Complete Technology Handbook on Ready Mixed Concrete and Construction Chemicals with Detailed Manufacturing Process and Formulations with Project Profiles

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Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of concrete technology and construction chemicals?
In this book "Complete Technology Handbook on Ready Mixed Concrete and Construction Chemicals with Detailed Manufacturing Process and Formulations with Project Profiles," you will discover a wealth of knowledge that will revolutionize your understanding of the construction industry.
Chapter by chapter, you will explore the intricacies of ready-mix concrete, from its international context to its advantages and disadvantages. Delve into the fascinating realm of concrete materials technology, where you will uncover the secrets behind various concrete types, their properties, and the manufacturing process that brings them to life.
But that's just the beginning! You'll also dive deep into the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, gaining insights into strength, durability, and more. Discover the world of aggregates, the backbone of concrete, and learn about the tests that ensure their quality.
Specifications and compliance procedures are laid out meticulously, providing a roadmap for ensuring the highest standards in your construction projects. Mix design and quality control are unveiled, guiding you towards the perfect concrete mixture for any application.
Strength, elasticity, creep, and shrinkage—all these essential factors are explored in detail, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of concrete behavior over time.
The journey continues with an exploration of durability, with a focus on the many factors that can affect a concrete structure's lifespan. From chloride attack to carbonation, you'll become an expert on safeguarding your concrete creations.
The book then transitions into the world of construction chemicals, revealing their role in enhancing and protecting concrete structures. From waterproofing to epoxy coatings, you'll learn about the various types and their applications.
Transportation and placing methods are also discussed, providing you with insights into the practical aspects of working with concrete on-site. And to round out your knowledge, you'll delve into the economics of ready-mixed concrete, understanding market dynamics and the technology behind it.
In the final chapters, you'll discover the formulation and manufacturing processes of essential construction materials, from cement admixtures to sealants, coatings, and more.
Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to expand your expertise or someone new to the world of construction, this handbook is your ultimate guide. With its detailed content and practical insights, it's a valuable resource for anyone involved in the construction industry.
So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey of discovery? Turn the page, and let the adventure begin!
Chapter 1
Process of Ready-mix concrete
International Scenario
Status in India
Advantages of ready-mix concrete
Disadvantages of ready-mix concrete
Plasticizing Chemical Admixtures for RMC
Mechanism of Plasticizing Chemical Admixtures
Chemical Structure and Mechanism of Poly carboxylate Based Dispersing Admixtures
Ideal for Many Jobs
Chapter 2
Concrete Materials Technology
Raw Materials
The Manufacturing Process
Preparing Portland cement
Transport to work site
Advantages of Concrete
Disadvantages of Concrete
Limitations of Concrete
Types of Concrete Mixs
Normal Strength Concrete
Plain Concrete
Reinforced Concrete
Prestressed Concrete
Precast Concrete
Lightweight Concrete
High-Density Concrete
Air Entrained Concrete
Ready Mix Concrete
Polymer Concrete
High-Strength Concrete
High-Performance Concrete
Self-Consolidated (compacted) Concrete
Shotcrete Concrete
Pervious Concrete
Vacuum Concrete
Pumped Concrete
Asphalt Concrete
Roller Compacted Concrete
Rapid Strength Concrete
Glass Concrete
Designation of Concrete
Based on Size
Based on Density:
Based on Mineralogical Composition:
Properties of Aggregates
Mechanical Properties
Physical Properties
Bulking of Sand
Cement - Manufacturing of Cement, Compound Composition of Portland Cement, Structure and Reactivity of Compounds
Manufacture of Portland Cement
Compound Composition of Portland cement
Bogue’s Compounds
Calcium Silicates
Calcium aluminate and ferroaluminate
