complete book on cashew cultivation, cashew organic farming, processing of cashew apple, extraction of cashewnut shell liquid (cnsl) of cashewnut processing technology
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The Book Complete Book on Cashew Cultivation, Cashew Organic Farming, Processing of Cashew Apple, Extraction of Cashewnut Shell liquid (CNSL) of Cashewnut Processing Technology covers following chapters:
Cashew Cultivation, Growth and Production of Cashew Nut, Varieties of Cashews, Biodiversity, Varietal Wealth and Molecular Applications In Cashew, Soil and Water Conservation In Cashew, Propagation and Nursery Management in Cashew, Establishment And Management of Cashew Orchards, Organic Farming in Cashew, Cashew Production Technologies, Processing and Product Diversification in Cashew Apple, Cashew Nut Processing, Uses of Cashew, Various Methods of Cashew Processing, Cashew Processing Operations, Products Containing Cashew Apple And Cashew Nut (with recipies), Extraction of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid, Commercial Uses / Applications of CNSL, Extraction of CNSL by Screw Press, Determination of Physical Properties of Cashew Nut, Pharmacological properties of cashew (Anacardium occidentale), Processing of Cashew Nut (Anacardium Occidentale L.) And Cashew Nut Shell Liquid With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide And Water, Antimicrobial potency of essential oil from cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) clones, Surprising Benefits of Cashews, Project Profile of Cashew Nut Processing Plant, Project Profile of Cardanol From C.N.S.L. Oil, Project Profile Of Raw Cashew Nut Kernel Processing.
Cashewnut, an important crop, has upgraded from forest enclave to commercial production through technological improvement with respect to propagation, hybridization, production, storage and transportation. With the increase demand, there is an enhanced interest for the commercialization of this crop. Cashew is commercially grown in the tropics and extensively spread in the sea-belts, adopting to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, with a temperature range between 25 to 30°C. Once established, the plants become drought resistant and also depends upon uniform rainfall distribution for about five months and then demanding light over its entire foliage during flush and fruiting season to give a more satisfactory yield.
Cashew, being a highly cross-pollinated crop, produces heterogenous plants when sexually propagated by seeds; resulted in non-uniform in growth, low yielding ability with poor nut character and hence vegetative propagation from the elite mother plant to produce a true plant which starts bearing early with good quality produce.
Cashew provides good quality protein, unsaturated free fatty acids, rich blend of minerals and also many water soluble vitamins and is considered to be an excellent dietary supplement. India is a major producer, exporter and processor of cashew but capacity utilization and processing quality is far from satisfactory and import of raw cashewnut continues.There has been substantial improvement in the development of cultivars, propagation and production technologies. With the advent of propagation technologies, new cultivars, appropriate financial allocation, it has been possible to ensure availability of good quality planting material and adoption of high-yielding cultivars and latest technology.
The book on Cashew presents a complied information on the cashew and its products, covering all aspects including its distribution throughout the world, hybridization, propagation, economics and uses. Different by-products are included in a separate chapter. This manuscript may be useful for students, scholars, biologists and forester for upgrading their knowledge. We are thankful to many authors who has published useful informations from time to time regarding the development of Cashew Family, which were consulted during the preparation of this manuscript. Last but not the least, we extend our thanks to all those, who have, directly or indirectly, contributed in bringing out this publication. Our special thanks to Sri Ankur Gupta,Technical Head of Publication Division of EIRI who edited and gave permission to publish this manuscript. Also we would like to thank Dr. J.Gunasekar, Agro-processing programme manager, ITDG, South Asia, Colombo-, Sri Lanka for his valuable guidance and suggestion during the preparation of this manuscript.
Cashew Cultivation
Habitat and Growth
Cashew nut and shell
Other constituents
Cashew oil
Cashew shell oil
Cashew apple
Traditional medicine
Animal feed
Growth and Production of Cashew Nut
Origin and Distribution
Varieties of Cashews
Selection of Varieties
Production of Quality planting material
Management of plant canopy architecture
Rejuvenation of senile cashew orchards
High density planting
Soil and water conservation techniques
Nutrient management
Water management
Cashew based cropping systems
Pest management
Harvesting of nuts and apples
Researchable issues
Genetic Resource Management:
Crop Improvement
Crop Management
Crop Protection
Post - Harvest Technology
Transfer of Technology and HRD
Policy Issues
Challenges Genetic Resources
Post-Harvest Technology
Biodiversity, Varietal Wealth and Molecular Applications In Cashew
Diversity in Cashew
Cashew Germplasm
Recapitulated objectives for crop improvement in
Crop improvement in India
Crop improvement results at Goa Centre.
