Liquid Rosin (Tall Oil) Production, Uses, Extraction, Processing, Compositions and Formulations Hand Book
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- Introduction
- Composition
- Fatty acids
- Resin acids
- Unsaponifiables
- Uses of Liquid Rosins
- Tall oil
- Lignins
- Calcium ions
- Sulphide ions
- Factors affecting quality of CTO
- Dehydration
- Depitching
- Rosin separation
- Heads separation
- Fatty acid separation
- Experimental Procedures
- Results and Discussion
- Cationic Surfactants Experimental
- Preparation of maleopimaric acid (MPA)
- Preparation of rosin cationic surfactants (QRMAE)
- Electrochemical measurement
- Surface Activity of the prepared surfactants
- Esterification of rosin
- Esterification of RMA-MPEG 750
- Characterization of the prepared Surfactants
- Surface Activity of the prepared surfactants
- Sources, production and utilization of crude tall oil
- Tall oil as a wood protection agent
- Wood extractives and natural durability
- Effect of tall oil on the biological durability of wood
- Effect of tall oil on water repellency
- Reducing the amount of oil needed
- Enhancing the drying properties of crude tall oil
- Enhancing the wood protection properties of tall oil
- Biodegradability of tall oil-based wood preservatives
- Resin synthesis
- Materials
- Curing process
- Trial experiments for scheme 2 and scheme 3
- Characterization of resins
- Results and discussion of resins
- FTIR analysis of the synthesized thermoset resins
- Composite preparation
- Hand lay-up impregnation
- Characterization of composites
- Flexural testing
- Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis
- Copolymers, Drying Processese
- Introduction
- Alkyd resin
- Alkyd-acrylic copolymers
- The drying process
- Synthesis of copolymers
- Celluloses used as fillers
- Films and coatings
- Characterization
- Surface modification
- Degree of substitution
- Barrier properties
- Manufacturing
- Production of sterols from vegetable oil distillates
- Production of sterols from wood pulp/tall oil
- Production of phytostanols from phytosterols
- Production of phytosterol and phytostanol esters
- Free fatty acid route
- Methylester route
- Commercial suppliers
- Chemical Characterization
- Composition and properties
- Quality of phytosterols, phytostanols and their esters
- Analytical methods
- Regulatory status
- Reactions and fate in foods
- Stability at high temperatures
- The BUS model
- Materials and Methods
- Raw materials
- Formulation of long-chain alcohols in Pluronic® F-68
- Cell culture assays
- Statistical analysis
- Polyurethanes Based on Tall Oil
- Synthesis of polyols
- Preparation and characterization of polyurethanes
- Properties of polyols
- Structure of polyols and polyurethanes
- Properties of polyurethanes
- Ricinoleic Acid Modification
- Polyamine Modification
- Amino Alcohol Modification
- Imidazoline Modification
- Metal Chelate Modification
- Ester Modification
- Amino Acid Modification
- Polyfunctional Corrosion Inhibitors
- Sulfonate & Sulfate Modification
- General Considerations
- Maleation of Crude Tall Oil
- Detailed Description
- Odor Level Comparison Tests
- The Drawings
- Description
- Performance of Imidazoline and Amide
- Experimental
- Inhibitor Performance Evaluation
- The tests are conducted as follows
- Table 2.1 Gross Compositional Characteristics of American Distilled Tall Oilsa
- Table 2.2 Composition of Fatty and Resin Acids in American Distilled Tall Oils
- Table 2.3 GLC Retention and NMR Characteristics of the Methyl Secodehydroabietatesa
- Table 2.4 Composition of Pimaric-and Isopimaric-Type Acids Comprising Resin Acids of American Distilled Tall Oilsa
- Table 4. 1. Composition of CTO
- Table 4.2. Degree of water repellent efficiency (DEt) of tall oil-treated pine sapwood samples measured after 1 and 96 hours of water immersion
- Table 4.3. Properties of the tall oil emulsions
- Table 5.1: Different mass ratio of MA to HOTOFA
- Table 5.2: DSC analysis table of all uncured resin samples
- Table 5.3: TGA analysis for different cured resins
- Table 5.4: Summary of the DMTA result
- Table 5.5: Summary of charpy properties
- Table 6.1. Fatty acid composition of various oils used in coatings
- Table 6.2. Alkyd resins studied and used in copolymer synthesis
- Table 6.3. Generalized recipe for copolymerizations
- Table 6.4. Synthesized and studied copolymers
- Table 6.5. Synthesized copolymer dispersions, which
- were applied on paperboard
- Table 6.6 Relative proportions of each proton and proton group in the polyol region
- Table 6.7. Tg values of copolymer films and onset temperatures of the DMA measurements.The results are averages of five measurements
