Operations, Conveyor Idlers and Other Mining Equipment and Accessories, Stone Crushing Unit, Beneficiation of Chromite Ore Processing Charge Chrome, Emery Stone, Iron Ore Mining and Processing, Calcined Petroleum Coke Rotary/ Horizontal Kiln Based), Calcined Petroleum Coke (Vertical Shaft Kiln Based), Megnesium Metal, Iron Ore Pelletization Plant, Cobalt Carbonate from Ore, Concentrated Manganese Ore Production Granite Tiles Cutting and Polishing, Plant Economics of Benefication of Graphite Ore (Capacity: 1000 Ton/Per Month), Plant Economics of Chrome Beneficiation Plant (Beneficiation of Chromite Ore Processing Charge Chrome), Plant Economics of Gold Mining, Plant Economics of Granite Mine, Plant Economics of Graphite Mining and Benification Plant, Plant Economics of Hydrated Lime, Plant Economics of Iron Ore Mining and Manufacting of Sponge Iron, Plant Economics of Iron Ores Pelletization Plant, Plant Economics of Lime Stone Mining, Plant Economics of Lime Stone Powder (Grinding), Plant Economics of Marble Quarrying, Plant Economics of Open Cast Mining of Chrome Ore, Plant Economics of Quick Lime/Slaked Lime, Plant Economics of Stone Mining, Plant Economics of Stone Quarry.
Chapter 1
Coal Mining
Processing coal
Transporting coal
The Coal Mining Life Cycle
Mine development
Open-pit mining
Underground mining
Monitoring and control
Coal preparation
Safety in Coal mines
Safety Policy of CIL
Statutory Framework for Coal Mine Safety
Major Activities for Safety & Rescue Division
Mechanism for monitoring of mine environment:
Strengthening Water Danger Management
Steps for prevention accidents in OCPs:
Steps for control of dust in mines
Training on Mine Safety:
Other steps for enhancing Safety awareness
Mine Safety Inspection
Mine Emergency Response System
Rescue Services for Emergency Response System in CIL:
Safety measures at NLCIL
Safety and R&D Initiatives
Usage of Drones
Electronification of Ground Water Control and Conveyor System
Emergency response System
Safety Trainings
Occupational Health services
Chapter 2
Limestone Mining
Source of Limestone
Status Quo of Limestone Mining and Utilization
Low resource utilization
The scale of the mine is small and the mining technology is backward
Application of Limestone
Production process
Uses of Limestone
Relation to Mining
Surface Limestone Mining
Underground Limestone Mining
Future of limestone mining
Strong growth for cement in construction industry
Increasing demand of GCC and PCC in packaging industry
Crushing and washing
Environmental Impact of Limestone Mining
Chapter 3
Granite Mining
Relation to Mining
Stages of the Extraction Process in a Granite Quarry
Geological Study and Prospecting
Transport Development and Initial Loading
Initial Extraction
Granite Extraction
Block Cutting and Lifting
Cleaning and Waste Transport
Environmental and Social Considerations
Granite product quality control at granite factories
Checking granite quality
Packing and Delivery of final products
Chapter 4
Rock Mining and Crushing
Primary Crushing
Secondary Crushing
Tertiary/Quaternary/Final Reduction Crushing
Types of Rock Crushers
Jaw Crushers
Types of Jaw Crushers
Gyratory Crushers
Cone Crushers
Types of Cone Crushers
Portable vs. Stationary Crushing Plants
Impact Crushers
Types of Impact Crushers
High Quality Mobile Stone Crusher Rock Gold Mining Crusher
Mobility and Portability
Components and Features
Benefits of Mobile Crushing Plants
Advanced Technologies
Process of stone crushing production line
Stone crushing plant
Stone crushing plant machinery equipment
Mobile stone crusher plant
Chapter 5
Graphite Mining
Structure of Graphite
Properties of Graphite
Physical Properties of Graphite
Types of Graphite
Uses of Graphite
Types Of Graphite Extraction
Open Pit Mining
Underground Mining
Important Facts About Graphite
Modern Manufacture
Graphite Processing Equipment
Graphite Vertical Stirring Mill
Flotation Cell
03XC3 Hydrocyclone
Drum Dryer
Agent Agitation Tank
XHGY-B Series Numerical Control Agent Feeder
Chamber Filter Press
Chapter 6
Gold Mining
Overview of the gold mining industry in India
Gold reserves and resources in India
Gold Mines in India: India’s First Private Gold Mine to Commence Full-Scale Production