Promising New Selections:
East and West African countries
East and West African countries
Tanzania cashew breeding programme
Constraints in cashew in Vietnam
Soil and Water Conservation In Cashew
In-situ soil and water conservation
Types of Trenches
Green Manuring
Propagation and Nursery Management in Cashew
Scions for Grafting
Root Stock Seedlings for Grafting
Softwood Grafting Technique
Season of Grafting
Management of Grafts in the Nusery
Cost of Graft Production
Graft Production Under Low
Cost Polyhouses
Generation Of Cashew Planting Material
Establishment And Management of Cashew Orchards
A) Selection of site and soil management
Soil management
(i) Filling of natural gullies
(ii) Contour bunding
(iii) Terracing
(iv) Growing cover crop
B) Recommended Agro techniques
Land preparation and sowing of cover crop seeds
After care
Terracing and opening catch pit
Irrigation and drainage
Organic Farming in Cashew
Varieties recommended for organic farming
Mid season flowering varieties.
Late season flowering varieties.
Planting pit and spacing
Results of the organic manuring trials
Preparation of Vermi compost
Nutrient management in organic farming
Green manuring
Inter and mixed cropping
Weed management
Management of Tea Mosquito Bug (TMB)
Management of Cashew Stem and Root Borer
Cashew Production Technologies
Transfer of technology methods adopted by DCR,
Participatory Technology Demonstration Plots
Thematic campaigns
Lessons Learnt
Cashew Field Days / Cashew Days
Efforts in Capacity Building
Production and supply of planting material
Extension Efforts
Future thrust for transfer of technology
Production and productivity profile of cashew farmers
Processing and Product Diversification in Cashew Apple
Post Harvest Problems
Uses of Cashew Apple
i) Direct Consumption
ii) Primary processing and preservation
Ripe cashew apples
i) Juice
ii) Pulp
Cashew apple jam
Cashew apple halwa and candy
Cashew apple pickle
Cashew apple powder
Cashew apple waste utilization
Primary requirements to start cashew apple
processing unit
Cashew Nut Processing
Cashew Production
Advantages of sowing
Disadvantages of sowing
Ground layering
Young plant mixture
Uses of Cashew
Uses of cashew nut
Uses of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL)
Uses of cashew apple
Using cashew apples in recipes
Cashew wine
Dried cashew fruits
Various Methods of Cashew Processing
Cashew processing in Guinea Bissau
Cashew processing in Asia
Traditional processing in India
Open pan roasting
Traditional processing in Sri Lanka
Pre-heating and peeling
Traditional manual shelling
Quality control in shelling
Manual peeling
Cashew Processing Operations
General processing
Cleaning, sizing and conditioning
Soaking or conditioning
Large-scale cleaning and conditioning
Roasting and centrifuging
Drum roasting
The hot oil method
Simple hot oil process
Mechanical shelling
Development of a cashew nut sheller in India
Ants grain weevils meal moths
Hygiene and safety
Food hygiene and the law
Food poisoning and its causes
Personal hygiene
Cleanliness of equipment and the working area
Other sources of contamination
Packaging and preservation
Products Containing Cashew Apple And Cashew Nut (with recipies)
Cashew apple fruit chutney
Cashew apple pickle
Sweet cashew pickle in oil
Recipes using dried cashew apple powder.
Preparation of cashew apple powder
Cashew apple sweet cookies
Cashew apple masala cookies
Cashew apple porridge mix
Cashew apple sweet doughnuts
Cashew apple masala doughnuts
Oil for frying
Cashew apple sponge cake
Cashew nut vegetable kurma
Green mango with cashew nuts and raisins
Cashew nut mushroom curry
Cashew nut banana cake
Extraction of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid
Review of Literature
Cashew nut
Cashew processing
Cashew Nut Shell
Applications of Cashew Nut Shell (CNS)
Properties of Cashew Nut Shell (CNS)
Cashew nut shell liquid
Chemical Composition of CNSL
Anacardic Acid (AA)
CNSL manufacturing processes
Mechanical method
Extraction by Hydraulic press
Extraction by screw press method
Roasting method
Extraction of CNSL by hot oil bath method
The CNSL process sequence in basic steps
Extraction of CNSL by solvent extraction method
Extraction by other methods
Effect of preconditioning on extraction of oil
Properties of CNSL
Applications of CNSL
Friction Lining Materials
Modified CNSL Resin
CNSL based Friction Dust
Surface Coatings
Foundry Core Oil and Other Chemicals
Laminating Resin
Rubber Compounding Resins
Cashew Cements
Epoxy Resins
Wood Composites and CNSL based Adhesives
Industrial Chemicals and Intermediates for
Chemical Industry
Commercial Uses / Applications of CNSL
CNSL as a fuel for carbonization
Application of Cashew nut shell cake
Concluding remarks
Extraction of CNSL by Screw Press
Influence of shell moisture content on oil extraction
Influence of shell size on oil extraction
Results were compared with the control
Influence of shell size combinations on oil yield
Influence of shell preconditioning on oil extraction
Influence of Steaming of shells on oil extraction
Influence of Heating of shells on oil extraction
Extraction of oil by Hot Oil Bath method
Comparative Yield of CNSL by screw press and
hot oil bath method
Quality of CNSL (Oil)
Determination of specific gravity of CNSL
