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    Manufacturing Technology of Biofuels, Biomethane, Bio Hydrogen, Bioethanol, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Fuels, Solid Biofuels & Renewal Energy Recovery

    Manufacturing Technology of Biofuels, Biomethane, Bio Hydrogen, Bioethanol, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Fuels, Solid Biofuels & Renewal Energy Recovery
    Manufacturing Technology of Biofuels, Biomethane, Bio Hydrogen, Bioethanol, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Fuels, Solid Biofuels & Renewal Energy Recovery
    ₹ 1,100 INR
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      Manufacturing Technology of Biofuels, Biomethane, Bio Hydrogen, Bioethanol, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Fuels, Solid Biofuels & Renewal Energy Recovery
      The book contains the following chapters: Introduction, Methanolysis of Pongamia pinnata oil for production of biodiesel, Production of Biofuel from Tobacco Plants, Biomethane, Technology Applications for Biomethane, Biohydrogen, Isolation and Characterization of Yeast for Bioethanol Production using sugarcane molasses, Conversion of Lignin to Biofuels, Ethanol Production from Solid Citrus Waste, Biodiesel from Waste Vegetable Oil, Biodiesel from Coffee Husk Oil, Diesel Engine Test for Biodiesel from Coffee Husk Oil, Production of Fuels with Superior Low Temperature Properties from Tall Oil or Fractionated Fatty Acids, Renewable Energy Recovery from MSW and other Wastes, Biomass to Liquid Fuels, Activated Carbon using the Copyrolysis of Agricultural and Municipal Solid Wastes, Ethanol from Molasses, Production of Bio-Oil for Power Generation from Coffee Husk, Bio-Diesel from Algae, Ethanol from Rice Straw, Bio-Diesel Extraction from Jatropha, Soyabean, Sun Flower, Rice Bran, Algae and Cultivation of Jatropha, Rectified Spirit and Ethanol from Molasses, Fuel Ethanol Project ENA Specification, Fuel Oil from Jatropha, Ethanol Full Anhydrous Based on Molasses and Potato.
      Generally, the advancement of industrialization is accompanied by the increase in the production of industrial machines including diesel engines and automobiles, increasing the consumption of the diesel oil used as a fuel. Of  various  fuels  produced,  diesel  oil  is  competitive   because of  its  lower  cost,  but  is  problematic  in  that  combustion using  diesel  oil  as  fuel  causes  greater  pollution  than  other  kinds  of  fuel. Bio-fuel development in India mainly around the cultivation and processing of Jatropha Plant seeds which are very rich in oil (%). Jatropha provides immediate economic benefit at the local level since it grows well in dry marginal non-agricultural lands. In  recent  years  there  has  been  a  renewed  interest  in alternatives to petroleum-based fuels . The  alternative  fuels  must be  technically  acceptable ,  economically  competitive,  environmentally  acceptable  and  easily  available. The  need  for  these  fuels  arises  mainly  from  the  standpoint  of  preserving  global  environment  and  concern  about  long-term  supplies  of  conventional  hydrocarbon  based  fuels. Among  the  different  possible   sources,  bio- fuels  derived  from  triglycerides (vegetable  oil/ animal fats)  present a  promising  alternative. Although  triglycerides  can  fuel  diesel  engines  their  viscosities  and  poor  cold  flow  properties  have  led  to  investigation  of  various  derivatives. Fatty  acid  methyl  esters  derived  from  triglycerides  and  methanol  known as  bio-diesel,  have  received  the  most  attention. Vegetable  oils  are  widely  available  from  a  variety  of  sources. Unlike  hydrocarbon  based  fue,  the  sulfur  content  of  vegetable  oil  is  zero  and  hence  the  environmental  damage  caused  by  sulphuric  acid  is  reduced. For  this  whole  world  only  vegetable  oil  will  not  be  enough,  so  other  alternatives  should  be  worked  out. The  main  advantage  of  bio-fuel  is  its  renewability,  better  quality  exhaust  gas  emission ,  its  biodegradability  and  given  that  all  the  organic  carbon  present  in   photosynthetic  in  origin,  it  does not  contribute  to  a  rise  in  the  level  of  CO in the atmosphere  and consequently  to  the  green  house  effect. There  is no such publication available  in  the  market.  
      We   have  compiled  all  the   informations  and  published  it  in  the  form  of  a   book.    All  the  chapters  of  the  book  are  arranged  in a  systematic  manner. This  particular  book  will  be  helpful  to  our  Planning  Commisioners,  Scientists, Ph D  Scholars   and  Students  for  their  successful  up  to  date  informations.