Gold Discoveries in Three Odisha Districts
Karnataka Gold Mines
Kolar Gold Fields
Jharkhand Gold Mines
Uttar Pradesh Gold Mines
Mine Production
Producer Hedging
The Lifecycle of a Gold Mine
Gold Mine Exploration: 1-10 years
Gold Mine Development: 1-5 years
Gold Mining Operation: 10-30 years
Gold Mine Closure and Decommissioning: 1-5 years
Gold Mine Reclamation and Post-Closure
Digital Transformation of Gold Mining Operations
Role of data to optimize Gold Operations
Digital Platforms and Technologies
Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining
Poisoned Waters
The Biggest Polluters:
Chapter 7
Gypsum Mining
Common Uses
Classification of Gypsum
How is Gypsum Formed
Distribution of Gypsum
Gypsum production process
Gypsum production line
Basic stages in gypsum processing
Gypsum Production Processed
Environmental Impact of Gypsum Mining
Environmental Consequences of Gypsum Mining
Health and Safety Concerns
Socio-economic Implications
Mitigation Measures
Promoting Alternatives and Recycling
Chapter 8
Copper Mining, Smelting and Refining
Types of copper ore
The Copper Mining Process
Copper processing method
Flotation processing method
Magnetic separation processing method
Gravity separation method
Copper Smelting and Refining Process
Refined Copper Smelting and Refining Process
Formulation of copper concentrate
Flash smelting furnace
Converter furnace
Anode furnace
Anode casting wheel
Chapter 9
Potash Mining
Potash in Nature
Functions of Potash
Human Needs
Potash in Plants & the Environment
Uses for granulated potash:
Animal Feed
Food Products
Water Softeners
DEICER (snow and ice melting)
Glass manufacturing
Other uses for potash
Potash Mining
Conventional Underground Mining
Solution mining
Techniques to solution mine potash
Potash extraction techniques
Chapter 10
Green Metallurgical Processing of Chromite and Applications
High carbon ferrochrome
Charge chrome
Medium carbon ferrochrome
Low carbon ferrochrome
Exothermic ferrochrome
Stainless steel
Nickel chromium alloys
Other alloy steels
Chromium metal
Nonferrous alloys
Green manufacturing process of chromium compounds
Description of the traditional process
Green Manufacturing Process
Analysis of the Green Process for Manufacturing Chromium Compounds
High Efficiency of Chemical Reaction in the Fluid Salt Medium
Zero Emissions of Chromium-Containing Residue
Production of Chromic Oxide
Advantages of the green process
Chapter 11
Processing of Alumina-Rich Indian Iron Ore Slimes
Beneficiation of Indian Iron Ores
Froth Flotation and Selective Flocculation of Iron Ores and Ore Slimes
Design and Development of Highly Selective Reagents for the Beneficiation of Indian Iron Ore Slimes
Hematite [a-Fe2O3], Gibbsite [a-Al(OH)3] and Kaolinite [Al2Si2O5(OH)4] Crystal Structures
Hematite (0001) Surface
Gibbsite (001) Surface
Kaolinite Surface
Reagent Molecules
Mineral–Starch Complexes and Interaction Energies
Templating Effect for Starch Interactions with Hematite Surface
Selective Dispersion-flocculation Studies on Iron Ore Slimes
Chapter 12
Conversion of a Waste to a High Valued Product
Rock or Solid Mine Waste
Mine Tailings
Liquid Mine Waste
Mine Water
Water Treatment Sludge
Mine Waste Management
Lasting Environmental Impact
Tailings Management and Storage
Solid waste disposal techniques
Water management in mining waste management
Rehabilitation and post-closure care
Green Mining: A Sustainable Approach to Extracting Minerals
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Novel Practices
Projects of Mining Waste Management
Parameters of selected pumping equipment
Features of pumping equipment
Project 2
Parameters affecting the project:
Parameters of selected pumping equipment
Features of pumping equipment
Medium parameters
Parameters affecting the project:
Valves parameters:
Waste recycling plant equipment
Bag openers
Bag opener–overview
Ballistic separators
Ballistic separator–overview
Features of our equipment
Chapter 13
Definitions and Properties of Limes
Types of lime
Hydrated Lime
Hydraulic Lime (HL) and Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL)
Natural Hydraulic Lime Grades
What should you consider when working with lime?
