the complete technology hand book of tobacco, zarda, kimam, gutka, pan masala, mouth freshner, supari, khaini, nicotine, cigarette, cigar, beedi, saunf, katha/snuff, hookah, and pan chatni with manufacturing processes and formulations

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The book covers Tobacco-Climate, Temperature, Varieties, Selection of Seed, Irrigation, Fertilizer Application, Transplanting Method of Planting, Weed Control, Tobacco Curing and Grading (Cigar Wrapper Tobacco, Chewing and Hookah Tobacco, Cigar Fitter Tobacco, Jati and Motihari Tobacco Natu Tobacco, Bidi Tobacco, Gutkha Manufacturing, Characteristics and usage, Khaini Manufacture, Difference between Khaini, Zarda, and Gutka, Qiwam (Kimam),Snuff, Pan Masala Processing Manufacturing, Composition from Betel Leaves, Types of Smokeless Tobacco (Gul. Khaini, Pan Masala and Zarda) Smokeless Tobacco Production), Smokeless Tobacco (Chewing Tobacco Products), Hookah Tobacco (Shisha or Waterpipe Tobacco), Manufacturing, Hookah (Waterpipe) Tobacco and Shisha Charcoal Tablet Making, Details of Raw Materials (Betel Nuts, Catechu, Lime, Sweetness Materials, Flavours and Freshness, Spices and other Materials), Types and Procurement of Tobacco, Gutka Manufacture (Crushing, Reformation, Preparation and Manufacturing Formulations), Pan Masala Manufacture with Formulations (Plant Set up, Raw Materials, Investment, Manufacturing Formulae and Preparing Methods), Chatni and Paste Manufacture (Process of Mixing of Materials for Taste and Essence with formulae for Chatni and Packaging Techniques), Khaini Manufacture, Mixture Preparation and Coating, Mainpuri, Sadi Patti and Desi Khaini Manufacture with Formulations, Various Formulations on Tobacco and its Flavours (Formula for Zarda Manufacture, Tobacco Manufacture, imam Manufacture, Cigarette Flavouring Extract, Chewing Tobacco with Perfume Formula, Manufacture of Surti, Process of Zarda and Kimam, Technology of Zarda Manufacture with Formulations (Pruning, Drying, Colouring, Cutting, Crushing, Odour Removing & Essence Mixing, Zafarani Zarda Manufacture, Kimam Manufacture with Formulations, Kimam Flakes and Muskdana with Manufacturing Process and Formulae, Snuff Manufacture with Formula in Powder & Paste Form, Cigarette Manufacture, Cigar and Cheroot Manufacture, Herbal Medicated Cigarettes Manufacture and Formula, Bidi Manufacture with Packing, Manufacturing of Sweet Taste Tobacco with Formulations, Useful Fragrances and its Formulations used in Smoke Products, Snuff, Bidi etc. Fragrances and Eatable Food Colours, Synthetic Essences Chemical Based with Formulations, Packing Processes (Powder Filling, Bottom Sealing, Pouch Packing, Tube Filling and Sealing, Label guming, Cap Sealing etc), Government Policy and Procedures for Tobacco , Project Profile of Beedi (Bidi) Making by Machine, Chewing Tobacco (Khaine) Project Profile, Cigarette Manufacturing Unit Project, Herbal Cigarettes Manufacture Plant, Katha and Kutch Making Unit Project Investment, Katha Manufacturing Plant Profile, Khaine (Filter), Nicotine Sulphate from Tobacco Waste/Dust,Pan Masala (Meetha, Zarda, Saada, Guthka, Khaini and Kimam) With Formulations, Pan Masala and Chewing Tobacco, Scented Sweet Supari and Chikni Supari, Silver Coated Cardamom (Elaichi), Zarda and Kimam.
