Complete Technology Handbook on Ethanol, Biofuel and Bioenergy Based Products with Detailed Manufacturing Process (Activated Carbon, Ethanol as Biofuel, Biodiesel, Biogas, Bio-Chemical, Renewable Energy, Wood Wastes, Industrial Wastes)

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Welcome to the comprehensive world of Ethanol, Biofuels, and Bioenergy-based products. This handbook is a vital resource for anyone seeking knowledge about these eco-friendly, sustainable, and innovative sources of energy. Within these pages, you will embark on a journey into the fascinating realm of renewable energy, exploring the science, technology, and economic aspects of these transformative fields.
The Eco-Friendly Revolution
In an era where environmental conservation and sustainability have become paramount, the quest for cleaner, greener energy sources is more critical than ever. Ethanol, Biofuels, and Bioenergy-based products have emerged as the embodiment of this global aspiration for a sustainable future.
Unraveling the Chapters
Throughout this handbook, you will traverse a diverse landscape, delving into the intricacies of ethanol production, the fascinating world of biofuels, and the promising realm of bioenergy-based products. From the inception of these innovations to their practical applications, this guide offers a comprehensive exploration of each subject.
Ethanol: Nature's Gift to Fuel
Chapter by chapter, you will journey through the various facets of ethanol, starting with its production. Ethanol's history and policy are illuminated, along with insights into its applications as both a fuel and a versatile raw material. You'll explore the chemistry that powers ethanol and understand its significance in various industries, from medical applications to rocket fuel and fuel cells. The extensive coverage ensures you grasp the economic and environmental implications of ethanol production.
Biofuels: Powering a Sustainable Tomorrow
Biofuels, another promising avenue of renewable energy, will captivate your curiosity as you progress through these pages. Discover how biofuels are made, the different production stages involved, and the specific types such as ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable hydrocarbon "drop-in" fuels. Dive deep into the classification of biofuels, which includes liquid and gaseous variants. Unravel their significance in the realm of green energy and understand the essential processes, including deconstruction and upgrading, that make biofuels a viable alternative to fossil fuels.
Bioenergy: Tapping Nature's Potential
Bioenergy, derived from biomass crops and waste materials, is a transformative force in the world of sustainable energy. This handbook explores its generation and applications, shedding light on energy crops, biomass energy, and the potential for various feedstocks in India. The process of pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is uncovered, addressing physical, chemical, physicochemical, and biological methods, paving the way for an extensive understanding of this eco-friendly energy source.
A World of Possibilities
The handbook's chapters also offer insights into the manufacturing of biomass-based activated carbon, biomass-based chemicals, and the unique potential of woody biomass fly ash in cement-based materials. Each section provides a comprehensive exploration of these eco-innovations and their practical applications in the energy industry.
The world of ethanol, biofuels, and bioenergy-based products is as promising as it is vast. Whether you are an academic researcher, an industry professional, or an environmentally conscious individual, the knowledge you gain from this handbook is invaluable. It equips you with the tools to appreciate, understand, and contribute to the ongoing transition to a more sustainable, eco-conscious future.
An Invitation to the Future
As you turn the pages of this handbook, consider it an invitation to a future powered by renewable and sustainable energy sources. We encourage you to explore each chapter with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge, for within these pages lies the promise of a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world.
Welcome to a world where energy meets environmental responsibility, and innovation paves the way to a greener, more prosperous tomorrow. We hope that this handbook not only enriches your understanding but also inspires you to become an active participant in the transformative journey towards a world fueled by Ethanol, Biofuels, and Bioenergy-based products. Let the knowledge you gain here be a catalyst for positive change, as we collectively work towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
Chapter 1
Various Types of Biofuel
Various Benefits of Biofuels
They are renewable sources of energy
Ensure sustainable economy
Low costs
Cleanest fuel
Production of less smoke
They help to reduce monopoly
Lower toxicity in the atmosphere
They are a source of employment for locals
