hand book of leather and leather products technology

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- Introduction
- Leather:Braving New Material World
- Leather: Changing Demand Pattern
- Customer Driven Changes of Market Economy Models
- Driving Factors in Manufacturing
- Driven by Access to Materials
- Driven by Access to Market
- Driven by Access to Technologies
- Innovation Driven Manufacturing
- Global Leather Processing Practices Influencing Issues
- Linkages to Down Stream Industries
- External Pressures from Environmental Perspectives
- Cost Compulsions
- Change Paradigms in Leather Processing
- Atom Efficiences
- Material Productivity Time and Labour Productivity
- Approach Paradigms in Leather Processing
- Biotechnology for Leather
- Knowledge Network Approach
- Bio & Ambient Preservation of Skin
- Ambient Preservation of Skin/hide
- Lead Enzymes for Lime and Sulfide free Processing of Skin/hie
- New Substrate for Assaying Enzyme Samples for Application in Leather Sector
- Application of Recombinant DNA Routes for A Lead Enzyme Product
- Lead Enzyme Products
- Some Lead Products Under Commercial Evaluation
- Concluding Remarks
- Choice of Raw Material
- Vital Role of Selection
- Variation in Quality
- Ante Mortem Damages
- Post Mortem Damages
- Use of Preservatives
- Classification
- Details of Classification
- Characteristics of Cow Hides of Different Origin
- Agras
- Bihar's cow Hides
- Darbhanga
- Katihar Kishinganj
- Savan Chapra, Purnea Districts
- Patna Districts
- Bihar Shariff Districts
- Gava Districts
- Ranchi District
- Bengal Hides
- Nagoras
- Desis
- Haluas
- Observations on The Hides from west Bengal
- Matiabur Howra and Barrackpore Slaughter Hides
- Assam Hides
- Madras Hides
- Andhra Hides
- Bombay Hides
- Cow Hides From Rajasthan
- Miscellaneous
- Buffalo Hides
- Classification and Grading
- Regional Classification
- Punjab Haryana & Delhi Hides
- Darbhanga, Muzaffarpur, Champaran Area
- Siwan, Chapra, Purnea Area
- Bhagalpur, Katihar, Kishangung Area
- Patna Area
- Bihar Sherif Area
- Gaya Area
- Ranchi Area
- Bengal Buffaloes
- 3 Goat Skins
- Regional Classification
- Punjab & Haryana
- Uttar Pradesh
- North Bihar & Bengal
- Dinajpurs etc.
- Deccans
- southerns
- Mumbai And Rajasthanies
- Sheep Skins
- Punjab Sheep
- Bihar
- Red Hair Sheep of Southern India
- Mumbai
- Miscellaneous
- Increase in Raw Prices
- Recent Development
- Curing Processes Adopted in the Trade
- Types of Cure
- Salting
- Drying:(a) Unframed Dry Hides (sukties)
- (b) Dry Framed Hides
- (c) Arsenicated Hides
- Salt Cured
- Use of Impure Salts
- Use of Sambhar Salt
- Khari Salt
- Methods of Salt Curing
- (A) Wet Salting
- Storage Period
- Dry Salting
- Goat Skin Curing
- Sheep Skin Curing
- Assamese Practics
- Practice in Other States
- Other Methods of Preservation
- Curing by Pickling
- Never Techniques in Curing
- Solvent Dehydration
- Curing by Radiation
- Curing by Fumigation
- Read Heat
- Soaking and Liming
- Objects of Soaking
- Removal of Proteins
- Dimensional Changes
- Soaking of Dry Goat Skins
- Percentage Water Uptake
- Advantages of Drumming
- Soaking Heavy Hades
- Soaking
- Objects of Soaking
- Factors Affecting the Soaking Operation
- The Nature of the Raw Stock and the Type of Cure
- The Type of Salt Used (if any) in Curing
- Quality and Quantity of Water Used for Soaking
- Temperature of the Soak Bath
- Soaking Agents used, if any
- pH
- Use of Disinfectants or Bactericides
- Influence of Agitation
- Use of Wetting Agents
