eBook on Complete Technology Book On Beekeeping And Honey Products With Project Profiles (only PDF shall be sent)

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- Species of Honey Bee
- Colony Organization
- Development of Honey Bee
- Lifecycle of different castes of the indian honey bee
- How to Differentiate Castes
- A swarm of bees
- What is a Colony Nest
- Waxen combs with hexagonal cells
- How Do Bees Communicate with each other
- Composition of Honey
- List of Plants Suitable for Bee Pasturage
- Criteria for Selection of Beehive
- Langstroth Ten frame Hive
- Arrangement of Beehive in an aplary
- Newtons Beehive
- What is an Apiary
- Location of an Apiary
- Bee Equipment
- Uncapping knife
- Smoke
- Honey extractor
- Bee Vell
- Swarm catching basket
- Sugar Feeder
- Scraper Knife
- Arrangement of beehives
- Different Sources of Honey Bees
- Purchase of Honey Bee Colony
- Precautions
- Sub Unit a Catching a Stray Swarm Materials Required
- Multiplication of Colonies Materials Required
- Slow Method
- Quick Method
- Description
- Material and Particle Size
- Recipes
- Material, Texture and Flavor Results (refrigerated)
- Material, Texture, and Flavor Results (room temperature)
- Equipment of a typical processing plant for bottling liquid or crystallized honey
- Creamed honey
- Comb honey
- Mead
- Section comb honey, stored by bees directly in special round or square clear plastic sections
- Honey beer formentation
- Honey liqueurs
- Honey spreads
- Honey tahena paste
- Dulce de Leche
- Fruits in honey
- Nuts in honey
- Honey with pollem and properties
- Honey paste for dressing wounds
- Sugar substitution
- Fruit marmalade
- Mint and honey jelly
- Lemon Honey Jelly
- Syrups
- Honey fruit syrup
- Honey fruits vinegar syrup
- Syrup base for herbal preparations
- Rose honey
- Caramels
- General considerations
- Honey caramels
- Butter honey caramels
- Coconut fudge
- Honey roasted nut bars
- Greek halvah
- Nougat and Torrone
- Honey gums
- Gingerbread
- Marzipan
- Bread
- Coconut oat cookies
- Honey biscuits
- Honey peanut butter cookies
- Where does the pollen in honey come from
- Different coloured pollen pellets collected byhoneybees
- The composition of pollen
- The average composition of dried pollen
- Minor components of bee collected pollen
- Recipes
- Pollen extract
- Beebread
- The container
- The temperature
- The starter culture
- Preservation
- General conditions
- Honey with pollen
- Granola or breakfast cereals
- Granolia
- Granola bars
- Cereal fruit bar
- Drying
- Cosmetics
- Pills and capsules
- Wax processed from traditional beekeeping at the honey factory
- Physical characteristics of beeswax
- Newly constructed white comb in a traditional tog hive
- The composition of beeswax
- Composition of beeswax
- The physiological effects of wax
- The uses of wax today
- In beekeeping
- Melted wax starter strips from unpattemed wax sheets for topbar hives
- Motorised foundation rollers with moist
- Hand operated, low cost, plastic foundation rollers
- Simple foundation press for single sheets requires more practice and nore wax per sheet
- Medium size set up for the production of continuous wax sheets with a cooled drum rotating through a liquid wax bath
- For candle making
- For metal castings and modeling
- In cosmetics
- Food processing
- Industrial technology
- Textiles
- Batiks from Sri Lanka and Barbados
- Vamishes and polishes
- Printing
- Medicine
- Others
- Buying
- Wax comb destroyed by wax moths before it was rendered into clean wax
- Storage
- Quality control
- Preuaration for extraction
- Materials required
- Ethanol Extracted Propolis (EEP) the simplest method for extracting propolis
- Quick extraction
- Glycool extracted propolis (GEP)
- Aqueous (water) extracted propolis (AEP)
- Oil extracted propolis (OEP)
- Propolis paste
- Dry propolis extract
- Water soluble, dried powder ethanol extracts
- Free flowing non hygroscopic propolis powder
- Water soluble derivatives (WSD)
- Collection
- Flexible 3mm plastic sheets with rows of slots 2mm side on one side and 4 mm on the other
- Four sheets are placed on the top super with the wider side of the holes facing down and with bee space (1 cm) between sheets and frame tops.
