Technology Of Ginger, Garlic And Onion Products Manufacturing Cultivation, Extraction, Drying And Packaging With Processing Of Ginger, Garlic Paste, Flakes, Oil And Powder

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The book Technology of ginger, garlic and onions manufacturing (cultivation, extraction, drying and packaging) with processing of ginger, garlic paste, flakes, oil and powder covers Onion(Uses, Properties and Applications), Onion Cultivation, Ginger Cultivation and Processing, Garlic Cultivation, Harvesting, Types & Management, Onion Dehydration (Solar drying, Air drying, microwave and freeze drying, infra red drying, vacuum drying, freeze drying and osmotic dehydration), Process of Onion dehydration, Onion flakes with fabricated chip preparation, Onion powder Manufacturing Technology, Uses for Onion Powder, process of producing large dehydrated onion pieces, Process for controlling the pinking of onions, Onion Drying Technology, Onion Extract for Treating Damaged skin tissue, Packaging of Onion Products, Uses of Ginger and Ginger Oil, Production of Essential Oils and Oleoresins, Characteristics of Ginger Variety, Characteristics of Dry Ginger, Processing of Ginger (Fresh Ginger, Dry Ginger & Crystallised Ginger), Ginger Products manufacturing with formulae (Ginger Candy, Pickle, Chutney, Murabba, Juice, Cake and Syrup), Technology of Processing Garlic, Technology of Processing Ginger (Dried Ginger, Peeling, Curing, Sorting and Shipping), Post production Operations of Garlic (Processing of Garlic), Dried Ginger and Ginger Oil, Ginger-Garlic Paste Manufacture with Quality Characteristic, Dry Ginger from Green Ginger, Garlic Flakes and Powder (Dehydrated), Ginger Oil Extraction (Ginger Essential Oil Combined with Ginger Powder).
- Uses
- Green Onion as Altenative Medicine
- Topical Application of Green Onion for SoreThroat
- For Swollen Feet
- Side Effects of Onion
- Dosage
- Toxicology
- Health Benefits of Onion
- Respiratory Disease
- Tooth Disorders
- Anemia
- Heart Disease
- Sexual Debility
- Skin Disorders
- Ear Disorders
- Cholera
- Urinary System Disorders
- Bleeding Piles
- Onion powder
- Historical uses
- Medicinal properties and health effects
- Raw Onions
- Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Onions
- Spanish Onions
- Eye Irritation
- Propagation
- Variaties
- European Onions
- Storage
- Introduction
- Cultivars
- Types of onion cultivars (openpolinated cultivars are underlined)
- Soils and climate
- Planting systems
- Sowing
- Nutrient management
- Water management
- Weed control
- Disease control
- Purple blotch
- Stamphylium leaf blight
- Anthracnose
- Downy mildew
- Botrytis leaf blight
- Bulb rots
- Insect pest control
- Harvesting
- Curing
- Storing
- Marketing
- Climate and soil
- Land Preparation
- Cultivars
- Geography & distribution
- Description
- Uses
- Cultivation
- Climate and soil
- Planting
- Manures and Fertilizers
- Mulching
- Watering
- Wedding
- Protection
- Harvesting
- Washing and Drying
- Method of Planting
- Manure and Fertilizer
- Sowing or Propagation
- Seed Treatment
- Planting Ginger Root
- How much space
- How much water
- How much and which plant food
- When to harvest ginger root
- When does ginger flower
- Weed Control
- Irrigation
- Plant protection
- Dieases
- Insect pests
- Organic production
- Conversion plan
- Inter cultivation
- Inter cropping and crop rotation
- Processing of ginger
- Peeling
- Drying
- Polishing, cleaning and grading
- Storage
- Ginger as Medicinal plant
- Introduction
- Site and soil
- Planting in the open
- Planting in modules
- Selecting your Seed
- New Seed
- Preparing Cloves for planting
- Planting Garlic
- Mulching
- Labelling the Garlic Beds
- Scapes and Bulbils
- Aftercare
- Harvesting
- Propagation
- Cultivar Selection
- Hardneck varieties
- Softneck varieties
- Watering Garlic
- Harvesting Garlic
- Types of Garlic
- Fertilization of Garlic
- Organic Fertilizer
- Timing
- Application
- Irrigation
- Fertigation
- Weed Management
- Monitoring
- Herbicides
- Diagram of Purple Blotch
- Diseases and Pests
- Purple Blotch (Alternariporri)
- Stemphylium leaf blight (Stemphylium vesicarium)
- Anthracnose/Twister Disease (Colletotrichum gleosporiodes)
- Fusarium or Basal Plate Rot (Fusarium oxysporum t.sp.cepae)
- Pink Root (Pyrenochaeta terrestris)
- Damping off
- White Rot or Sclerotial rot (Sclerotium cepivorum)
- Black Mould (Aspergillus spp.)