- Typical Examples of Soaking Procedure
- Type of Raw Stock Wet Salted Pit Soaking
- Type of Stock Dry (fint dry) Hides Pit cum Drum Soaking
- Lime Yard Operations
- Effect on Proteins
- Sweating
- Sweating Chambers
- Importance of Temperature and Humidiry
- Use of Lime
- Source of Lime
- Action of Lime
- Customary Liming Procedure
- Qantity of Lime Used
- Use of Old Limes
- New Knowledge in Liming
- Sodium and Porassium Hydrates
- Sodium sulphide
- Mechanism of Unhairing with Sodium Sulphide
- Sodium Sulphydrate NaHS
- Arsenic Sulphide
- Reasons for Use of Arsenic Sulphide
- Miscellaneous Chemicals (Sodium Cyanide) (Rarely Used)
- Enzyme Unhairing
- Advantages of the above Methods
- Other Types
- Enzyme for Dewooling
- Role of Mechanical Action in Unhairing
- Oxidative Unhairing
- New Advantage in Oxidative Unhairing
- Effects of Oxidative Unhairing
- Other Advantage
- Fleshing, Cheeking, Splitting, Rounding Fleshing
- Cheeking
- Spliting (Lime Splitting)
- Rounding
- Actual Liming Process
- Object of Liming
- Effect of Temperature in Liming
- Sheep Skins
- Where the Hair is to Be recovered
- Where Lime Alone is used as a Paint
- Cow Hides
- Buffalo Hide
- Acid Addition
- B1 Sulphide: (Hydrosulphide)
- Analysis and Properties of NaHS
- Barium Sulphide Ba S
- Enzyme Unhairing
- Amine Unhairing (American Method)
- Unhairing Process Pit Liming Process
- Actual Operation of Unhairing
- Improvement
- Unhairing by Machine
- Disadvantages
- Amide Unhairing
- Liming
- Factors Influencing the Liming Process
- The Type and Nature of Stock
- The Type of Leathers Required to be Produced
- The Quality and Quantity of Lime
- The Addition of Sharpening Agents
- The Quantity and Quality of Water
- Quantity
- Temperature
- Agitation
- Types of Liming
- Pit Liming
- Two Pits System
- Three Pit System
- Paste Liming (Paint Liming) Method
- Paddle Liming
- Drum Liming
- Other Methods
- Precautions in Liming Process
- Reliming
- Objects of Reliming
- Quantity of Lime
- Fleshing
- Mechine Capacity, H.P.
- Rounding
- Deliming, Bating, Puering & Drenching Deliming
- Objects of Deliming
- Some Common Deliming Agents Used in Practice
- Method of Deliming
- Extent of Deliming
- Some Equations of Deliming
- Need for Deliming
- Old Practices
- Effect of Mere Washing
- Some Chemical Deliming Agents
- Deliming Agents
- Organic Acid
- Formic Acid
- Acetic Acid
- Some Uncommon Deliming Agents Bating
- Objects of Bating
- Testing of Bated Pelts
- Factors Influencing the Bating
- The Nature of the Bate and its Concentration
- Temperature
- pH of the Pelt and Bath
- Time
- Method of Bating
- Drenching
- Conventional Drenching Process
- Conventional Drenching Process
- Puering
- Early Bating Agents
- Synthetic Bate
- Trade Products
- Bating Process
- Type of Paddle Used
- Need for Adjustments
- Bating Pelts for Vegetable Tannage
- Conditions of Bating
- Main Enzyme Used in India
- Acid Wash
- Drenching
- Still Drench
- Scudding
- Pickling
- Basic Principle
- Use of Organic Salts
- Dry Pickle
- Depickling
- Detailed Observation of Bating
- Objective of Bating
- Conditions of Bating
- pH
- Where to Bate
- Scudding
- Pickling for Preservation & Export
- Dry Pickle
- Depickling
- Pickling
- Functions of Acid in Pickle
- Functions of Salt in Pickling
- Common Systems of Pickle Bath
- Types of Pickle
- Equilibrium Pickle
- Varieties of Pickle Based on Ingredients
- Dry Pickle
- Varieties of Pickling can be as Follows
- Masked Pickle
- Depickling
- Tanning
- Tanning Agents