      Detailed Contents:
      • Implementation
      • Indian Railways
      • Andhra Pradesh
      • Chhattisgarh
      • Karnataka
      • Tamil Nadu
      • Rajasthan
      • Maharashtra
      • Ahmednagar
      • Eastern India
      • Practices
      Methanolysis of Pongamia pinnata (karanja) oil for production of biodiesel
      • Biodiesel
      • Transesterification Kinetics and Mechanism
      • Materials and Experimental Procedure
      • Materials
      • Apparatus
      • Preparation of Potassium Hydroxide-methanol 
      • Solution
      • Process of Transesterification Reaction
      • Analyses
      Production of Biofuel From Tobacco Plants
      • Description
      • Feedstock Production
      • Biomethane Production
      • Digestion Process
      • Digester Types
      • Biogas purification
      • Properties and Use of Biomethane
      Technology Applications for Biomethane
      • Infrastructure Requirements for Biomethane
      • Vehicle Technologies for Biomethane
      • Biohydrogen Processing
      • Use of Biohydrogen
      Isolation and characterization of yeast for bioethanol production, using sugarcane molasses
      • Significance of the study
      • Yeast
      • Yeast and fermentation
      • Yeast fermentation conditions
      • Yeast strain selections
      • Sugar degradation pathways of yeasts
      • Bioethanol
      • Raw materials for bioethanol production
      • Ethanol from sugars
      • Bioethanol from molasses
      • Ethanol from starch
      • Ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass
      • Bioethanol production processes:
      • Benefits of bioethanol
      Conversion of Lignin To Bio-fuels
      • Enhanced  Lignin - to - Gasoline (ELTG)  Process
      • Enhanced  Lignin  to  Naphthenic  Kerosene  (ELTNK)  Process
      • Enhanced  Lignin - to - Aromatic  Ethers  (ELTE)  Process
      • Integrated  Lignin - to - Liquid  Fuels  (ILTF)  Process
      • Example   –Base-  Catalyzed  Depolymerization  (BCD)
      • Stabilization/Partial  Hydrodeoxygenation (SPHDO) of  BCD  Product
      • Hydroprocessing  (HPR)  of  BCD-SPHDO  product  for  Production  of  Aromatic  Gasoline  Products
      • Hydroprocessing  (HPR)  of  BCD-SPHDO  Product  for  Production  of  Naphthenic  Kerosene  and  
      • Naphthenic  Gasoline
      • Example –Base- Catalyzed  Depolymerization  (BCD)
      Ethanol Production From Solid Citrus Waste
      • Descriptions 
      Bio-diesel From Waste  Vegetable Oil
      • What  is  Bio-diesel?
      • Advantages  of  Bio-diesel
      • Some  other  advantages  are :
      • How  to  use  Bio-diesel  Engines?
      • Manufacturing  Process  of  Bio-diesel   
      • Dehydration  and  removal of  impurities
      • Novel Ozonation Process of Waste Cooking Oil
      • Methylester fuel production flow
      • Plant  showing   the  Production  of  diesel oil
      Bio-diesel From Coffee Husk Oil
      • Lipids
      • Organic  Acids
      • Phenolic  Acids
      • Proteins
      • Caffeine
      • Other  Nitrogen - containing  compounds
      • Enzymes
      • Coffee  bean  oil  and  wax 
      • Volatile  oil 
      • Manufacturing  Process  of  Bio-diesel   
      Diesel  Engine Test For Bio-diesel From Coffee  Husk Oil
      • Alternative  to  Kerosene 
      Production  of  Fuels  With  Superior  Low  Temperature  Properties  From  Tall  Oil  Or  Fractionated   Fatty  Acids
      • Detailed  Description
      Renewable Energy Recovery From Msw And Other 
      Biomass to Liquid Fuels
      • Feedstock Production
      • BtL Production
      Activated Carbon Using the Copyrolysis of 
      Agricultural and Municipal Solid Wastes
      • Introduction
      • Experimental
      •  Materials
      • Activated carbon preparation
      • Characterization of Activated carbon
      • Results and discussion
      • Thermal analysis of raw materials
      • Activated carbon yield
      • Ultimate and proximate composition
      • Fourier transformation infrared analysis (FTIR)
      • Methylene Blue adsorption Capacity
      Ethanol (Biofuel) From Molasses Introduction
      • Developments In Bioethanol Production 
      • Technologies 
      • Process steps
      • Concentrated Acid Hydrolysis
      • Dilute Acid Hydrolysis
      • Enzymatic Hydrolysis
      • Cellulase Enzyme Research
      • Biomass Gasification and Fermentation
      • Development of Microbes
      • Raw materials for making bioethanol
      • Meeting the Ethanol demand for blending 
      • Economics of alcohol production 
      • From sugarcane 
      • From other feedstocks 
      • Ethanol-gasoline blend 
      • Ethanol-diesel blends
      • Ethanol production from Biomass
      • Plant Economics of Ethanol (Biofuel) 
      • From Molasses
      • Fixed Capital
      • Raw Materials
      Production Of Bio-oil For Power Generation From Coffee Husk
      • Introduction 
      • What Is Bio-diesel? 