- Origin
- Distribution of production
- Climate
- Altitude
- Temperature
- Rainfall
- Humidity
- Soil
- Varieties
- Selection of Seeds
- Improved varieties under different tobacco types
- Nursery Raising
- Location of nursery bed
- Preparation of bed
- Seed and Sowing
- Irrigation
- Care and protection
- Preparation of Field
- Summer tillage
- Kharif tillage
- Fertilizer Application
- Transplanting
- Time of transplanting
- Methods of planting
- Spacing
- Irrigation
- Topping and Desuckering
- Weed Control
- Diseases
- Damping off
- Control
- Black shank
- Control
- Powdery mildew
- Control
- Anthrecnose
- Control
- Leaf ourl
- Control
- Tobacco mosaic
- Control
- Root knot
- Control
- Insect Pests
- Nursery pests
- Tobacco caterpillar
- Control
- Looper
- Control
- Stem borer
- Control
- Field pests
- Ground beeties
- Control
- Green peach aphid
- Control
- Tobacco capsule borer
- Control
- Storage pest
- Cigarette beetle
- Control
- Harvesting
- Priming
- Stalk cut method
- Crop Rotation
- Curing
- Flue curing
- Yellowing
- Fixing colour
- Drying
- Air curing
- Fire curing
- Sun curing
- Flue Cured Virginia Tobacco
- Harvesting the crop
- Green leaf grading
- Typing the leaves
- Loading the bam
- Curing practice
- Curing prinople
- Yellowing
- Fixing colour
- Leaf drying
- Midrib drying
- Unloading the bam
- Bulking the cured leaf
- Grading
- Grading for Flue cured Virginia Tobacco in Northern Light Soils and Karnataka Light Soils
- Grade specifications for the 10 farm grades for black soil tobacco
- Air Curing
- Burley Tobacco
- Pre sale grading
- Grade Designation and definition of quality of unmanufactured flue cured virginia tobacco grown in Northern Light Soils of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka state
- List of grades in plant position grading system being followed in Northern light soil
- Lanka tobacco
- Harvesting
- Shade curing
- Pit Curing
- Bulking
- Grading
- Cigar Winapper Tobacco
- Harvesting and curing
- Grading
- Sun curing
- Chewing and hookah tobacco
- Harvesting and curing
- Grading
- Packing
- Cigar filler tobacco
- Harvesting and curing
- Grading
- Jati and Motihari tobaccos
- Harvesting and curing
- Grades
- HDBRG Tobacco
- Harvesting
- Curing and Bulking
- Grading
- Natu tobacco
- Maturity and Harvest
- Curing and bulking
- Grading
- Fire-curing (Smoke curing)
- Bidi tobacco
- Harvesting and curing
- Grading
- Common Names
- Product constituents
- How used
- Who uses
- Processing/manufacturing
- characteristics
- Usage
- Gutka (asian pan masala) its use and side effects
- Gutkha
- Most harmfull ingredient in gutkha
- Betel Nut research
- Side effects of gutka
- Carcinogenic effect
- Psychological effect
- Cardiovascular effect
- Gastrointestinal effect
- Other effect
- Toxic materials in gutka
- Most popular product in karachi
- Guttka as an inexpensive product
- Latest researches on gutka
- Adverse impact on health
- Quitting Smokeless
- Deoide to Quit
- Motivate Yourself
- Set a Quit Date
- Counteract your Withdrawl Symptoms with in Oral Substitute
- Use of Trasdemal Nicotine Patches
- Common names
- Product constituents
- How Used
- Who Uses
- Processing/Manufacturing
- Khaini
- Zarda
- Gutka
- Common Names
- Product Constituents
- How Used
- Who Uses
- Processing/Manufacturing
- Common Names
- Product constituents
- How used
- Who uses
- Processing/manufacturing
- Common Names
- Geographic location of use
- Product Constituents
- How used
- Who uses
- Processing/Manufacturing
- Example
- Claim
- The smokeless tobacco products
- Types of smokeless tobacco & different ways of consumption
- Gul
- Khaini
- Pan Maala (betel quid)
- Zarda
- Harmful effects of the use of smokeless tobacco
- Zarda and Gul Common brand names & production set up
- Smokeless Tobacco Products
- Obyectives of the study
- Supply chain of Zarda and Gul marketing
- Zarda Factory
- Steps of smokeless tobacco production (zarda & gul)
- Steps for marking gul
- Smokeless tobacco products
- Products chewed and sucked
- Products used as dentifrice
- Product used for sipping
- Products used for inhalation inhalation
- Common ingredients present in various SLT products/preparations
- Carcinogenic compounds in SLT
- Chewing tobacco products
- Biomarkers of tobacco exposure
- Genetic damage caused by SLT products
- Mutagenicity of SLT products
- Micronucleus formation
- Cytogenetic atterations
- Carcinogenicity of SLT
- Oral administration
- Genetic determinants of oral cancer risk associated with smokeless tobacco use
- Manufacturing Hookah (Waterpipe) Tobacco
- Introduction
- Parts of a Hookah
- Base
- Pipe
- Hose
- Bowl
- Coal tray
- Tongs
- Rubber or plastic collars
- Wind cover
- Disposable mouth pieces
- Shisha tobacco
- Coals
- Process
- Tobacco used in hookah
- Shisha Tablet Making Machine Line
- Complete Shisha CharcoalTablet Making Machine Line
- Shisha Charcoal Machine
- Shisha Charcoal Machine
- What is shisha charcoal
- How to make shisha charcoal tablets?
