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    Food Processing Industries, Food Technology, Food Science & Technology, Food Industry, Food Industry, Agro Food Processing, Food Processing Projects, Food Processing Packaging

    It needs to be well noted that food processing refers to the transformation of products of agricultural base into food or its forms. These processes have many forms of processing food from grain grinding to cooking in complex methods that are used at an industrial level (these are actually convenience foods). The primary food processing methods are used to make bread, sugar, salt, fiber as well as various other dietary products. 

    There are various types of food processing methods such as: primary, secondary as well as tertiary food processing methods. The primary method turns the products such as livestock and kernels into something that can be eaten well. Many ancient processes include winnowing, drying, threshing, butchering, freezing, canning, extracting oils, homogenizing and various other processes. 

    It should be further noted that the secondary food processing refers to the routinely process of creating food from ready to use ingredients. One of the examples of secondary processed meat are sausages (which are also known to undergo primary processing). The common methods known to humans are various types of cooking processes useful in food processing industries. 

    There are various processes associated with food processing industries such as preservation, toxin removal, distribution tasks as well as easing marketing. This in turn assists in bringing out the food consistency. This also enables the best of transportation facilities for goods that are perishable in nature and de-activates spoilage of micro-organisms which are pathogenic in nature. It is obviously stated well that the existence of modern super markets shall not be there without these modern techniques of food processing. Also, it is well understood that processed foods are not much susceptible to early spoilage as compared to fresh foods. These are suited the best for source of consumers as well as transportation for long term distances. 

    It is also understood well that processing can much reduce the incidence of diseases which are food-borne in nature. There are various kinds of fresh materials which are raw meats and produce which harbour micro-organisms that are pathogenic in nature. These micro-organisms are known to cause various kinds of serious illnesses. The act of processing can significantly improve the food taste. Also, when mass production of food is done, they come out to be much cheaper because of the various tools and techniques used in the domain of food processing. Also, the act of processing can significantly improve the food taste at a significant level. 

    It needs to be well noted that the techniques of modern processing improves the quality of life of people who face diabetes, allergies, and much more. When there is increased processing of food, it kind of decreases the density of the nutrients. When the nutrients are lost, the amount of lost nutrients depends on what kind of food processing method is used. Processed foods are known to have much sodium in it and have added sugars as well. Due to nutrient losses, the industry understands that it is harder to meet the needs of the body for enrichment. Thus, the industry is understanding all kinds of constraints and is developing at its best. 
    GARLIC OIL AND POWDER[EDPR/1081] J.C.:9725INTRODUCTIONGARLIC OIL:Garlic oil is nothing but an essential oil of the plant family liliaceae. The bulbs or cloves of the common garlic (allium stivum liliaceae) have been used since antiquity, particularly in mediterranean countries, as a popular prophyla..
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    POTATO POWDER (AUTOMATIC PLANT)  The  protection of food-stuffs from spoilage by  moulds  and bacteria is a major concern of the food Technologist.  One of the most  obvious and most ancient, methods of accomplishing this  is to dry the food to such an extent that mould or bacterial  growth..
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    FOOD PROCESSING UNIT (GARLIC, PINEAPPLE CANNING & TOMATO PROCESSING) Garlic  paste  are very versatile products  which  are  used extensively in Food Industries. Garlic  is one of the important species coming  into  Allium group, whose botanical name is A.Sativum. A hardy perennial, c60 cm ..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Shee..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications ..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow ..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Pl..
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    Showing 25 to 36 of 37 (4 Pages)