      • Manufacturing Process of Bio-diesel   
      • Manufacture and Refining of Coffee Husk Oil
      • Each process is described in detail as follows
      • (1) Pre-treatment
      • (2) Water-oil separation
      • (3) Primary treatment
      • (4) Initial Filtration
      • (5) Secondary Treatment
      • (6) Secondary Filtration
      Bio-diesel From Algae
      • Factors
      • Fuels
      • Biodiesel
      • Biobutanol
      • Biogasoline
      • Methane
      • Ethanol
      • SVO
      • Hydrocracking to traditional transport fuels
      • Jet fuel
      • Algae cultivation
      • Photobioreactors
      • Closed loop system
      • Open pond
      • Algae types
      • Specific research
      • Nutrients
      • Carbon Dioxide
      • Wastewater
      • Microalgae as a Feedstock for BiofuelProduction
      • Algae as a Bioenergy Source
      • Cultivating Algae for Liquid Fuel Production
      • The National Renewable Energy Laboratory
      • Some results listed in the Close Out Report of 
      • the ASP are
      • GreenFuel bioreactor in field test
      • Large-Scale Algae Production
      • Small-Scale Production
      • Conclusions
      • Properties of Algae
      • Size and Structure
      • Mostly photosynthetic
      • Temperature
      • Light and Mixing
      • Algal Biodiesel Characteristics & Properties
      • Characteristics of algae biodiesel that differ from 
      • petro diesel
      • Biodiesel production from algae
      • Plant Economics of Bio-diesel From Algae
      • Fixed Capital
      • Raw Materials
      Ethanol (Biofuel) From Rice Straw
      • Introduction
      • Developments In Bioethanol Production 
      • Technologies
      • Process steps
      • Technologies
      • Concentrated Acid Hydrolysis
      • Dilute Acid Hydrolysis
      • Enzymatic Hydrolysis
      • Cellulase Enzyme Research
      • Biomass Gasification and Fermentation
      • Development of Microbes
      • Raw materials for making bioethanol
      • Meeting the Ethanol demand for blending: 
      • Economics of alcohol production: 
      • From sugarcane 
      • From other feedstocks 
      • Ethanol-gasoline blend
      • Ethanol-diesel blends:
      • Ethanol production from biomass
      • Plant Economics Of Ethanol (Biofuel) From Rice Straw
      • Plant & Machinery
      Bio-diesel Extraction From Jatropha, Soyabean, Sunflower, Rice Bran, Algae & Cultivation of Jatropha
      • Process of Manufacture
      • Production
      • Steps in the process
      • Bio diesel from Rice bran oil
      • Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters from Rice Bran Oil
      • Acid Catalyzed Trans-esterification of Rice Bran Oil 
      • for Bio-diesel Production
      • Bio diesel from Waste oils and fats
      • Production methods
      • Oil Preparation
      • Reaction
      • Base catalysed Mechanism
      • Process
      • Production of Biodiesel
      • Plant Economics of Bio-diesel From Jatropha, Soyabean, Sunflower Etc.