- Introduction
- Betel Nuts
- Catechu and lime
- Sweetness materials
- Use of milk products
- Flavours and freshness for tobacco products
- Spices and other materials
- Introduction
- Main species and their uses
- Tobacco leaves
- Tobacco grown in West Bengal and Bihar
- Virginia tobacco
- Nicotania tobacco
- Other species of tobacco
- Introduction
- Investment of plant and production
- Raw materials
- Crushing and reformation of betel nuts
- Preparation of catechu
- Formula 1 for gutka manufacture
- Formula 2 Economical formula of gutka
- Formulation for spices used in gutka manufacture
- Formula 3 for sices gutka manufacture
- Coating of mixture on betel nuts
- Formula 4 for gutka manufacture
- Formula 5 for gutka manufacture
- Preparation of different ingredients used in gutka
- Kutch
- Lime
- Betel nut
- Cardamom
- Manufacturing process of gutka
- Introduction
- Plant set up
- Required raw materials
- Raw materials for pan masala
- Investment and profit
- Formula 1 for good quality pan masala
- Formula 2 for quality pan masala
- Formula 3 for quality pan Masala
- Formula 4 for perfume used in pan masala
- Formula 5 for good quality pan masala
- Formula 6 for saada (plain) pan masala
- Formula 7 for tambul bahar type pan masala
- Procedure
- Formula 8 for pan masala in paste form (Tambulamrit type)
- Procedure
- Formula 9 for pan masala in powder form
- Procedure
- Formula 10 for pan masala in general type
- Formula 11 for pan masala, zarda/gutka manufacture
- Formula 12 for pan masala zarda/gutka manufacture
- Formula 13 for perfumes for pan masala
- Formula 14 for perfumes for pan masala
- Process of manufacture
- Various ingredients preparation
- Lime
- Catechu
- Betel nuts
- Cardamom
- Perfumes and Attar
- Manufacturing process on sweet and plain pan masala
- Manufacturing process of zarda and pan masala
- Making Granules and Their Drying
- Tobacco extract preparation
- Coating of spices
- Perfuming and packing
- Introduction
- Materials used for sugar solvent
- Way of decreasing cost of production
- Shade setting
- Use of glyerine
- Manufacturing process of solvent
- Process of mixing of materials for taste and essence
- Some best formulae for chatni
- Formula for summer sweet chatni manufacture
- Manufacturing process
- Formula for winter sweet chatni
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for flavoured chatni
- Manufacturing process
- Formula for other flavoured chatni
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for better taste chatni
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for flavoured tasty chatni
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for spicy taste flavoured chatni
- Process of Manufacture
- Packaging techniques
- Introduction
- Strong black tobacco
- Process of extract coating
- Process of khaini manufacture and procurement of tobacco
- Mixture preparation and coating
- Tips for special taste
- For sweet taste
- Sharp taste khaini
- Sour taste khaini
- Salty taste khaini
- Mainpuri Tobacco
- Introduction
- Required raw materials
- Procurement of tobacco
- Betal nut cutting
- Acidity control
- Formula for best quality
- mainpuri tobacco manufacture
- Formula for basic Mainpuri tobacco manufacture
- Process of Manufacture
- Packing
- Desi Khaini
- Introduction
- Manufacturing process
- Formula for desi Khaini Manufacture
- Standard formula for desi khaini manufacture
- Process of manufacture
- Packing
- Sadi Patti
- Introduction
- Required raw materials
- Popular formula for sadi patti manufacture
- Formula for best quality sadi patti manufacture
- Manufacturing process of sadi patti
- Introduction
- Formula for zarda manufacture /(Ordinary Type)
- Pocedure
- Formula for zarda (Ordinary Type)
- Perfume formulation for zarda manufacture
- Formula No. AA for No. 160 Type Zarda Manufacture
- Perfume formulation for No. 160 type zarda manufacture
- Formula No. 5A for No. 160 Type tobacco manufacture
- Perfume formulation for No. 160 type tobacco manufacture formula No. 58
- Formula No. 6A for No. 240 Type Tobacco Manufacture
- Perfume formulation for No. 240 type tobacco manufacture Formula No. 68