Magnesium Oxide and Calcium Oxide
Alkali and Sulphate Compounds
Chemical Reactions when mixed with Water
Hydration of Silicates
Introduction to Special Types of Cement
Rapid Hardening Cement
Quick Setting Cement (QSC)
Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
Coloured Cement
White Cement
Sulphate Resisting Cement
Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement
Low Heat Cement
Alumina Cement
Use of Water in Concrete
Requirements of Mixing Water
Test of Water
Chemical Admixtures/Chemical Plasticizers
Plasticizers (Water-reducing Admixtures)
Mechanism of Action
Super Plasticizers
Increased Fluidity:
Reduced W/C ratio:
Set Retarders
Mineral Admixtures
Fly Ash
Silica Fume
By-product of semiconductor industry
Rice Husk Ash
Chapter 3
Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete
Properties of Fresh Concrete
Hardened Concrete
Compressive Strength of concrete
Tensile strength of Concrete
Flexural Strength
Dimensional Changes
Permeability of Concrete
Chapter 4
Aggregates and Testing of Aggregates
Properties of aggregates
Types of Tests on Aggregates
Aggregate Crushing Test
Aggregate Impact Test
Aggregate Abrasion Test
Flakiness Index Test
Elongation Index Test
Angularity Test
Soundness Test
Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Test
Stripping Value Test
Chapter 5
Specifications and Compliance Procedures
Materials Specifications
State Specifications
Recommended Specifications for Cement and Concrete Containing Recovered Materials
Contract Specifications
Performance Standards
Mix Design
Quality Control
Specifications for Cement and Concrete Containing Cenospheres and Silica Fume
Referenced Documents
ASTM Standards
Other Documents
Chapter 6
Fresh Concrete Technology
Definition of Workability
Factors Affecting Workability
Water Content of the Mix
Aggregate Properties
Time and Temperature
Loss of Workability
Cement Characteristics
Measurement of Workability
Subjective Assessment
Slump Test
Compacting Factor Test
Flow Table Test
Remolding Tests
Vebe Test
Penetration Test
Causes of Segregation of Concrete
Prevention of Concrete Segregation
Bleeding of Concrete
Mixing Time
Compaction of Concrete
Curing of Concrete
Significance of Curing of Concrete
Methods to Cure Concrete
Chapter 7
Strength of Concrete
Compressive Strength Formula
The Importance of Strength
Strength Level Required
Kinds of strength
Compressive Strength
Flexural Strength
Tensile Strength
Shear, Torsion and Combined Stresses
Relationship of Test Strength to the Structure
Measurement of Strength
Testing of Hardened Concrete
Procedure: Compressive Strength Test of Concrete Cubes
Sampling of Cubes for Test
Curing of Cubes
Precautions for Tests
Procedure for Concrete Cube Test
Calculations of Compressive Strength
Reports of Cube Test
Results of Concrete Cube Test
Compressive Strength of Concrete at Various Ages
Compressive Strength of Different Grades of Concrete at 7 and 28 Days
Some Facts on Concrete Strength Test
What is compressive strength of commonly used concrete?
What is compressive strength after 7 days and 14 days?
Which test is most suitable for concrete strength?
What is the size of concrete cubes used for testing?
Which machine is used for concrete strength test?
What is the rate of loading on compression testing machine?
Which ACI Code is use for Concrete Strength Test?
Chapter 8
Technology of Elasticity, Creep and Shrinkage
Shrinkage in Concrete
Factors Influencing Shrinkage of Concrete
Influence of Concrete Ingre-dients on Shrinkage
Effects of Shrinkage in Concrete
Prevention or Reduction of Shrinkage in Concrete
Creep in Concrete
Factors Influencing Creep
Effects of Creep on Concrete
Crack-Width in Concrete
Crack-Width Calculations
Estimation of Deflection of Concrete Members
Chapter 9
Durability of Concrete
Factors Affecting Durability of Concrete
Cement Content
Aggregate Quality
Water Quality
Concrete Compaction
Curing Period
Temperature Effects
Durability Tests on Concrete?
Chloride Attack
Sulphate Attack
Alkali-Silica Reaction
Water Permeability
Fineness Test Apparatus
Vicat Apparatus
Initial and Final Setting Time of Cement Test
Soundness Test Apparatus (Le-Chatelier)
Chapter 10
Mix Design and Quality Control
Consideration of Design
Design Criteria
Considerations other Than Strength
Chemical attack
Factors affecting bleeding
Heat generation
Quality Control of Concrete
Quality Control of Concrete Definition
What is Quality Control of Concrete?