Physical Properties of Quicklimes
Physical Properties
Preparation of Quicklime
Uses and Applications of Quicklime
Types of Quick Lime
Benefits of Quicklime
Physical Properties of Hydrated Limes
Calcium Hydroxide Explained
Physical Properties
Uses of Calcium Hydroxide
Native American Uses
Differences between Hydrated lime and Quicklime
Chemical Properties of Quicklime
Chemical Properties of Hydrated Lime
Chapter 14
Analytical Testing of Limestone and Lime
Calculations and Analysis
Tests on Limestone
Physical test
Heat Test
Acid Test
Ball Test
Limestone: Use Specifications
Limestone: Chemical Analyses
Physical Tests of Lime
Chemical Test
Heat Test
Ball Test
Lime Materials Specifications
Lime: Chemical Analysis
Chapter 15
Limestone Processing Technology
Use of lime in building construction
Use of lime in water and sewerage treatment
Use of lime in Chemical Industries
Use of lime in sugar industries
Agricultural uses of Limes
Lime use in Metallurgical Industries
Innovation in lime sector
Cycle of Lime
Limestone Crushing Plant Processing Flow
Primary Crushing
Jaw Crusher
Gyratory Crusher
Secondary Crushing
Cone Crusher
Impact Crusher
Tertiary Crushing
Vertical Shaft Impactors (VSI)
Roll Crusher
Process Optimization
Enhancing Limestone Crushing Efficiency with Portable Crusher
Advantages of Portable Crusher Plant in Limestone Crushing Plant
Types of Limestone Portable Crusher Plant
Chapter 16
Lime Manufacturing Process
Vertical Kiln Construction
Vertical Shaft Kiln Structures & Working Principles
The Preheating Zone
The Calcining Zone
The Cooling Zone
Roller Press Cement Pre Grinding System
Fig. 16.3 The cement pre-grinding system
Combined Grinding System of Cement Roller Press & Ball Mill
Two Stage Cement Grinding System
Rotary Kiln Refractory Lining
Zones in a cement rotary kiln
The Discharge Port and Discharging Zone
The Sintering Zone
The Transition Zone
The Cooling Zone
The Calcining Zone
The Preheating Zone
The Preheater System
The Cooler System
Analysis of Refractory Material
Requirements for Refractory Materials of Cement Rotary Kilns
Thermal Shock Resistance
Corrosion Resistance
The Moderate Thickness of Kiln Skin
Some Refractory Materials for Rotary Kiln Sintering Zone
Magnesite-chrome Brick
Magnesite-spinel Brick
Lime Production process
Dolomite Brick
Raw Material Storage and Transportation System
Calcination System
Finished Product Conveying System
Flue Gas Treatment System
Lime production equipment
Raw material preparation equipment
Belt Conveyors
Stacker and reclaimer
Cement crusher
Calcination equipment
Industrial Cyclone Dust Collector
Vertical Lime Kiln
Lime Rotary Kiln
Baghouse Dust Collector
Grate cooler
Cyclone Preheater
Control of Kiln Particulate Emissions
Processes in Manufacturing Cement that Release Fugitive Emissions
Methods for Controlling Air Pollution
Emission prevention
Emission control technologies
Emerging technologies
Find out about devices
ESP or Electrostatic Precipitator
Baghouse Filters
In-Situ Monitoring Device
Selective Non-catalytic Reduction
Dead-Burned Dolomite Production
Manufacturing Process
Risk factors
Oystershell Lime
Calcium Supplements
Pharmaceutical Excipient
pH Adjuster
Antidiarrheal Medications
Oral Care Products
Calcium Fortification
Gastric Ulcer Treatment
Pharmaceutical Research
Lime Production From Oyster Shells
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production Process
The Slaker in Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production
Hydraulic Lime
Raw materials
Selective Calcination
Calcination Process Description
Lime Plant Safety
Importance of Mining Safety
Most Common Mine Hazards
Ways to Ensure Worker Safety in the Mines
Training and Education
Best Practices
Use of Safety Equipment
Risk Assessment and Management
Chapter 17
Silica Ramming Mass (Acidic Ramming Mass)