- Olden Methods Practised
- Alum Tanning
- Preparation of the Alum Tawing Paste
- Vegetable Tanning
- Classification of Vegetable Tanning Materials
- Principle of Vegetable Tanning Process
- Leaching
- Dark Colour of Solid Extracts
- Spray Drying of Extracts
- Different Vegetable Tanning Materials
- Quebracho
- Wattle
- Myrobalan
- Avaram Bark (Turwar)
- Babul Bark
- Konnan Bark
- Goran Bark
- Chestnut
- Gambler
- Special Qualities of Gambier
- Bleached Extracts
- Practical Considerations in Vegetable Tanning
- Tan Content
- Non-Tans
- T/NT Ratio
- Acidity
- Salt Content
- Acid/Salt Ratio
- pH.
- Astringency
- Factors Influencing Tanning
- The Nature of the Pelt
- The Nature of Leathers Required to be Produced
- The Nature of the Tanning Materials Used
- Concentration
- pH
- Agitation
- Temperature
- Time
- Chrome Tanning
- Principle of the Preparation of Chrome Tanning Salt
- Mechanism and Concept of Basicity
- Preparation of Chrome Liquors
- Testing for Reduction
- Chemical Test
- Other Reducing Agents Commonly Used
- Conventional Practice of Chrome Tanning Procedure
- Procedure
- Factors Influencing Chrome Tanning
- The Condition and Nature of the pelt
- The Type of Leathers Required to be Produced
- Concentration of Cr2O3 Basicity and Type of Chrome Liquor
- Type of Chrome Liquors
- pH
- Time
- Temperature
- Agitation
- Float
- Nature and Quantity of Basifying Agent Used
- Presence of Neutral Salt
- Newer Developments in Chrome Tanning
- Dry Chrome Tannage the Following Advantages are Claimed
- Self Basifying Chrome Extract or Selt Basifying System of Tannage
- Oil Tanning Process
- Characteristics of the Oil
- Characteristics of Oil Tanned Leathers
- Principle of Oil Tanning for Chamols Leather
- Lafter Developments in Oil Tanning
- Formaldehyde Tanning
- Principle of Formaldehyde Tanning
- Formaldehyde Tanning for Picker Saver Leathers
- Important Points to Remember in Formaldehyde Tanning
- Synthetic Tannings
- Use of Syntans
- Classification of Syntans
- Auxiliary Syntans
- Properties
- Combination Syntans
- Replacement Syntans
- Properties
- Zirconium Tannage
- Some Important Mechanical Operations After Tanning
- Post Tanning Operations Neutralisation
- The Object of Neutralising
- Combination Tannages
- Mordanting & Dyeing
- Use of Mordants
- Metallic Mordants
- Other Mordants
- Dyeing Formaldehyde Leathers
- Mordants for Chrome Leathers
- Vegetable Dyes
- Dyeing
- Types of Dyes
- Acid Dyes
- Basic Dyes
- Direct Dyes
- Chrome Mordant Dyes
- Testing of Dyes
- Fastness and Other Properties
- Drying of Leather
- Different Condition for Different Methods
- Paste Drying
- Pasting Unit
- Duration of Drying
- Drying Chamber
- Factors Involved in Drying
- Application of Paste
- Pasting and Drying
- Pasting Formulation and Other Conditions
- Ingredients for Paste
- Rate of Drying
- Typical Conditions of Temperature and humidity
- Interpreting the Condition
- Location of Exhausts
- A More Economical Units
- Other Dryers
- Vaccum Drying
- Finishing
- Different Methods
- Pigment Finishing
- Different Shades in Finishing
- Selection of A Pigment
- Pigment Dispersions
- Aniline Finishing
- Binders
- Casein
- Shellac
- Other Materials
- Resin Finishing
- Acrylic
- Synthetic Rubbers
- Scope for Use Non Aqueous Leather Finishing System
- Lacquer Finishing
- Cellulose Nitrate
- Plasticisers
- Solvents
- Coloured Lacquers
- Vinyl and Other Finishes
- Equipment
- Curtain Coater
- Automatic Spray Equipment
- Hand Spray
- Leather Made out of Different Raw Materials