Quality Control of Concrete Before Concreting
Quality Test of Concrete Materials
Aggregates (Fine and Coarse)
Quality Control of Concrete During Concreting
Quality Control of Concrete After Concreting (or After Construction of An Element)
Purpose of Quality Control of Concrete
Factors Affecting Quality Control of Concrete
Advantages of Quality Control of Concrete
Chapter 11
Testing of Hardened Concrete
Compression Test
Compacting by Hand
Compacting by Vibration
Making and Curing test specimen in the field
Comparison between Cube and Cylinder Strength
Flexural Strength of Concrete
Determination of Tensile Strength
Indirect Tension Test Methods
Cylinder Splitting Tension Test
Ring Tension Test
Double Punch Test
Test Core
Strength of Cores
Non-Destructive Testing Methods
Surface hardness tests
Rebound test
Penetration and Pull out techniques
Dynamic or vibration tests
Combined methods
Radioactive and nuclear methods:
Magnetic and electrical methods:
Acoustic emission techniques
Surfaces Hardness Methods
Schmidt’s Rebound Hammer
Chapter 12
Concrete Mix Design
Concrete Mix Design IS Code
Target Mean Strength
Water-Cement Ratio
Water Content Determination
Cement Content Determination:
Determining the amount of Course and fine aggregates:
Determination of Total volume of all the materials
Taking out the ratio
Preparation of trial mixes
Types of concrete mix
Normal Performance Concrete
High-Performance Concrete
Factors affecting concrete mix design
Chapter 13
Special Concrete and Concreting Methods
Types of Special Concrete
Ferrocement Concrete
Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Steel fibre reinforced concrete
Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Polymer Impregnated Concrete
Polymer Cement Concrete
Polymer Concrete
Superplastized concrete
Ultra-High Strength Concrete
Sulphur Impregnated Concrete
Self Compacting Concrete
Advantages of Special Concrete
Chapter 14
Transportation and Placing Methods
Methods of Transporting Concrete
Mortar Pan
Crane, Bucket, and Ropeway
Wheel Barrow or Hand Cart
Belt Conveyor
Truck Mixer and Dumper
Skip and Hoist
Transit Mixer
Pump and Pipe-Line Method
Chapter 15
The Economics of Ready Mixed Concrete
Ready-Mix Concrete Market Analysis by Application
Global Ready-Mix Concrete Market Regional Insights
Ready-Mix Concrete Market Research
Global Ready-Mix Concrete Market Dynamics
Ready-Mix Concrete Market Driver
Ready-Mix Concrete Market Restraint
Ready Mixed Concrete Entire System
Tilt Mixer
Twin shaft mixer
Pan concrete mixer
Chapter 16
Construction Chemicals: An Introduction
What is waterproofing?
What are Construction Chemicals?
Construction chemicals
Fly Ash
Chemical Admixtures
Waterproofing Admixtures
Why do we need waterproofing Chemicals?
Types of waterproofing
Bitumen waterproofing
Areas of Application
Polyurethane Liquid Membrane
Cementitious Water-proofing
Plasticizers (Water Reducers)
Air Entraining Agents
Waterproofing Admixtures
Shotcrete Admixtures
Waterproofing in Construction
What is meant by waterproofing?
