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    Abrasive, asbestoes, cement refractories, tiles, bricks etc

    AAC BLOCK MANUFACTURING PLANT [CODE NO 3225]   Autoclaved aerated concrete is a versatile lightweight construction material and usually used as blocks. Compared with normal (ie: “dense” concrete) aircrete has a low density and excellent insulation properties. The low density is achiev..
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    WHITE CEMENT BASED WALL PUTTY AND CEMENT PAINT MANUFACTURING PLANT (INTEGRATED UNIT) [CODE NO.3169]   White cement based Wall Putty a plastering material to fill the holes and patches before paint primer or distemper. In general, fillers & stoppers are paste-like materials, highly ..
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    SAND-CEMENT BASED READY MIX MORTARS  [CODE NO. 3124] Dry Mortar Mix is gaining eminence in modern times owing to its versatile superiority in regard to characteristics over the conventional in-situ mortars viz. better performance easy to uses easy to set and the quality of leavin..
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    ADMIXTURE FOR CONCRETE [CODE NO.3056]  To start with, it needs to be defined that an admixture is a substance which can be added to concrete to modify or achieve its properties. These admixtures are added to the concrete in addition to water and cement aggregate, typically during or before..
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    PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE RAILWAY SLEEPERS  [CODE NO. 2094]   Sleepers are members generally laid transverse to the rails on which the rails are supported and fixed, to transfer the loads from rails to the ballast and subgrade below. Sleepers perform the following functions: i.    To hold..
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      CEMENT GRINDING UNIT (CAP: 400 TPD) [CODE NO. 1977] J.C.873 Cement: is a material with adhesive and cohesive properties which make it capable of bonding minerals fragments into a compact whole. For constructional purposes, the meaning of the term "cement" is restricted to the bon..
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      PRE STRESSED CONCRETE ELECTRIC POLE (RECTANGULAR) (CAP:100 POLES/DAY OF 8 MTR TO 11 MTR LENGTH)  [CODE NO.1928] Wooden, steel and concrete poles were used for power distribution lines since 19th century. The first poles used were wooden poles. When demand for poles increase a..
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    MARBLE PROCESSING PLANT (MARBLE CUTTING AND POLISHING UNIT) (CODE NO.1887} The  term  marble is derived from the  latin  work  "MARMOR" which  itself comes from the Greek root "MARMAROS" meaning  these by  a  shining  stone.  In ancient times, any stone capable of taking polish, witho..
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      RCC HUME PIPES (REINFORCED CONCRETE CEMENT) (HORIZONTAL METHOD) (CODE NO.1885)      RCC Hume pipes are made of a mixture of Portland cement, sand and aggregate in the proportion of 1:2:5:2.5 with steel rods and wires  as reinforcement  material. These   pipes   are manufactured in d..
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    QUICK LIME PLANT CAP: 150 TPD [CODE NO. 1807] Lime is a calcium-containing inorganic material in which carbonates, oxides and hydroxides predominate. Strictly speaking, lime is calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide. It is also the name of the natural mineral (native lime) CaO which occur..
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    MINI CEMENT PLANT (CAP: 400 TPD ROTARY KILN PROCESS) [CODE NO. 1797)      Cement   industry is one of the  most  important   basic industries  on which depends the economic health of a  developing country. In fact are of the  important  indicators  of  the industrial vitality of a countr..
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    CEMENT BRICKS (HOLLOW) [CODE NO. 1796]     A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. It is sometimes called a concrete masonry unit (CMU). A concrete block is one of several precast concrete products used in construction. The nterm precast refe..
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    Showing 25 to 36 of 176 (15 Pages)