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    <p align="JUSTIFY"> <strong>India Textile Industry</strong> is one of the leading textile industries in the world. Though was predominantly unorganized industry even a few years back, but the scenario started changing after the economic liberalization of Indian economy in 1991. The opening up of economy gave the much-needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which has now successfully become one of the largest in the world.<br /> <br /> India textile industry largely depends upon the textile manufacturing and export. It also plays a major role in the economy of the country. India earns about 27% of its total foreign exchange through textile exports. Further, the textile industry of India also contributes nearly 14% of the total industrial production of the country. It also contributes around 3% to the GDP of the country. India textile industry is also the largest in the country in terms of employment generation. It not only generates jobs in its own industry, but also opens up scopes for the other ancillary sectors. India textile industry currently generates employment to more than 35 million people. It is also estimated that, the industry will generate 12 million new jobs by the year 2010.<br /> <br /> The garments industry in India is one of the best in the world. An extremely well organized sector, garment manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, stockists and wholesalers are the gateway to an extremely enterprising clothing and apparel industry in India. There are numerous garments exporters, garments manufacturers, readymade garments exporters etc. both in the small scale as well as large scale.<br /> <br /> During April-December 1999-2000, textile exports were recorded as US $ 9735.2 million (Rs.440179.4 million), of which ready made garments comprised nearly 40%. Interestingly, almost ¼ of India's total exports goes to the USA.<br /> <br /> <strong>Indian readymade garments and textiles</strong> are extremely popular the world over. In fact, exports of readymade garments registered a 6.4% increase in dollar terms and an 11.6% increase in rupee terms during the period April-December 1999-2000, despite a sluggish growth in income both at home and abroad. Indian Garment export growth during April-June 1998 for woolen ready made garments was a phenomenal 150%, for ready made garments made of silk it was 58%, and for other ready made garments it was 39%, in dollar terms.<br /> <br /> Today, garments exports from India have made inroads into the international market for their durability, quality and beauty. One of the reasons for the economical pricing of India's ready made garments and apparels is the availability of highly skilled, cheap labor in the country. The superiority of India's Garment Industry has been acknowledged in the National Textile Policy (NTP) of India 2000. Having realized the tremendous growth potential of this sector there is a proposal in the NTP for taking the Indian Garment Industry out of the SSI reservation list.</p>
    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
    ₹ 0 INR
    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
    ₹ 0 INR
    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow S..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed  Process of  ..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed&n..
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    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Pl..
    ₹ 0 INR
    MARKET SURVEY CUM DETAILED TECHNO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY REPORT covers   Introduction Uses and Applications Properties Market Survey with future aspects Present Manufacturers Detailed Process of Manufacture Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sheet Diagram, Pl..
    ₹ 0 INR
    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
    ₹ 0 INR
    MARKET  SURVEY CUM  DETAILED  TECHNO  ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY  REPORT covers  Introduction Uses and  Applications Properties Market   Survey  with   future   aspects  Present Manufacturers  Detailed  Process of  Manufacture  Formulations B.I.S. Specifications Process Flow Sh..
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    Showing 85 to 96 of 201 (17 Pages)