Types of Construction Chemicals
Advantage & Disadvantage of Construction Chemicals
Advantage of Construction Chemicals
Some of the disadvantage of Construction Chemicals
Safety Measures & Regulations
Steps Involved in Waterproofing:
Chapter 17
Cement Water Proofing Powder (Dry Powders)
Types of Concrete Waterproofing
Cementitious Waterproofing
Liquid Waterproofing Membrane
Bituminous Coating
Bituminous Membrane
Crystalline Admixtures
Standard Compliances/Specification
Typical Application
Water seepage
Method of Application
Embodiment 1
Embodiment 2
Embodiment 3
Embodiment 4
Hand Mixing
Machine Mixing
Precautions & Limitations
Manufacturing process of cement water proofing compound
Formulation of Cement Water Proofing Compound
Chapter 18
Epoxy Coating
Epoxy Coating Uses
Epoxy Coating Compounds and Paints
Flooring Applications for Epoxy Coatings
Process of Manufacture of Sealant (Epoxy Based)
Formulation of Sealant (Epoxy Based)
Process Flow Diagram For Sealant (Epoxy Based)
Chapter 19
Leak Sealing Compound
Types of sealants
Common areas of use
Aerospace sealants
Comparison with adhesives
Process Flow Diagram for Leak Sealing Compound
Leak Sealing Compound
Chapter 20
Tile Adhesive
Polymer Modified Cementatious Tiles Adhesive Production
Starting formulations for tile adhesives & grouts
Dispersion Bound Adhesive
Cement Based Tile Adhesive [Class C1E (EN 12004 [5])] with long adjustability time
Cement Based Tile Adhesive (economical)
Cement Based Tile Adhesive [Class C1TES1 (EN 12004 [5], EN 12002 [6])] with high yield
Cement Based Tile Adhesive [Class C2TE (EN 12004 [5])]
Cement Based Tile Grout with Fast Setting Properties
Cement Based Tile Adhesive with Levelling Properties for Floors
Formulation of Tile Adhesive
Process of manufacture of tile adhesive
Process flow diagram
Adhesive Manufacturing Plant
Full Automatic Tile Adhesive Manufacturing Plant
Main Parts of The Automatic Tile Adhesive Manufacturing Machine
Raw material storage silo
Batching and weighing system
Dry mortar mixer
Packing machine
Dust collector
Conveying and lifting structure
Chapter 21
Epoxy Resin-based Corrosive Protective Coating
Various Types of Concrete Protective Coatings
The Symbiosis
Failure Mechanism
Deterioration Mechanism
Rate of Carbonation
Chloride attack
Sulphate Attack
Protective Coatings
Components of Coatings
Coating Types
Generic Coatings
Epoxy, Amine
Epoxy, Polyamide
Epoxy, Coal Tar
Epoxy, Fusion-Bonded
Inorganic Zinc Primers
Coatings that Breathe
Functional requirements
Surface Preparation
Grease and oil
Soluble Salts
Deteriorated coatings
PART - A (PU Resin Based Component)
Single Component Flexible Water-Proofing Coating
Process of manufacture of pu resin based components & single components flexible water proofing coating
Epoxy Resin Based Corrosive Resistant & Protective Coating
Manufacturing process of epoxy resin based corrosive resistant & protective coating
Process Flow Diagram
Process Flow Diagram of epoxy resin based corrosive resistant & protective coating
Chapter 22
PU Resin Based Component
Spray polyurethane foam system
Advantages of insulation with polyurethane foam
Polyurethane adhesives
Characteristics of Polyurethanes
Advantages of polyurethane adhesives
Additives for PU Coatings
Leveling Agents
Process Flow Diagram of PU resin based component
PART - A (PU Resin Based Component)
Single Component Flexible Water-Proofing Coating
Chapter 23
Single Component Flexible Water Proofing Coating
Cementitious water proofing
Spraying Method
Trowel Method
Brush Method
Base surface pretreatment
Construction method
Waterproofing Materials
Cement-based Waterproofing Materials
Liquid Waterproofing Membrane Materials
Liquid Bituminous Mem-brane Waterproofing Materials
Membrane Waterproofing Materials
Polyurethane Liquid Membrane Waterproofing Materials
Contribution of Waterproofing Materials to Building Durability
Waterproofing Methods
Cementitious Water-proofing
Applications of Cementitious Waterproofing
Liquid Waterproofing Membrane
Bituminous Coating Waterproofing
Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing
Polyurethane Liquid Membrane Waterproofing
Chapter 24
Concrete Curing Compound
Types of Concrete Curing Compounds
Acrylic Concrete Curing Compound
Wax Concrete Curing Compound
Chlorinated Rubber Curing compound
Properties of Concrete Curing Compound
Process of Applying Concrete Curing Compound
Uses of Concrete Curing Compound
Formulation of Cement Admixture
Chapter 25
Pre-painted Galvanised Iron
Benefits of Pre-Painted Galvanised Steel Sheets
Making of Pre-Painted Galvanized Steel Sheet
Applications of pre-painted galvanized sheet
Benefits of Pre-painted Galvanized Steel
Specification of Pre-Painted Galvanised Iron (PPGI)
Chapter 26
Cement Admixture
Definition of Concrete Admixtures
Reasons for Using Admixtures
When Concrete Admixtures Used?
