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    Detailed Project Report on ceramic tiles factory

    Detailed Project Report on ceramic tiles factory
    Detailed Project Report on ceramic tiles factory
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           Tiles have been used as surfacing for walls and floors for thousands of years because of their beauty and durability.  They have been produced in most of the countries of the world because of the abundance of the raw materials and the simplicity of the manufacturing technology. These two factors, together with the employment, generating capacity of this labour - intensive industry have attracted the interest of developing countries.

           The term 'ceramic' is normally applied to products made of clay.  Clay is a general name for all earths that form a paste when mixed with appropriate amounts of water and that harden when heated.  Most clays are composed of silica and alumina while kaolins are their purest forms. Wall and floor tiles are  formed by pressing higher grades of clay after blending them with flint, feldspar and talc.
           Ceramic tiles are classified under two headings.

           (i)  Unglazed ceramic sets, flag and paving, hearth wall tiles.

           (ii) Glazed ceramic  sets, flay and  paving,  hearth  wall tiles.

      ->   Unglazed stets, flag and paving, hearth and wall tiles :-

           This heading covers ceramic stets, flags and tiles commonly for paving or for facing walls hearth etc., provided that they unglazed.

           Flags and paving, hearth and wall tiles are thinner in relation to their surface dimensions than are building bricks.

      Whereas  bricks  play  an essential part  in  construction  work, forming  the very framework of the building, flags and tiles  are more especially intended for setting in cement on the surface  of existing  wall, etc. They also differ from roofing tiles in  that they  are usually flat and do not need to be pierced or  provided with the nibs or otherwise shaped for interlocking and that  they are designed to be placed side by side without overlapping. Flags are larger than tiles and are usually rectangular; tiles may be of other geometric shapes (hexagonal, Octagonal, etc.). Tiles are mainly used for facing walls, mantelpieces, hearth, floors and paths,  flags are more especially used for paving or flooring  or as hearth slabs.

           In  general  unglazed tile may be defined as a  hard,  dense tile  of  uniform  composition throughout,  deriving  colour  and texture from the materials of which the body is made.

      =>   Glazed stets, flags and paving, hearth and wall tiles :-

           This heading covers tiles, flags and stets that have been glazed, frequently after some form of decoration. For the purpose of  this heading, the term "glazing" includes salt glazing  (i.e. spraying  the  goods  with salt during the firing  to  produce  a vitreous  glaze), as well as methods using the  enamels,  glazes, etc.

           Glazed  tiles  may  be  defined  as  a  tile  with  a  fused impervious facial finish composed of ceramic materials, fused  to the  body of the tile which may be  non-vitreous,  semi-vitreous, vitreous or impervious.

           Ceramics industry in India is about 100 year old and has by now formed a sizable industrial base. In fact the industry has been growing at the rate of 10 to 15/- per annum.

           Ceramic arts and crafts are age-old professions in India. With   the  impact  of  modern  science  and  technology,   these traditional   arts  have  grown  into  an  important   industrial occupation for a large number of our people.

           Over  the  years, the ceramic and allied industries  of  our country  have  witnessed great changes, both in the  quality  and quantity  of  products manufactured, and today  these  industries play a vital role in the country's industrial and socio-economic-progress.


      Plant  Capacity                                                                :    1500.00 BOXES/day
      land & Building (4000 sq.mtrs)                                    :    Rs. 2.07  Cr
      Plant & Machinery                                                           :    Rs. 3.00  Cr
      Working Capital for 2 Months                                       :    Rs. 1.85  Cr
      Total Capital Investment                                                :    Rs. 7.07  Cr
      Rate of Return                                                                 :    25%
      Break Even Point                                                            :    62%

      USES AND APPLICATIONS                                    
      B.I.S. SPECIFICATION                                        
      TEST FOR WARPAGE                                        
      MARKET SURVEY                                            
      BEST TILE MANUFACTURERS AND RETAILERS                        
      TOP 10 TILES COMPANIES IN INDIA 2015-16                        
      LIST OF TOP 10 TILES COMPANIES IN INDIA                        
      RAW MATERIALS                                            
      RAW MATERIAL POSITION                                    
      QUARTZ :                                                
      FORMULATION FOR PREPARATION OF GLAZES                        
      COMPOSITION OF ONE TILE (FOR GLAZED TILE)                    
      MANUFACTURING PROCESS                                    
      RAW MIX PREPARATION                                    
      DRYING OF RAW MIX                                        
      PRESSING AND DRYING                                    
      PROCESS FLOW SHEET                                    
      PLANT LAYOUT                                            
      PRINCIPLES OF PLANT LAYOUT                                
      PLANT LOCATION FACTORS                                    
      EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED                                
      IN THE PROJECT REPORT                                    
      PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES                        
      SUPPLIERS OF PLANT & MACHINERY                            
      ROLLER KILN                                            
      JAW CRUSHER                                            
      TUNNEL DRYER                                            
      SUPPLIERS OF RAW MATERIALS                                
      CHINA CLAY                                            
      PRINTING INK                                            
      APPENDIX – A:

       1.      COST OF PLANT ECONOMICS      
       2.      LAND & BUILDING                                      
       3.      PLANT AND MACHINERY                                  
       4.      FIXED CAPITAL INVESTMENT                             
       5.      RAW MATERIAL                                         
       6.      SALARY AND WAGES                                     
       7.      UTILITIES AND OVERHEADS                              
       8.      TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL                                
       9.      COST OF PRODUCTION                                   
      10.      PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS                               
      11.      BREAK EVEN POINT                                     
      12.      RESOURCES OF FINANCE                           
      13.      INTEREST CHART                                       
      14.      DEPRECIATION CHART                                   
      15.      CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                   
      16.      PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET      


      How to Make Project Report?

      Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.

      Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.

      We can prepare detailed project report on any industry as per your requirement. 

      We can also modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement. If you are planning to start a business, contact us today.

      Detailed Project Report (DPR) gives you access to decisive data such as:

      • Market growth drivers
      • Factors limiting market growth
      • Current market trends
      • Market structure
      • Key highlights

      Overview of key market forces propelling and restraining market growth:

      • Up-to-date analyses of market trends and technological improvements
      • Pin-point analyses of market competition dynamics to offer you a competitive edge major competitors
      • An array of graphics, BEP analysis of major industry segments
      • Detailed analyses of industry trends
      • A well-defined technological growth with an impact-analysis
      • A clear understanding of the competitive landscape and key product segments

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      Note: We can also prepare project report on any subject based on your requirement and country. If you need, we can modify the project capacity and project cost based on your requirement.

      Our reports provide an expansive market analysis of the sector by covering areas like growth drivers, trends prevailing in the industry as well as comprehensive SWOT analysis of the sector.

      Our Approach

      • Our research reports comprehensively cover Indian markets (can be modified as per your country), present investigation, standpoint and gauge for a time of five years*.
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      Why buy EIRI reports?

      1. Our project reports include detailed analysis that help to get industry Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand.
      2. Offer real analysis driving variables for the business and most recent business sector patterns in the business
      3. This report comprehends the present status of the business by clarifying a complete SWOT examination and investigation of the interest supply circumstance
      4. Report gives investigation and top to bottom money related correlation of real players/competitors
      5. The report gives gauges of key parameters which foresees the business execution