- Iris Yellow Spot Virus
- Onion Yellow Dwarf Varus
- Pests
- Thrips
- Eriophyid Mites
- Red Spider Mites
- Storage of Onion and Garlic
- Need
- Harvesting
- Storage losses
- Storage structures
- Onion graders
- Uses
- Medicinal Properties of Garlic
- Treat cardiovasccular disease
- Reduces high blood pressure/hypertension
- As natural blood thinner
- As natural immunity booster
- Prevents diabetes
- Composition of onion
- Proximate composition and energy values of raw and dehydrated onion
- Medicinal value of onion
- Dehydrated onion
- Onion varieties suitable for dehydration
- Dehydration practices for onion
- Solar drying
- Reported varietal studies for oniondehydration
- Convective air drying
- chemical composition of onion,fresh and dried under various temperatures
- Fludied bed drying
- Microwave and freeze drying
- Infra red drying
- Viacuum drying
- Freeze drying
- Osmotic dehydration
- Processing Steps
- Power production nd energy requirements
- The details of each stage of a typical proess
- Geothermal Applications
- Onion Dehydration
- Reduced Cooking Procedure
- Mash Formation
- Emulsifier if desired, emulsifier can optionally be added to the mash as a processing aid
- Other Optional Ingredients
- Drying the Mash to Form Dehydrated Onion Produts
- Fabricated Chip Preparation
- Dough Formulation
- Optional Ingredients
- Dough Preparation
- Sheet
- Frying
- Fabricated Chip Characteristics
- Volatile Organic Flavor Compounds
- Crispiness
- Fabricated Chip Stability
- Fabricated Chip Integrity
- Soluble Amylopection (Ap)
- Analytical Methods
- Fat Content
- Digestible Fat Content
- Non-digestible fat content
- Moisture Content
- Voletile Flaor Compounds
- Firmness (Consistency) of Potato Mash by Back Extrusion Method
- Flake Color
- Hunter Color Determination
- Objective
- Soluble Amylose and Soluble Amylopectin
- Intial Hardness and Fabricated Chip integrity
- Scope
- Water Activity (Aw)
- Fabricated Chip Thickness
- Water Absorption Index (WA)
- Particle Size Distribution Test
- Sheet Strength Test
- Rheological Properties using the Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA)
- Key Machines for our vacuum Dried Onion Powder Making Production Line
- Working Principle
- Basic Structure
- Technical Parameter
- Meat Rubs
- Bioody Mary Drinks
- Spice Mixes
- Dressings
- The onion model for Drying Technology
- Dryer
- Pinch analysis
- Onion Extract
- Fat (Oil)Phase
- Emulsifiers
- W/o Emulsifiers
- W/W Emulsifiers
- Additives
- Additional Active Ingredients
- Onion Bags
- Rigid Packages
- Onion Pre-packs
- Bulk Storage
- Storage at Low Temperature
- Recommended refrigerated storage conditions for onion bulb
- Recommended refrigerated storage conditions for spring (green) onion
- The onion model for Drying Technology
- Dryer
- Pinch analysis
- Onion Extract
- Fat (Oil) Phase
- Emulsifiers
- W/O Emulsifiers
- O/W Emulsifiers
- Additives
- Additional Active Ingredients
- Onion Bags
- Rigid Packages
- Onion Pre-packs
- Bulk Storage
- Storage at Low Temperature
- Recommended refrigerated storage conditions for onion bulb
- Recommended refrigerated storage conditions for Spring (green) onion
- Onion Storage at High temperature
- Direct Harvest Storage
- CA Storage of Onions
- Recommended controlled atmosphere composition for storage of onion bulbs
- Recommended controlled atmosphere composition for storage of spring (green) onions
- Use in vegetables
- As a salad
- As spice
- Ginger candy and preserve
- Use in pickling
- Source of essential oils
- Recovery of starch and soft drink
- Value added products
- Alcoholic beverages
- Medicinal Properties
- Refreshing medicinal beverages
- Uses of ginger oil
- As flavourant
- Pharmaceutical uses
- Uses in perfumery
- Ayurvedic uses
- Industrial uses
- Used in beverages
- Economic uses
- Cash crop
- Cattle feed
- Export potentiality
- Method of manufacture
- Uses
- Oleoresins
- Conclusion
- Suggested of extraction of oil and oleoresin from ginger and turmeric
- Quality evaluation of ginger
- Ginger varieties
- Ginger Crop
- Characteristics of a variety
- High productivity
- Wider adaptability
- Btter resistance
- Better quality characters
- Better transportability
- Special production criterion
- Quality character of different of different varieties of ginger grown
- Variety should have great demand
- Acceptable to farmer, middle term and consumer
- Better performance
- Uniform maturity
- Better processing qualities
- Suitable to fit in the cropping systems
- Higher returns to the framers
- Suitable to grow in off season
- Export potential
- Ginger types and varieties
- Ginger types
- Jamaican fresh/dried ginger
- African or Nigerian Ginger
- Japanese ginger
- Sierra Leone ginger