      Rectified Spirit And Ethanol From Molasses
      • Ethyl alcohol
      • Bioethanol
      • Biomass for Bio-ethanol
      • Feedstock  Gallons ethanol/dry ton
      • Review of Technologies for Manufacture of Bioeth
      • Outline of Process To Manufacture  Rectified Spirit
      • Plant Economics of Rectified Spirit And Ethanol From Molasses
      Fuel Ethanol Project Ena (Extra Neutral Alcohol) Specification
      • Method of Alcohol Production From Grain
      • Plant Economics of Fuel Ethanol Project
      Fuel Oil From Jatropha (Jatropha Bio-diesel Oil Extraction From Jatropha Seed)
      • Introduction 
      Ethanol Full (Anhydrous) Grade-i & Ii) Based On Molasses & Potato
      • Alcohol Based Inustries In India 
      • Manufacturing Process   
      • Plant Economics of Absolute Alcohol (purified 
      • Ethyl Alcohol)From Molasses/Sugar Cane Juice
      List of Figures:
      Fig.  Cascade use of biomass
      Fig. -Schematic diagram of transesterification reactor
      Fig. -Thin layer chromatographic analysis of karanja 
      oil (triglycerides) (A) and karanja oil methyl esters (B)
      Fig. -(HPLC chromatogram of product of 
      transesterified karanja oil methyl esters) [TGs: 
      triglycerides, DGs: diglycerides, MGs: 
      monoglycerides, and methyl esters, MeLn: 
      methyl linolate, MeO: methyl oleate, MeP: 
      methyl palmitate, MeS: methyl state]
      Fig. -Ester concentration vs time 
      (Influence of KOH conc in the yield of methyl esters)
      Fig. : Waste materials (waste potatoes) (left) and 
      maize silage (right) for biogas production
      Fig. : Biogas installation with two digesters 
      (continuously flow type on the left and pug flow 
      type container on the right) in Germany
      Fig  : Yeast cell morphology
      Fig  : Stress factors that effect yeast metabolism
      Fig : Metabolism of yeast under aerobic and 
      anaerobic conditions
      Fig.    is  a  flow  diagram  of  a  three  stage  process  
      for  conversion  of  lignin  to  mostly  liquid  alkylaromatics.
      Fig.    is  a  flow  diagram  of  a  three  stage  process  
      for  conversion  of  lignin  to  liquid  monocyclic and  
      bicyclic  napthenes  especially  suitable  for  jet  or  
      rocket  fuel.
      Fig.    is  a  flow  diagram  of  a  four  stage  process  
      for  conversion of lignin to aromatic ether gasoline 
      blending  components.
      Fig.    is  a  flow  diagram  of  an  integrated  process  
      for  conversion  of  lignin  to  a  variety  of  liquid  
      transportation  fuels.
      Fig.    is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  liquid/solid  BCD  
      products  of  Example
      Fig.    is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  BCD-SPHDO  liquid  
      products  of  Example 
      Fig.    is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  BCD-SPHDO-HPR  
      liquid  products  of  Example 
      Fig.    is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  BCD-SPHDO-HPR  
      liquid  products  of  Example    showing  the  mainly  
      naphthenic  reaction  products.
      Fig.   is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  the  BCD-SPHDO  
      liquid  product  of  Example 
      Fig.    is  a  GC/MS  profile  of  BCD-SPHDO-HPR  
      liquid  aromatic  product  of  Example    .
      Fig.  shows  a  block  diagram  illustrating  the  
      ethanol  process  in  which lominene  is  removed  by  
      heating  using  a  jet  cooker  and  flash tube/tank  
      prior  to  fermentation.
      Fig.  shows  a  flow  diagram  of  a  typical  process.
      Fig.  Novel Ozonation Process of Waste Cooking Oil
      Fig.  Methylester fuel production flow
      Fig.    Demonstrates  the  sequence  of  operations  
      as  applied  to  whole  plant  oils  such  as  tall  oil  fatty  acid  
      and  rosin.
      Fig.   Demonstrates  the  sequence  of  operations  
      where  tall  oil  first  distilled  to  remove  the  
      C  fraction.
      Fig.   Demonstrates  the  sequence  of  operations 
      where  glyceride-containing  feed  is  first  split  and  then  
      distilled  to  remove  the  C  fraction  and  concentrate  
      the  unsaturated  C  fraction  molecules.
      Fig.    demonstrates  the  sequence  of  operations  
      where  caprylic  and  caproic  acids  are  purified  from 
      palm  or  coconut  oil  prior  to  esterification.
      Fig.  is a schematic illustration of a process for 
      extracting renewable energy from MSW according 
      to the method;
      Fig.  is a schematic illustration of a renewable 
      energy generating plant used in the process; and
      Fig.  is a schematic perspective view of a rotary 
      organic digester used in the process.
      Fig. : Simplified process of BtL fuel production
      Fig. : Slurry produced with the bioliq process
      Fig. a, b and c shows the TGA-DSC curves of 
      raw palm stems, cartons and polystyrene, respectively.
      Fig  : Macroalgae & Microalgae
      Fig.  A GreenFuel Technologies bioreactor in 
      operation. Photos courtesy GreenFuel Technologies.

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      Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.

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