- Formula No. 7 for No. 300 type zarda manufacture
- Formula for Kimam manufacture
- Formula for cigarette flavouring extract
- Procedure
- Formula for chewing tobacco with perfume
- Procedure
- formula for chewing tobacco manufacture
- Formula for acetic acid essence No. 1
- Formula for camphor essence
- Formula for diacetyl essence
- Formula for tobacco flavour manufacture
- Formula for honey flavour tobacco mix
- Procedure for honey flavour tobacco mix
- Formula for maple flavour manufacture
- Procedure for maple flavour manufacture
- Formula for angelica tincture manufacture
- Formula for coffee tincture manufacture
- Formula for fenugreek tincture manufacture
- Formula for peach flavour manufacture
- Formula for flavour manufacture
- Procudure
- Manufacturing process of surti
- Process Flow Sheet for Manufacture of Surti
- Manufacturing process of zarda
- Manufacturing process of kimam
- Process flow sheet for Manufacture of Zarda
- Process flow sheet for Manufacture of Kimam
- List of Machines
- List of raw materials
- Introduction
- Pruning and nerves removing
- Drying and colouring
- Cutting and crushing
- Odour removing and essence mixing
- Manufacture of different grades of zarda
- Method of preparation
- Formula for granule making and drying No. 1
- Procedure
- Preparation of tobacco extract
- Spices used in coating
- Formula No. 1 for spices used in coating of zarda
- Procedure
- Introduction
- Preparation method and colouring
- Polishing
- Essence mixing
- Process of manufacture
- Packing of zafarani zarda
- Introduction
- Odour Removing
- The builders
- Process of manufacture of kimam
- Formula for popular kimam manufacture
- Process of Manufacture
- Formula for good quality kimam manufacture
- Formula for super quality kimam manufacture
- Process
- Manufacture of high quality kimam
- Formula for spices mixed in kimam manufacture
- Procedure
- Perfume formulation for kimam
- Procedure
- Perfume formulation for kimam
- Process of manufacture
- Packing of kimams
- Introduction
- Production of kimam flakes
- Production of kimam cakes
- Production of piles
- Manufacturing process of muskdana
- Formula for manufacture of muskdana
- Process of Manufacture
- Formula for muskdana manufacture
- Formula for muskdana manufacture
- Process of Manufacture
- Introduction
- Raw material requirement
- Snuff manufacture
- Process of moisturing
- Method-1
- Method-II
- Grinding and baking process
- Formula for snuff in powder form
- Formula for snuff in paste
- Snuffs in paste form
- Market survey
- Introduction
- Raw material
- The filter
- Process of cigarette manufacture
- Process flow sheet diagram Cigarette Manufacture
- Packing
- Marketing
- Other facts of cigarette industry
- Introduction
- Useful tobacco
- Process of manufacture
- Introduction
- Market aspects
- Formula for Herbal Medicated Cigarette
- Manufacture of Herbal Medicated Cigarettes
- Introduction
- Raw material for bidi production
- Cutting and cleaning of tobacco leaves
- Manufacturing process of bidi
- Packing and Marketing
- Introduction
- Raw materials for tobacco of Hubble Bubble
- Formula for sweet taste tobacco manufacture
- Formula for commonly used tobacco
- Procedure
- Preparation of Syrup
- Method 1
- Method 2
- Manufacturing Process
- Introduction
- Formula for taste garam masala essence
- Formula for special fragrance for smoke products
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for commonly used essence
- Process of Manufacture
- Formula for best quality virginia essence
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for compound flower essence
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for compound essence of spices for Hubble Bubble
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for compound essence of flowers and spices
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for special essence for snuff and bidi
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for Superior quality compound flowers essence
- Process of manufacture
- Introduction
- Synthetic eatable food colours
- Essence of flowers
- Spices essence