- The cover is left open a little to increase ventilation and let light in
- Simple design of a propolis trap made from nylon, fly or mosquito screen
- Buying
- Storage
- Quality control
- Quality standards for propols and upper and lower limits
- Recipes
- Ointments
- Simple Vaseline based ointment
- Simple ointment based on vaseline or animal fat
- Simple oil based ointment
- Oral and nasal spravs
- Suntan lotions
- Propolis syrups or honeys
- Propolis tablets
- Anti dandruff shampoo with propolis
- Propolis shampoo
- Anti dandruff lotion
- Propolis toothpaste
- Anasethetic propolis paste
- Creams
- Facial masks
- A simpler cleansing mask for oily skin (modified from Krochmal)
- Micro encapsulation
- Quality tests for antioxidant activity
- Apparatus required
- For raw propils
- For propolis extracts
- For propolis paste
- For other propolis containing preparations
- 3 day old queen larva floating in royal jelly
- 5-day old queen larva in a newly sealed cell just before pupation
- Physical characteristics of royal jelly
- The composition of royal jelly
- Composition of royal jelly
- Vitamin content of royal jelly in g per gram of fesch weight
- The physiological effects of royal jelly
- On honevbees
- Unconfirmed circumstantial evidence
- List of properties, benefits and improvements atributed to royal jelly quoted from personal case histories and non scientific literature
- Scientific evidence
- Oral administration
- Dark glass bottle with fresh royal jelly and miniture spatula for oral administration (human consumption)
- Injections
- Animal tests
- Human tests
- Uses and marketing of royal jelly
- A list of some effects of royal jelly on humans
- As dietary supplement
- As ingredient in food products 180
- As ingredient in medicine like products
- As ingredient in consmetics
- Others
- Royal jelly collection
- Storage
- The steps for removing royal jelly from a queen cell and a diagram of a simple suction device for the collectionof royal jelly from queen cups
- Small vacuum pump for the collection of larger quantities of royal jelly
- Recipes
- Freeze dried (lyouhillsed) royal jellvy
- Benchtop freeze drier system
- Industrial size freeze drier in room with controlled environment
- Honey with royal jelly
- Yoghurt with royal jelly
- Jellies and soft caramels
- Liquid preparations
- Dried Juice concentrate
- Tablets
- Capsules
- Cosmetics
- A honeybee worker, stinging the relatively tough human skin, is unable to withdraw its sting lancets because of the fine barbs
- Physical characteristics of venom
- The composition of venom
- Composition of venom from honeybee worker
- The physiological effects of venom
- Unconfirmed circumstantial evidence
- List of diseases and health problems improved or heated according to anecdotal reports
- Venom collection
- Buying
- Storage
- Quality control
- The chemical composition of adult and larval honeybees
- The uses of adult bees and lanrvae
- For beekeeping
- Composition of mature and immature honeybees compared to beef and soybeans
- For pollination
- Packaged bees ready for shipment
- Caged, mated queen bee with attendant worker bees and sugar candy, ready for sale, shipment or introduction to a new colony
- Honeybee colonies, used for pollnation, on the edte of a sunflower field
- As food
- As medicine
- In cosmetics
- Collection
- Adult bees
- Honeybee larvae
- Uncapping of recently sealed brood with a serrated knife
- Uncapped comb of similarly aged larvae just prior to pupation, Larvae in slightly deformed cells are difficult to remove
- Shaking out larvae on to a clean surface works best with a dark coloured, wire reinforced comb
- Buying
- If brood cells are filled with water, most of the larvae can be dislodiged much easier, This works even better with younger unsealed brood
- Storage
- Quality control
- Caution
- Bee larvae in a strainer for rinsing
- Bakutg traditional recipe from Nepal
- Frozen larvaeg pupae or adults
- Rawg fried and boiled larvae
- Frying bee larvae in oil
- Dried larvae and adults
- Basic general recipes
- Dry roasted larvae or adults
- Bee flour
- Basic cooked insects
- Bee stew
- Garlic butter fried bees
- Insect marinade
- Honeybee larvae prepared as appetizer in three different ways
- Bee mango chutney
- Spice bag
- Bee chapattis
- Honey components and their average
- Formula of the honey butter
- Example
- Honey Butter Formulation
- Example
- How to Store Extracted Honey
- Standardization of Honey
- Marketing of Honey
- Precautions
- Extraction of Honey Materials Required
- Procedure
- Materials Required
- Procedure
- Chemical composition of honey
- Introduction
- Hiving Equipments
- Hive
- Traditional hives
- Pottery Hive
- Basket hive
- Horizontal hive
- Wall hive
- Top bar hives
- Langstroth hive
- Principle of bee space
- Principle of population
- Construction of Langstroth Hive
- Stand
- Botton board
- Brood Chamber
- Standard frame
- Super
- Inner cover
- Top cover
- Swarm Catching Equipments
- Swarm catcher
- Queen cape
- Other Equipments
- Queen introduction cage
- Queen excluder
- Smoker
- Hive tool
- Bee vell
- Overall
- Gloves
- Bee brush
- Feeding Equipments
- Top feeder
- Division board feeder
- Syrup filled combs
- Additional Hive Equipments
- Dummyt or Division Board
- Bee escape
- Comb Foundation
- Honey Extracting Equipments
- Tangential type
- A ten frame Langstroth hive
- Honey Cakes
- Honey Flavour
- Honey Flavour Essence
- Honey Fruit Filling (Cream Type)
- Honey Glaze
- Doughnut Honey Glaze
- High Ratio Honey Macaroon Cake
- Honey Nut Topping
- Honey, Imitation No. 1
- Honey, Imitation No. 2
- Honey, Imitation No. 3
- Honey, Imitation No. 4
- Honey, Imitation No. 5
- Honey, Imitation No. 6
- Honey, Imitation No. 7
- Honey, Synthetic No. 8
- (For Perfumes)
- Honey, Synthetic No. 10 (For Perfumes)
- Honey, Synthetic No. 11
- Honey Synthetic No. 12
- Land and Building
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Annum
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Annum
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Manufacturing Process
- Quality Control Standards
- Land and Building
- Machinery and Equipment
- Raw Material
- Staff and Labout
- Other Expenses
- Working Capital
- Total Capital Investment
- Cost of Production
- Sales Proceeds
- Profitability
- Break Even Analysis
How to Make Project Report?
Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.
Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
We can prepare detailed project report on any industry as per your requirement.
We can also modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement. If you are planning to start a business, contact us today.
Detailed Project Report (DPR) gives you access to decisive data such as:
- Market growth drivers
- Factors limiting market growth
- Current market trends
- Market structure
- Key highlights
Overview of key market forces propelling and restraining market growth:
- Up-to-date analyses of market trends and technological improvements
- Pin-point analyses of market competition dynamics to offer you a competitive edge major competitors
- An array of graphics, BEP analysis of major industry segments
- Detailed analyses of industry trends
- A well-defined technological growth with an impact-analysis
- A clear understanding of the competitive landscape and key product segments
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