- Rio-de-Janeiro ginger
- Chinese dried ginger
- Indian dried ginger
- Australian dried ginger
- Varieties
- Kerala varieties
- Dried ginger (saunth)
- Seed ginger
- Processing of fresh ginger
- Types of preserved ginger
- Preserved ginger
- Ginger in sugar syrup
- Ginger in brine
- Dry ginger
- Crystallised ginger
- Raw dried ginger
- Treated or bleached dry ginger
- Powder form
- Processing methods
- Indian preserved ginger
- Procedure for processing of dry ginger
- Selection ofrhizomes
- Washing
- Trimming
- Peeling
- Killing of rhizomes
- Preparation of ginger rhizomes for drying
- Yield, mean weight, fibre content and percentage of dry ginger obtained from different types
- Drying of processed ginger
- Peeling method for large scale production
- Manual handling
- Dry method of processing
- Wet method of processing
- Mechanical method of processing
- Manually operated machine
- Power driven machine
- Liming of ginger rhizomes
- Quality requirements of dry ginger
- Quality character requirements of dried ginger
- Factors influencing ginger quality
- Ginger candy
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger pickle
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger and germinated lentil pikle
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger ka khata-meetha pickle
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger samosa pickle
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger chutney
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger Murabba
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger Tulsi Juice
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger kismis and chhuhara kee longees
- Ingredients
- Method
- Brown ginger jiggery cake
- Ginger and honey cake
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger paneer
- Ingredients
- Method
- Ginger syrup
- Ingredients
- Method
- Garlic powder
- Process
- Material Requirement
- Equipment required
- Plant parameters
- Preparation of the spice
- Dried ginger
- Peeling
- Curing
- Sorting and Shipping
- Chemistry of ginger
- Research and Development
- Harvesting
- Yield
- Transportation
- Ship.truck,railroad
- Cargo handling
- Cargo securing
- Packing
- Risk factors and loss prevention
- Specifications for export varieties
- Storage
- Packing garlic forms
- Responses to Controlled Atmospheres (CA)
- Cooling system
- Packinghouse operations
- Inspection
- Pre-treatments
- Freezing garlic
- Processing
- Introduction
- Forms of ginger
- Cultivation of ginger
- Processing dried ginger
- Making dried ginger
- Quality assurance of dried ginger
- Grading
- Grinding
- Packaging
- Storage
- Ginger oil distilliation
- Introduction
- Source of raw materials
- Garlic and Ginger
- Composition of ginger garlic paste samples
- Manufacturing Process of Ginger Garlic paste Garlic paste
- Ginger paste
- Ginger Garlic paste
- Quality Characteristic ofginger garlic paste
- pH value of ginger garlic paste
- Percentage acidity
- Moisture Content
- Ash content
- Process Flow chart of manufacturing of ginger garlic paste
- Statistical Analysis
- Results and Discussions
- History
- Uses and application
- Properties
- Indian Ginger
- Calicut Ginger
- Composition of Dry Ginger/Ginger powder
- Processing of ginger
- Fresh immature ginger
- Preserved ginger
- Fresh mature ginger
- Processing of Fresh Ginger
- Killing of rhizomes
- Preparation of ginger rhizomes for drying
- Drying of processed ginger
- Peeling method for large scale production
- Manual handling
- Mechanical method of processing
- Laming of ginger rhizomes
- Quality requirements of dry ginger
- Quality Character Requirements of Dried Ginger
- Factors influencing ginger quality
- Manufacturing Process
- Preparation
- Process of Manufacture
- Ginger not divested of cork
- Progress Flow sheet
- Raw material
- Grinding
- Raw material varieties
- Plant economics of dry ginger (ginger powder)
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Garlic Growing States
- Garlic Powder
- Composition and Properties
- Uses and Application
- Manufacturing Process
- Washing
- Peeling
- Sulphitation
- Dehydration
- Pulverising
- Packaging
- Storage
- Flow diagram for garlic flakes
- States Which Supply Raw Material (Garlic Bulb)
- Plant Economics of Garlic Flakes and Powder (Dehydrated)
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Production process of ginger oil
- Uses of Ginger Oil
- Preparation of Raw Material
- Cleaning
- Milling
- Loading or Charging
- Bleaching of Ginger
- Manufacturing Process of Ginger Oil
- Plant Economics of Ginger Oil Extraction and Powder
- Flow Diagram for Ginger Oil
- Plant and Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
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