- Saffrom essence
- Jasmine and other flowers essences
- Estable red colours
- Estable yellow colours
- Estable yellow colours based on tessu flower and turmeric
- Eatable green and blue colour
- Eatable fast red colour
- Process-1
- Process-2
- Introduction
- Formula for preparation of cinnamon and clove essence
- Formula for taste and essence of cardamom
- Process of manufacture
- Formula for taste and essence of clove
- Formula for garam masala fragrance
- Formula for taste and essence of garam masala
- Formula for strong essence of flowers (Common rose essence)
- Formula for special rose essence
- Formula for strong rose essence
- Formula for vitavert essence
- Formula for strong kewera essence
- Formula for strong jasmine essence
- Formula for strong compound essences of quality musk essence
- Formula for strong compound essence of saffron musk
- Formula for quality compound essence of flower
- Formula for compound flower essence
- Formula for flavoured compound essence
- Formula for compound essence -high class taste
- Process of manufacture
- Introduction
- Powder filling machine
- Bottom sealing machine
- Polybag sealing equipments
- Pouch Packing
- Homogenizers
- Tube filling and sealing
- Label gumming machine
- Cap sealing machine
- Capsol sealing machine
- Introduction
- Licence of tobacco farming (L-1)
- Licence of Table (L-2)
- Industrial licence of tobacco (L-3)
- Process of application
- E B-3 Register
- Value of warming
- Chewing of tobacco is injurious to health
- Research centres for tobacco
- Process flow Diagram
- Plant economics of beedi (bidi) making by machine
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Process of manufacture
- Chewing Tobacco Composition
- Method 1
- Table
- Formulations of chewing tobacco (khaine kuber type)
- Plant economics of chewing tobacco (khaine kuber type
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Manufacturing Process
- Marketing and Packing
- Plant Economics of Cigarette Manufacturing Unit
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Herbal Cigarettes
- The ingredients
- Plant economics of herbal cigarettes
- Plant and Machinery
- Process Flow Sheet of Herbal Cigarettes
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Manufacturing Process of Katha and Cutch
- Plant economics of katha and cutch
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Process of Manufacture
- Large scale production
- Plant Economics of Katha Manufacturing
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Plant Economics of Khaine (Filter)
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Chemical Composition
- Manufacturing Process
- Plant Economics of Nicotine Sulphate from Tobacco Waste
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Manufacturing Process of Pan Masala
- Formulations
- Formulation of Pan Masala (Sada)
- Formulation of Pan Masala (Meetha)
- Formulation of Gutkha
- Detailed Manufacturing Process of Zarda
- Plant Economics of Pan Masala (Meetha, Zarda, Saada Guthkha etc.)
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Chewing Tobacco Composition
- Plant economics of pan masala and chewing tobacco
- Manufacturing process of Pan masala
- Plant and Machinery
- Perfume for pan masala (sweet)
- Pan masala formulation
- Flow sheet Chewing Tobacco (Kuber Type) (Khaine)
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working capital Month
- Total capital investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Formulation of Scented Sweet Supari
- Process of manufacturing
- Plant Economics of scerited sweet supari and chikni supari
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
- Plant and Machinery
- Manufacturing process Diagram
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Manufacturing of Zarda
- Selection of tobacco leaves
- Manufacture of Flake Zafrani
- Plant Economics of Zarda and Kimam
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Turn Over/Annum
How to Make Project Report?
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Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
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