Determination of pH value of CNSL
Determination of viscosity of CNSL
Determination of ash content of CNSL
Determination of calorific value of CNSL
Determination of iodine value of CNSL
Comparison of qualities of CNSL along with
Standard specifications
Determination of Physical Properties of Cashew Nut
Materials and Methods
Collection of Samples
Size and Shape of Nuts
Nut Density
Results and Discussion
Size and Shape
Pharmacological properties of cashew
(Anacardium occidentale)
Morphology and Geographical Distribution of A. Occidentale
Chemical Compounds Present in A. Occidentale
And Its Biological Roles
Other Features and Processing
Contents of Cashew and the Extraction Processes
of Cashew Liquids
Industrial Applications Of The Net Bark of Cashew
Processing of Cashew Nut (Anacardium
Occidentale L) And Cashew Nut Shell Liquid
With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide And Water
Materials And Methods
Apparatus for Extraction
Method of Extraction
Apparatus for Reaction
Method of Reaction
Antimicrobial potency of essential oil from
cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn) clones
Materials and methods
Statistical analysis
Results and discussion
Antimicrobial screening
MIC test
Surprising Benefits of Cashews
Nutritional Value of Cashews
Health Benefits of Cashews
A Few Words of Caution Regarding Cashews
Project Profile of Cashew Nut Processing Plant
Business Registration and License
Location & Machinery
Manufacturing Process
Raw Materials
Plant Economics of Cashew Nut Processing Plant
Fixed Capital
Raw Materials
Total Working Capital/Month
Total Capital Investment
Turn Over/Annum
Project Profile of Cardanol From Cnsl Oil
Cardanol Specification
Cardanol Extraction Process
Project Profile Of Raw Cashew Nut Kernel
Steam Roasting
Shell Cutting
List of Tables
Table .. Selected cashew varieties for commercial production
Table . Recommended dose of Fertilizers to Cashew for different states
Table .. Comparison of varieties of major cashew growing countries
Table .. Characteristic features of Tiswadi- (Goa-)
Table .. Raw nut production trend (Kg/tree) of selected cashew clones of Tanzania under CIP, under no irrigation or no fertilizer application conditions
Table . Salient features of improved cashew hybrid cultivars of Vietnam (at years of age)
Table .: Approximate quantity of nutrients available in soils of different zones (Nutrient kg/ha)
Table .: Fertilizer nutrients recommendation in different states (g/tree/year)
Table .: Influence of organic and inorganic manure coupled with soil and water conservation techniques on nut yield of years old cashew orchard (kg/ha)
Table .: Effect of manurial doses on yield five and six years after planting
Table .: Annual out turn of wet dung from Cattle and Buffalo (in million tones) and nutrient potential of bovine excreta
Table .: Nutrient status of organic manure (g/kg of manure)
Table .: Quantity of organic manures required by adult cashew tree (kg/tree)
Table .: Time of flowering in different varieties during - (% completion of flowering)
Table .: Effect of organic pesticides on the performance of four years old cashew tree (Madk-)
Table .: Tea mosquito damage score in different farming systems.
Table .: Variety wise adoption and impact on cashew area
Table .: Varietal impact on production and productivity of cashew
Table .: Classification of farmers based on production and productivity of cashew
Table .: Adoption index of farmers for cashew production technologies
Table .: Relationship of cashew production technologies towards cashew production and productivity
Table .: Contribution of cashew production technologies towards variability in cashew production and productivity
Table .: ISI Specification of the CNSL IS:
Table .: Physicochemical characteristics of CNSL
Table .: USome Physical Properties of Cashew Nut
Table .: ANOVA
List of figures
Figure .. (a) Cashew tree with compact canopy ( years
old); (b) Cashew tree with loose canopy ( years old)
Figure .. Flush of two cashew cultivars as they appear
at the same growth stage.
Figure . (a). Cashew bisexual flower. (b). Cashew male
flower. (c). Cashew sterile flower.
Figure . (a). Immature cashew apple and nut;
(b) Mature apple and nut.
Figure .. Apple, nut and kernels of Tis- selection
Figure .. Fruit bunch, apples and nuts of Selection
Figure .. Apple, nut and kernels of Selection KN-/
Figure .: Inarching.
Figure .: Inarching.
Figure .: Cross section of a cashew fruit.
Figure .: Pan roasting.
Figure .: Overview of cashew nut processing.
Figure .: Medium-scale cleaning.
Figure .: Diagram of a drum roaster fired from a
furnace below
Figure .: Cashew shelling machine.
Figure .: Diagram of as tray dryer.
Figure . Cashew fruits on the tree
Figure . Cashew apple and cashew nut
Figure . Cashew nut, Cashew kernel and Cashew
nut shell
Figure . Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL)
Figure . Structure of Anacardic Acid
Figure . Structure of Cardanol
Figure . Structure of Cardol
Figure . Flow diagram of a CNSL extraction process
by screw press
Figure . Flow diagram of a CNSL extraction process
by hot oil bath method
Figure . Ripe Cashew Fruit
Figure . Young Cashew Nuts
Figure . Cashew nuts as a Snack
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