Complete Process of Using Silica Ramming Mass
Mixing the ingredients together
Grinding the mixture
Sintering the mixture
Testing the product
Drying the mixture
Benefits of Using Silica Ramming Mass in Induction Furnace Refractory Lining
Grades of Acidic Ramming Mass
Application of Products
Manufacturing Process
Silica Ramming Mass Manufacturing Plant
Primary Competitive Advantage/USP
Chapter 18
Ferrosilicon (Ferro silicon)
Chemical Composition
Ferrosilicon Production
Submerged arc furnace for production of Fe-Si
Production process of Fe-Si
The reactions
Refining and casting of Fe-Si
Production Process
Chapter 19
Limestone Quarrying and Processing Operations
Limestone Quarrying Operations
Process flow diagram for limestone quarrying operations
Limestone Processing Operations
Process flow diagram for limestone processing operations
Common uses for limestone
Fine/Ultrafine Ground
Coarse/Medium Ground
Limestone Aggregates
Chemical Stone
Lime (burnt lime)
Chapter 20
Conveyor Idlers and Other Mining Equipment and Accessories
Premium heavy-duty rollers
Energy saving idlers (ESI)
Troughing idlers
Impact idlers
Picking table idlers
Flat belt idlers
Self-training idlers
Live shaft idlers
V-return idlers
Mining Equipment
Mining Equipment Parts
Blasthole Drills
Bucket-Wheel Excavators
Dragline Excavators
Highwall Miners
Mining Trucks
Wheel tractor scrapers
Underground Mining Equipment
Crane lifts
Continuous miners
Jumbo drills or mining drills
Loaders and haulers
Longwall mining machines
Personnel vehicles transport miners
Refuge chambers
Roof bolters
Ventilations systems
List of other mining tools
Chapter 21
Stone Crushing Unit
Working of Stone Crushing Unit
Factors to consider when setting up a Stone Crushing Unit
License for Stone Crusher/Screening Plant and Storage License
License for operating Stone Crushing Unit
Consent Certificate from SPCB
Environmental Clearance
Non-Forest land certificate
Stone Crushing Plant Technological Process
Work Process
Choose different crusher machines for different crushing stages
Primary crushing stage (coarse crushing)
Seondary and tertiary crushing (medium and fine crushing)
Sand making and shaping stage
Sand washing stage
Mobile stone crushing plant
Types of mobile crushing plant
Features of mobile crusher plant
Chapter 22
Beneficiation of Chromite Ore Processing Charge Chrome
Steps of chromite ore beneficiation
Crushing and grinding
Gravity separation
Magnetic separation
Drying and smelting
Common Chrome Ore Beneficiation Process and Equipment
Chrome ore washing + screening process
Chrome ore gravity separation process
Chrome ore strong magnetic separation process
Chrome ore strong magnetic separation + flotation process
Chromium ore pyrochemical enrichment process
Chrome ore beneficiation process
Chapter 23
Emery Stone
Features of the Emery Stone Mill
Working Principle of Emery Stone Mill:
Chapter 24
Iron Ore Mining and Processing
Steps to process iron ore
Crushing and stock piling
Feeding the crusher (Reclaim)
Spiral gravity separation
Magnetic separation
Stages of iron ore processing
Chapter 25
Calcined Petroleum Coke(Rotary/Horizontal Kiln Based)
The production of calcined petroleum coke
Use OfCalcined Petroleum Coke
Diagram of clacined petroleum
Coke Calcining Technology
Rotary Kiln
Rotary Hearth Calciner
Shaft Calcining
Chapter 26
Calcined Petroleum Coke (Vertical Shaft Kiln Based)
Vertical Shaft Kiln Solutions
AC Vertical Shaft Kiln
Product Features
Differential Discharging Kiln
Key Features
Chapter 27
Megnesium Metal
Sources of Magnesium
Industrial Uses of Magnesium
Benefits of Magnesium for Metal Parts Manufacturing
The Two Most Common Characteristics of Magnesium
Tool Life
Alloy Choices
Thin Wall Capabilities
Galvanic Corrosion Issues
Surface Finish
Special Fasteners for Magnesium
Major benefits of Magnesium Die-Casting
