Fisheries and Aquaculture, Fish Processing, Fish and Marine Products, Fish Farming, Aquaculture, Prawn farming, Shrimp Farming, Fish Meal, Fish Canning, Fish Feed & Fish Preservation
It needs to be well noted and understood that aquaculture and fisheries provide food to many people across the globe. It needs to be understood well that the consumption of seafood across the globe has grown at a price much higher as compared to the past. However, it is well known that both the acquatic as well as the marine ecosystems are under a lot of stress.
This is due to fishing and aquaculture practices, unsustainable fishing, climate change as well as overfishing conditions.
It is important to help the governments have the best of aquaculture and manage fisheries and protect the environment as and when required. It is well understood that the climate change is actually warming the atmosphere and the rainfall patterns differ as such. This in turn affects water quality and supports the life in aquaculture. This also increases the frequency of weather events which are very extreme in nature.
It is well noted that some water bodies and inland lakes are drying up. Floods have become a regular event and impacts seasonal patterns of fishing activities as well as fish availability. These events are known to disrupt the coastal communities as well as disrupt the livelihoods. Overfishing ultimately leads to destructive fishing practices and raises the challenge of technical, social and economic growth ensuring sustainable advantages.
It is also important to support the value chain development to minimize the losses that are seen and who dominate marketing as well as fish processing. All these activities assist in dominating marketing as well as fish processing activities. It is important to strengthen the capacities and resilience of fishery communities and which are regulated in a sensitive manner environmentally.
Aquaculture is also known as aquafarming and has many aquatic organisms such as algae, mollusks, fishes as well as crustaceans. The value chain has other organisms such as aquatic plants as well. Furthermore, it needs to be noted well that aquaculture involves the cultivation of saltwater and freshwater populations under natural conditions. Furthermore, marine farming which is known as mariculture refers to aquaculture which is practiced well in seawater habitats as compared to freshwater aquaculture.
It needs to be well understood that aquaculture can be conducted well in artificial facilities on land and this is termed as onshore aquaculture. There are also different types of aquaculture systems used such as inshore aquaculture and offshore aquaculture and different types of natural conditions are available herewith such as nutrient cycles, ocean currents as well as diet vertical migration.
There are different kinds of aquaculture that include mariculture, algaculture, oyster farming, shrimp farming and cultivation of fishes which are ornamental. There are various methods which include aquaponics as well as multi tropic aquaculture. These integrate aquatic plant farming as well as fish farming. It needs to be well noted that there are some forms of aquaculture which have negative environment impacts such as nutrient pollution as well as transfer to populations which are wild in nature.
Aquaculture has aquatic plants, seaweed farming, fish farming along with oysters, mussels as well as clam species. The bivalves have the best of production facilities and thus aquaculture if perceived to be beneficial as well as benign in nature.
FISH FARMING [CODE NO.4239] Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures, usually for food. The major freshwater farming environments in India are pond, cage, pen, rice field, sewage feed and air breathing. Polyculture is the dominant culture system practiced. The..
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SHRIMP/PRAWN PROCESSING PLANT (50 TONS/DAY)[CODE NO.4117] The frozen seafood market size has the potential to grow by USD 31.76 billion during 2020-2024, and the market’s growth momentum will accelerate during the forecast period because of the steady increase in year-over year growth. Among th..
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FISH HATCHERY ALONG WITH OPEN POND CULTIVATION OF MURREL FISH[CODE NO.3940] Freshwater aquaculture can play a pivotal role in improving the state’s economy and solving the nutritional problems besides acting as a tool for rural development. It offers tremendous potent..
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Fish farming or pisciculture involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures such as fish ponds, usually for food. It is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture. A facility that releases juvenil..
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[CODE NO.3309]
Fishmeal is the crude flour obtained after milling and drying fish or fish parts, while fish oil is usually a clear brown/yellow liquid obtained through the pressing of the cooked fish...
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[CODE NO. 1955]
Fishing net is a fabric made joining twine at an interval of about half an inch or so to form a set of mashes for catching the fish. These have been from plied cotton yarn so far in our country & many other countries, but slowly it is being..
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FISH PROCESSING[EIRI/EDPR/1579] (J.C.375INR, 367US$)INTRODUCTIONFisheries are one of the most significant renewable resources that Indian Ocean (IO) countries have for food security, livelihoods and economic growth. Efforts however, need to be made to ensure that as the population in these countries..
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FISH PROCESSING[EIRI/EDPR/1579] (J.C.375INR, 367US$)INTRODUCTIONFisheries are one of the most significant renewable resources that Indian Ocean (IO) countries have for food security, livelihoods and economic growth. Efforts however, need to be made to ensure that as the population in these countries..
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