- Type of Leathers
- Special Note
- Special Instructions if any
- Basis of Cleaner Processing Technology
- Environmentally Friendly Chemicals for Leather Processing
- Approaches to Solve the Problem Areas Possible Remedial Measures
- Alternative Methods
- Neutral Salt Buildup
- Chrome Tanning
- Dyes
- Fat Liquors
- Finishing
- Allied Aspects
- Bye Products
- Bulk Volume Solid Wastes
- Effluent Collection, Treatment & Disposal
- Characteristics of the Effluents
- Ways & Means to Reduce the Volume and Intensity of Tannery Effluents
- Treatment of Waste from Tanneries
- Segregation
- Primary Treatment
- Secondary Treatment
- Anaerobic Lagoon
- Aerated Lagoon
- Oxidation Ditch
- Major Problems Involved in Treatment of Tanning Wastes
- Selection of Suitable Treatment Technology
- Future Outlook
- Solid Waste Utilisation
- Goat Hair
- Sheep Wool
- Fleshing & Raw Trimmings
- Crust Trimmings
- Vegetable Tanned Splits
- Vegetable Tanned Leather Waste
- Lime Sludge
- Split Waste
- Chrome Shavings
- Buffing Dust
- Economy of Water and Chemicals and Emergy Efficiency
- Technology in Water Management
- Economy of Chemical Utilisation
- Energy
- Introduction
- Special Features of the Leather Industry
- Technical Feasibility Appraisal and Project Reports
- Financial Aspects
- Working Capital Requirements
- Overheads
- Profitability
- Technical Aspects
- Cost of the Project will be indicated as follows
- Margin Money for the working capital will include
- Selection of Personnel/Training
- Purchase of Raw Materials
- Break up of the Cost of Products
- Need for Quality Control and Standards
- Quality Assessement of Grading of Leathers
- Utilisation of Bye Products
- Effluent Treatment A Social Obligation
- Management & Marketing
- Need for Quality Control and Standards
- Hydrolysable
- Condensed
- Medical Properties
- Other Properties
- Criteria Material Selection
- Indian Tanning Materials and their Potential
- Tannin Extracts
- Manufacture of Tannin Extracts
- Selection of the Raw Materials
- Size Reduction (Crushing/Grinding)
- Leaching (Extraction of Tannins)
- Open Vat Extraction
- Rotary System of Extraction
- Autoclaving
- Open Vat with Archimedean Screw
- Vacuum Leaching (Nance Process)
- Gas Lift Agitation Process
- Settling and Filtration
- Concentration (Evaporation)
- Bleaching
- Solid Extract
- Powder Extract
- Packaging
- Solid and Liquid Wastes from Extract Manufacturing Units
- Sources of Natural Dyes
- Occurrence
- Classification of Dyes
- Advantages of Vegetables Dyes
- Dye Yielding Plants of India
- General Methods of Preparation
- Leather Dyes from Vegetable Source
- Chrome Liquor of 331/3rd Basicity
- Chrome Liquor
- Tests for Complete Reduction
- Preparation of Common Indicators Used in Tannery
- Tensile Strength
- Elongation
- Breaking Strength
- Tearing Strength
- Tongue Tear
- Split Tear
- Buckle Tear
- Stitch Tear
- Cracking
- Piping
- Resistance to Perspiration
- Grain Crack and Brusting Strength
- Abrasion Resistance
- Flexibility
- Compressibility and Resiliency
- Shrinkage Temperature
- Water Absorption
- Water Penetration
- Water Vapour Permeability
- Air Permeability
- Real and Apparent Densities
- Apparent Density
- Real Density
- Special Tests for the Finishing or Surface Properties Crocking
- Staining
- Bleeding
- Tackiness
- Lightfastness
- Sole
- Upper
- Belting
- Chamois
- Clothing
- Glove
- Picking Band
- Seal and Washer Leathers
- Gas Meter Leather
- Various Other Chemicals L.R.Quality
- Commercial Chemicals, etc.