Work with a Trusted Magnesium Manufacturing Sourcing Servicer
Chapter 28
Iron Ore Pelletization Plant
Introduction to Iron ore Pellets and Pelletizing processes
The typical properties of the iron ore pellets
Preparing Iron Ore for Pelletizing (Balling)
The Pelletizing Process
Raw material preparation
Formation of green balls or pellets
Pelletization processes
Straight travelling grate process
Grate kiln process
Iron Ore Pelletizing Equipment
Disc Pelletizers
Balling Drums
The process development behind iron ore pelletizing
Chapter 29
Cobalt Carbonate from Ore
Structure of Cobalt II Carbonate
Preparation of Cobalt II Carbonate
Physical Properties of Cobalt II Carbonate
Chemical Properties of Cobalt II Carbonate
Uses of Cobalt (II) carbonate
Cobalt metal extraction process flow sheet
Chapter 30
Concentrated Manganese Ore Production
Manganese Ore
Manganese Alloy
Beneficiation of manganese ore
Washing and screening for manganese ore processing
Gravity separation method in manganese ore processing
Manganese ore high-intensity magnetic separation method
Manganese ore processing Flotation method
Fire enrichment method of manganese ore processing
Chemical beneficiation method of manganese ore processing
Chapter 31
Granite Tiles Cutting and Polishing
Introduction to Granite
Granite Cutting
Grinding, Granite Resining and Polishing
Shaping and Edging
Quality Control
Packaging and Shipping
Tools for Cutting Granite Tile
Cutting Granite Tile With a Wet Saw
Polish the Granite Tile Edge
Chapter 32
Plant Economics of Benefication of Graphite Ore (Capacity: 1000 Ton/Per Month)
Uses and application
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Process Flow Chart
Plant & Machinery
Other Fixed Assets
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Working Capital/Month
Cost of Project
Total Capital Investment
Cost of Production/Annum
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 33
Plant Economics of Chrome Beneficiation Plant (Beneficiation of Chromite Ore Processing Charge Chrome)
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 34
Plant Economics of Gold Mining
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 35
Plant Economics of Granite Mine
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 36
Plant Economics of Graphite Mining and Benification Plant
Land & Building
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 37
Plant Economics of Hydrated Lime
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 38
Plant Economics of Iron Ore Mining and Manufacting of Sponge Iron
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 39
Plant Economics of Iron Ores Pelletization Plant
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 40
Plant Economics of Lime Stone Mining
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 41
Plant Economics of Lime Stone Powder (Grinding)
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 42
Plant Economics of Marble Quarrying
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Machinery Requirements
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 43
Plant Economics of Open Cast Mining of Chrome Ore
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Other Fixed Assets
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Working Capital/Month
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 44
Plant Economics of Quick Lime/Slaked Lime
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 45
Plant Economics of Stone Mining
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 46
Plant Economics of Stone Quarry
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
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Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.
Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
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