How to Use Concrete Admixtures?
Types of Concrete Admixtures (Additives)
Air Entraining Admixture
Accelerating Admixtures
Water Reducing Admixtures
Why Water Reducing Admixtures are used?
Effect on durability
Effect on shrinkage
Effect on creep
Detrimental effect
Applications of Water Reducing Concrete Admixtures
Retarding Concrete Admixtures
Why Retarding Concrete Admixtures are used?
Super Plasticizers or High Range Water-Reducing Admixtures in Concrete
Chemical type
Mode of action of Super Plasticizer Admixtures
Why Super Plasticizer Admixtures are used?
Advantages of Super Plasticizer Admixtures
Applications of Super Plasticizer Admixtures
Mineral Admixtures for Concrete
Classification of Mineral Admixture
Silica Fume as Concrete Admixture
Production of Silica Fume
Types of Alloys Produced in Submerged Arc Electric Furnaces
Specific Gravity and Specific Surface Area of SF
Filler and Pozzolanic effects of Silica Fume
Selection of Concrete Admixtures
Chapter 27
Hardening Agent for Cement
Maintaining mixing water in concrete during the early hardening process
Ponding and immersion
Spraying and fogging
Saturated wet coverings
Left in Place Forms
Reducing the loss of mixing water from the surface of the concrete
Covering concrete with impervious paper or plastic sheets
Applying membrane-forming curing compounds
Accelerating strength gain using heat and additional moisture
Live steam
Heating coils
Electrical heated forms or pads
Concrete blankets
Curing Concrete Test Specimens
Chapter 28
Metallic Waterproofing Compound
Metallic Floor Hardener
Non-Oxidized heavy-duty metallic floor hardener
Non-Metallic floor hardener:
Polysulphide Sealants
Chapter 29
Polyvinyl Chloride
Polyvinyl Chloride Origin
Properties of PVC
Uses & Benefits
Building and Construction
Household Products
Safety Information
Tested, Effective, Affordable
Chapter 30
Ready Mix Plaster
Technical Data
Technical Data Sheet
Quality Requirement of good plastering
Features and benefits
High Strength
Saves Time
Hassle Free
Easy Application
Minimum Wastage
Minimum Cracks
Higher Coverage
Product characteristics
Chapter 31
Mould Releasing Agent
Types of Mold Release Agents
Semi-Permanent Mold Release Agents
Sacrificial Mold Release Agents
Mold Release Agent Applications
Industrial Applications of Mold Release Agents
Boat Building Industry
Rubber Goods Industry
How Release agent works
Release Agent Uses
Benefits of Various Mold Release Applications
Mold Release Agent Manufacturing Process
Chapter 32
Protective and Decorative Coating
Types of decorative wall painting
Latex paint or plastic
Synthetic enamel paints
Paint in acrylic enamel
Paint Primers
Silicate Paint
Benefits of ornamental painting on walls
Plaster of Paris
Acoustic Plastering
Barium Plaster
Granite Silicon Plaster
Asbestos Marble Plaster
Keene’s Cement
Parian Cement
Snow-crete and colour crete cements
Plaster’s Putty
Sira Bite
Thistle Hard Wall
Chapter 33
Bisophenol A
Epoxy Resins
Bisphenol A
Chapter 34
Plant Economics of Cement Waterproofing Compound (SBR Latex Chemicals)
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 35
Plant Economics of Construction Chemicals [Cement Water Proofing Powder (Dry Powders), Epoxy Sealant, Leak Sealing Compound, Tile Adhesive, Epoxy Resin-based Corrosive Protective Coating, PU Resin Based Component, Single Component Flexible Water Proofing Coating]
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 36
Plant Economics of Dry Mix Mortar (DMM) [Dry Mix Plant - Ready Mix Plaster, Thin Bed Mortar, Tile Adhesives (Floor And Wall Tiles) & Tile Grouts]
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 37
Plant Economics of Sand-Cement Based Ready Mix Mortars
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Chapter 38
Plant Economics of Wall Putty and Construction Chemicals
Plant Economics
Land & Building
Plant & Machinery
Fixed Capital
Working Capital Requirement/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
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Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.
Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
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