Contents-cum-Index They do not produce sulfur
Promotion of agriculture
Chapter 2
Starch- and Sugar-Based Ethanol Production
Cellulosic Production
Ethanol applications as fuel and raw materials
Chemical formula
Physical properties
Solvent properties
Medicinal solvent
Engine fuel
Rocket fuel
Fuel cells
Household heating and cooking
Low-temperature liquid
Ethanol Technology
Bio-Technologies Being Used
Proprietary Technologies
Integration of third party processes
Thermal Integration of Plant
Design Target
Flexibility of process:
Chapter 3
Ethanol Production
History of Ethanol Production and Policy
Sugarcane Ethanol Production
Ethanol Production from Corn
The reaction of glucose to ethanol
How Corn is processed to Make Ethanol
Cellulose-to-Ethanol Process
Cellulosic Production Process
Technology Applications for Bioethanol
Bioethanol Production
Benefits of Bioethanol
Environmental Impacts
Ethanol and the Environment
Ethanol, the Low Carbon Solution
RFA Members Net Zero Pledge
Ethanol’s Significant GHG Emissions Reductions
Chapter 4
Ethanol Production Process from Sugarcane
Sugarcane processing
Cane reception
Cane preparation
Extraction of sugars
Cogeneration systems
Ethanol production
Juice treatment
Juice concentration
Downstream processing
Vinasse and biogas
Combined heat and power
Second-generation ethanol
Second-generation ethanol versus CHP
Ethanol dehydration
Heterogeneous azeotropic distillation with cyclohexane
Extractive distillation with Monoethyleneglycol (MEG)
Adsorption on molecular sieves
Juice treatment
Juice concentration
Boiling, crystallization and centrifuging
Chapter 5
Ethanol Production Process from Sugarcane Bagasse
Chemical pretreatment
Dilute acid pretreatment
Alkali pretreatment
Organosolv pretreatments
Physico-chemical pretreatment
Steam explosion pretreatment
Liquid hot water
Biological pretreatment
Chapter 6
Producing Ethanol from Cellulosic Material
Summary of the Invention
Detailed descriptions of the preferred embodiments
Example 1
Example 2
Chapter 7
How Biofuel is Made
Production Stages
Production of Common Biofuels
Renewable hydrocarbon “drop-in” fuels
Biofuel Conversion Processes
High-Temperature Deconstruction
Low-Temperature Deconstruction
Classification of Biofuels
Liquid biofuels
Gaseous biofuels
Chapter 8
Biofuel Production from Biomass Crops
Biomass Production
Direct Combustion for Heat
Standalone Combustion
Biomass Co-combustion
Types of Combustion
Alcoholic Fermentation
Application of Products
Anaerobic Digestion of Biogas
Biomass energy
Why Biomass energy?
Biomass Potential and Availability in India:
Renewable Bio-Feed stocks in India and their Availability for Heat and Power Generation
Potential of Various Cellulosic Feed stocks in India for Ethanol Production
Potential of Different Oilseeds and Trees of India for biodiesel production
Chapter 9
Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Biofuel
Physical methods
Mechanical extrusion
Pulse electric field (PEF)
Chemical pretreatments
Acid pretreatment
Alkali pretreatment
Ionic liquids
Physicochemical pretreatment
Ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX)
Steam explosion
Carbon dioxide explosion
Liquid hot water (LHW)
Wet oxidation
Biological pretreatment
Chapter 10
Biofuel Briquettes from Biomass
Properties of Biomass Briquettes
Binding Mechanisms of Densification
Mechanism of Compaction
Benefits & Uses of Biomass Briquettes
Application & Uses of Briquettes
Use of Briquettes in Various Industries
Markets for Biomass Briquettes
Adoption of Biomass Briquettes in the Developed Countries
The Rising Need for Biofuel Alternatives
During the Forecast Period, Europe is Likely to Lead the Global Biomass Briquette Market
Market Segmentation
Pre-processing of Biomass Residues
Mechanical processing
Energy densification
Steam explosion
Alkaline hydrolysis
Liquid hot water (LHW)
Low Temperature Steep
Co-solvent Enhanced Lignocellulosic Fractionation CELF
Organosolv process
Bio-briquette Manufacturing Process
Manufacturing Process of Bagasse or Biomass Briquettes
Major Equipment used in Biomass/Bagasse briquettes
Why bagasse/Biomass Briquettes are preferred
Application of Biomass briquettes
Approximate Calorific values Biomass Briquettes of different types of raw materials
Benefits of Biomass Briquettes:
Quality & Clean Fuel:
Biomass Briquette Plant
Slow Burning
High Efficiency
Equipment Required to Build A Biomass Briquetting Plant
Small Briquettes Production Line at Low Setup Cost
Biomass Materials Biomass Briquetting Machinery Can Process
Significance & Benefits to Setup Biomass Briquetting Plants
The Cost of Setting up a Biomass Briquetting Plant
Performance Characteristics of Screw Briquetting Machine
Screw briquette machine
Homogeneity of briquettes homogeneous
Chapter 11
Biomass Renewable Energy
Renewable energy from plants and animals
Biomass sources for energy include
Biomass Feedstocks
Energy Crops
Agricultural Wastes
Animal Wastes
Human Waste
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Converting biomass to energy
How much biomass is used for energy?
