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    Automobiles, mechanical and mechanical projects

    It needs to be understood well as to why automobile and mechanical projects are important. In India, there is an increased demand in the automobile segment and this is where the mechanical projects come into picture. The automobile engineering market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Hundreds of new car models are launched each year in India and this country is one of the top consumers in the luxury automobile space. 

    It needs to be well noted that there is an increased demand for good automobile engineers and this where it is important to make note of the mechanical projects. If one wants to hold a key position in the automobile MNC space, then you should be very good at what you want to know. An automobile mechanical project does not necessarily mean that you build an entire motor vehicle. No one expects anyone to do that sort of a thing. What is expected is that you add something new to the automobile projects through technicalities of mechanical engineering projects – and this is what makes the project absolutely unique. 

    There are many humble automobile project ideas which need to be well noted. These ideas are well noted below: 

    - LPG kit design for two wheelers

    - Wind powered car

    - Hybrid vehicles

    - Catalytic converter for cars

    - Electronic fuel injection (EFI)

    - Adaptive cruise control systems

    - Fabrication of spark plug testing machine

    - Automatic multi-level parking (AMLP)

    - Automatic rain operated wiper

    - Fabrication of solar car

    - Fabrication of electromagnetic braking system for automobile

    - Accident avoiding systems in a four wheeler

    - Electronic valve actuation in combustion engine

    Besides the above mentioned mechanical projects, there are many more engineering projects that need to well noted. There are various mechanical machines which are being used such as: Egg breaker and yolk separator machine, portable electric power tiler machine, self charging solar powered drone, RC underwater exploration drone, sustainable fishing drone without bycatch, and many more. 

    It is a matter of research to now if automobile engineering is better than mechanical engineering. In a generalized manner, automobile engineering is better than mechanical engineering as in mechanical engineering – you cannot specialize in one field but in automobile engineering, you actually tend to specialize in the automobile sector. You can actually specialize in automobile engine or automobile technology at large. 

    The most renowned automobile mechanical engineering projects nowadays include – Hybrid vehicles, working model of hovercraft, catalytic converter for cars, wind powered car, fuel efficiency in All Wheel Drive (AWD) system, seminar topic on four wheel steering system, Bi-cycle rider system simulation using ADAMS, side stand retrieving system for two wheelers, and many more. 

    There are many more emerging technologies that come up in the mechanical and automobile engineering space. These include: fuel efficient engine technologies, stir friction welding, high speed machining, biomimetics, agile manufacturing, stir friction welding, and many more. It needs to be well noted and taken into account as to which projects are worth giving time and energy by the mechanical and automobile engineers. 

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