- Physical Testing Laboratory
- Chemical Testing
- Chemicals (A.R. Grade)
- Chemicals (Commercial)
- Physical Testing Equipment/Apparatus
- Miscellaneous
- Suppliers of Indigenous Testing Machines
- Physical Testing Equipment/Apparatus (Imported)
- Miscellaneous
- Introduction
- Ray Fish
- Process
- Physical Testing
- Results
- Introduction
- Detection of HCHO
- Importance of Formaldehyde in Leather Manufacture
- Importance of Formaldehyde in Glaze Kid
- Aromatic Syntans
- Formaldehyde Free Syntans
- Free Formaldehyde Content of Commercial Resin Tanning Agents
- Permissible Limits of Formaldehyde
- Introduction
- Properties of Glaze Kid Leathers
- Physical Requirements of Glazed Kid Leather Indian Standards (Minimum)
- Chemical Requirements of Glazed Kid Leather Indian Standards
- Finishing Recipe for Formaldehyde Free Glaze Kid Leather Clear Coat Clear Coat
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material (per month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover /Annum
- Introduction
- Processos of Manufacture
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material
- Fixed Capital
- Total Working Capital (Per Month)
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover Per Annum
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- The Main Operation are
- Quality Control and Standards
- Production Capacity
- Fixed Capital
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover (Per Annum)
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Production Capacity
- Fixed Capital
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material Including Packing Requirements
- Total Working Capital (Per Month)
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover (Per Annum)
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material
- Fixed Capital
- Total Recurring Expenditure (Per Month)
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover (Per Annum)
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Standards Related to Leather Garments Industry and Related Items
- Production Capacity
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum)
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Production Capacity (Per Annum)
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Production Capacity (Per Annum)
- Motive Power
- Machinery and Equipments
- Tools and Equipments and Other Fixed Assets
- Raw Material Including Packaging Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Production Capacity
- Motive Power
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials (Per Month)
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- processes of Manufacture
- Production Capacity
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Material(Per Pair)
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Processes of Manufacture
- Flat Liquoring and Dyeing
- Quality Control and Standards
- Production Capacity
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Plant and Machinery
- Raw Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Process of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Cost Estimation
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Process of Manufacture
- Quality Control and Standards
- Cost Economics
- Production Capacity
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Manufacturing Process
- Quality Specification
- Production Capacity (p.a.)
- Pollution Control
- Energy Conservation
- Fixed Capital
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials (Per Month)
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital (Per Month)
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Processes Outline
- Quality Specification
- Production Capacity
- Motive Power
- Requirement
- Machinery and Equipments
- Machinery Utilisation
- Raw Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital/Month
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
- Introduction
- Process outline
- Cost Estimation
- Production Capacity (p.a.)
- Financial Aspects
- Machinery Utilisation
- Machinery and Equipments
- Raw Materials
- Fixed Capital
- Working Capital/Month
- Capital Investment
- Turnover/Annum
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