Biomass properties
Moisture content
Calorific value
Proportions of fixed carbon and volatile matter
Ash/residue content
Alkali metal content
Cellulose/lignin ratio
Bulk density
Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks
Feedstocks for bioethanol production
Lignocelluloses-to-bioethanol processes
Pretreatment of lignocelluloses for enzymatic hydrolysis
Physical pretreatment
Chemical pretreatment
Dilute acid pretreatment
Alkaline pretreatment
Ozonolysis pretreatment
Physico-chemical pretreatment
Ammonia fiber explosion (AFEX)
Biological pretreatment
Biomass Pyramid
Examples of Biomass Pyramid
Biomass Pyramid of a Grassland Ecosystem
Biomass Pyramid of a Tree Ecosystem
Biomass Pyramid of a Marine Ecosystem
Compaction Characteristics of Biomass and Their Significance
Effect of Particle Size
Effect of Moisture
Effect of Temperature of Biomass
Effect of Temperature of the Die
Effect of External Additives
Unit Operations
Anaerobic Digestion
Chapter 12
Biomass-based Activated Carbon
Biomass pyrolysis and char activation
Biomass properties
Lab-scale pyrolysis
Lab-scale activation
Surface measurement – BET method
Activation results
Pore size distribution
Generation of granular activated carbon
Rotary kiln reactor for char activation
Composition of biological activated carbon process
Composition and application
Basic principles of biological activated carbon technology
Application fields and the typical process flow of biological activated carbon technology
Basic operational parameters of BAC process
O3-BAC process and the evaluation of ozonation
Mechanism and characteristics of O3-BAC process
Effect of ozonation on molecule weight distribution and the molecule structure of organic matters
Effect of ozonation on molecule weight distribution of organic matters
Effect of ozonation on the structure of organic matters
Improvement of biochemical properties of organics by ozonation
Improvement of ozonation on biodegradability of organic matters
Chapter 13
Biomass Based Chemicals
Biorefinery platforms for chemicals production
Pyrolysis Oil Platform
CO2 Platform
Syngas Platform
Bio Oil Platform
Production of Methanol from Biomass
Molecular Formula
Relevant fuel regulations
Main feedstocks
Scale of Production
Production Process
Biochemical pathways
State of the art
Applications of Methanol
Uses of Methanol in Fuel
Wastewater Treatment
Sugarcane versus Other Feedstock for the Ethanol Production
Physical and Chemical Compositions of Sugarcane
Ethanol Production from Sugarcane Biomass
Pretreatment of Sugarcane Biomass
Raw Materials and Their Pretreatment for Bioethanol Production
Raw materials that contain sugar
Raw materials that contain starch
Raw materials that contain lignocellulose
Physical pretreatment of raw materials that contain lignocellulose
Chemical pretreatment of raw materials that contain lignocellulose
Physicochemical pretreatment of raw materials that contain lignocellulose
Biological pretreatment of raw materials that contain lignocellulose
Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials That Contain Sugar
Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain Starch
Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain Lignocellulose
Distillation and dehydration
Chapter 14
Biomass Gasification
Biomass feedstocks includes
Types of Gasification
Entrained Flow Gasification
Fluidized Bed Gasification
Moving Bed Gasification
Updraft Gasifiers
Downdraft Gasifiers
Crossdraft Gasifiers
Advantages and Disadvantage of Biomass Gasification
Processes of Gasification
Combustion and Drying:
Chapter 15
Biochemical from Biomass
Biochemical Conversion
Thermochemical Conversion
Biofuel Production
Ethanol Fermentation
Sugar and starch fermentation to ethanol
Sulfuric Acid Process
Uses of Sulphuric Acid
In Domestic Environments
As a Catalyst:
Acetone–butanol–ethanol fermentation
Chemical Structure of Acetone and n Butanol
Fermentation Process of Acetone-Butanol
Hydrogen Fermentation
Chapter 16
Reuse of Woody Biomass Fly Ash in Cement-Based Materials
Materials and Methods
B loss on ignition
Preparation of Hardened Cement Paste Specimens for Monolith Leaching Test
Monolith Leaching Test
Chemical Characterization of WBFA
Leaching Behavior of Blended Cement Pastes
Utilization of Wood Biomass Ash in Concrete Industry
Technical feasibility and valorization of WBA use as supplementary cementitious material
Ecological feasibility of using WBA as supplementary cementitious material
Market readiness of the WBA use as Supplementary cementitious material
Chapter 17
BIS Specifications
Chapter 18
Plant Economics of Activated Carbon (From Coconut Shell)
Manufacturing Process
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 19
Plant Economics of Bio-coal
Manufacturing Process
Process Flow Diagram of Biocoal
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 20
Plant Economics of Bio-diesel Manufacturing Plant
Biodiesel Production and Problems
Manufacturing Process of Bio Diesel
Process in Details
Plant Economics
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 21
Plant Economics of Biogas Production & Bottling Plant
The process of CBG production in the country
Water Scrubbing Technology
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Technology
Internal structure of gobar gas plant
Landfill gas
Process of bio gas production
Bio gas bottling process
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 22
Plant Economics of Biomass Briquettes from Bamboo/Wood Chips
Manufacturing Process
Moisture control prior to biomass processing
Typical Designs of bamboo/wood Chippers
Piston briquetting
Extrusion matrix
Briquettes packing with thermo sealing
Pallet wrapping machine
Process Flow
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 23
Plant Economics of Grain Based Ethanol
Manufacturing Process
Distillers Dry Grain & Soluble (Ddgs)
Sequences – Ethanol Production
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 24
Plant Economics of Municipal Solid Waste Management
Benefits of Bio-Gas Technology from MSW
Output from MSW
Non biodegradable or dry fractions
Bio-degradable Fractions
Biodegradable or wet waste
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 25
Plant Economics of Pyrolysis Oil from Plastic Waste
Pyrolysis Process Description
Feed Preparation
Biomass Heating
Char Separation
Liquids Collection
Pyrolysis Products
Pyrolysis Bio-Oil
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
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