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    Abrasive, asbestoes, cement refractories, tiles, bricks etc

    CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS[EIRI/EDPR/1476] J.C:258INTRODUCTION Construction Chemicals, as the name suggests, are the chemical compounds used in construction activities, be it residential, non-residential or non-building. These compounds belong to a niche specialty segment of the chemical industry and ca..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Plant L..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Det..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Plant L..
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    CEMENT PLANT (CAP: 3205 TPD)[EIRI/EDPR/1628] J.C. 432INTRODUCTIONHowever the advent of the Cement Plant with vertical shaft kiln, which was introduced in India by an enthusiastic protagonist from Australia, has provided a diversion. In some quarters the Mini Cement plant has a keen following, since ..
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    Brief Contents Covered in the Project ReportIntroduction Uses and  Applications Properties   Market   Survey  with   future   aspects   Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Plant  Layo..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed  Process of  ..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed  Process of  Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow ..
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    BRICKS FROM FLY ASH (EIRI-1007)Bricks may be made from a no. of different kinds of material, but they must usually possess (can be capable of developing)  a certain amount of plasticity.  fly ash is one of them.  Fly-ash is an industrial waste of thermal power stations using pulverised co..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Det..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Det..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Plant L..
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    Showing 157 to 168 of 176 (15 Pages)