- Table 6.8. Comparison of the quantity of fatty acids attached based on the integrated cellulose and acyl peaks in the 13C CPMAS NMR spectra
- Table 6.9. Degree of substitution and O/C ratio calculated from XPS measurements
- Table 6.10. Mechanical properties of copolymer films studied with DMA, the results are averages from 3 to 8 measurements
- Table 7.1. Commercial suppliers of phytosterols, phytostanols and/or their esters; 1) TO: tall oil; VO: vegetable oil
- Table 7.2: Physical characteristics and composition of different commercial phytosterols, phytostanols and their esters; 1) from TO sterols; 2) from VO sterols; 3) mainly sitosterol and campesterol
- Table 7.3. Phytostanol concentrations in food products on the market, including portion sizes
- Table 8.1: Composition of test materials
- Table 8.2: Calculation of the MTT, PGE2, and (MTT + PGE2) combined score values
- Table 8.3: Results from the MTT assay and the PGE2 determination for tissue treated with a single application of tall oils
- Figure 8.1: Determination of the cytotoxicity of single and repeated applications of tall oils
- Table 8.4: Results from the MTT assay and the PGE2 determination for tissue treated with repeated applications of tall oils
- Table 9.1. Percentage of viability of CHO and melanoma cell cultures in the presence of long-chain aliphatic alcohols
- Table 10.1. Specifications of oils
- Table 10.2. Characteristics of polyols
- Table 10.3. Thermal stability of polyurethanes
- Figure 1 .1 The tall oil process
- Figure 3.1. FTIR spectra of a) RMAE and b) QRMAE
- Figure 3.2. 1HNMR spectra of a) RMAE and b) QRMAE
- Figure 3.3 Relation between surface tension of QRMAE and time at different concentrations in a) water and b) 1M aqueous HCl solutions at 25°C.
- Figure 3.4. Adsorption isotherms of QRMAE at different concentrations in a) water and b) 1M aqueous HCl solutions at 25°C.
- Figure 3.5. FTIR Spectra of a) RMA and b) RMA-(MPEG 750)3
- Figure 3.6. Relation between surface tension of R-MPEG 750 and time different concentrations in 1M aqueous HCl solutions.
- Fig. 4.1. Simplified diagram of the tall oil distillation pr
- Fig. 4.2. Fatty acids.
- Fig. 4.3. Resin acids.
- Fig. 4.4 Degree of efficiency after the initial wetting and drying cycle, measured after 1 hour of water immersion
- Fig. 4.5 Degree of efficiency after the initial wetting and drying cycle, measured after 96 hours of water immersion
- Fig. 4.6. Degree of efficiency after six wetting and drying cycles, measured after 1 hour of water immersion
- Fig. 4.7. Degree of efficiency after six wetting and drying cycles, measured after 96 hours of water immersion
- Fig. 4.8. DSC diagrams (110°C air flow) indicating the oil oxidation rate
- Fig. 4.9. Water uptake by tall oil-treated pine sapwood in the seventh wetting and drying cycle
- Fig. 4.10. Amounts of oil pressed out of the samples during the compression test
- Fig. 4.11. Typical particle size distribution of a tall oil-based emulsion
- Figure 5.1: synthesis scheme 1
- Figure 5.2: synthesis scheme 2
- Figure 5.3: synthesis scheme 3
- Figure 5.4: Experimental set-up for synthesis of thermosetting resin
- Figure 5.5: the obtained resins with three different mass ratio of MA to HOTOFA
- Figure 5.6 : FTIR spectra comparison of TOFA and HOTOFA resins
- Figure 5.7: FTIR spectra comparison of HOTOFA, MHOTOFA 1:1, MHOTOFA 1.5: 1 and MHOTOFA 1.76:1resins
- Figure 5.8: DSC curve of uncured MHOTOFA 1to1 (no styrene) resin
- Figure 5.9: DSC curve for cured MHOTOFA 1to1 resin (no styrene, room T for 1h and post cure in 150°C for another 1h)
- Figure 5.10: Comparison of the DSC scan for cured and uncured MHOTOFA 1to1 (no styrene) resin
- Figure 5.11: TGA analysis of cured MHOTOFA 1:1 resin (no styrene)
- Figure 5.12: Viscose fiber and fiber mats lay-up orientation
- Figure 5.13: Six different composites from 3 different resins (with or without styrene) reinforced by viscose fiber
- Figure 5.14: Test specimens for flexural, DMTA, charpy, tensile
- Figure 5.15: Flexural strength comparison of the composites
- Figure 5.16: Flexural modulus comparison of the composites
- Figure 5.17: Strain at break% comparison of the composites
- Figure 5.18: variation in the storage modulus of the MHOTOFA composites
- Figure 5.19: Tan delta curves of the MHOTOFA composites
- Figure 5.20: the loss modulus curves of MHOTOFA composites
- Figure 5.21: Comparison of the storage modulus between the reinforced resin (composite) and the unreinforced resin, both blended with styrene
- Figure 5.22: Impact strength of the composites
- Figure 6.1. Structure of typical alkyd resin
- Figure 6.2. Miniemulsion and conventional emulsion polymerization
- Figure 6.3. Schematic presentation of the oxidative drying of alkyd resin
- Figure 6.5. SEC chromatograms of alkyd resins
- Figure 6.6. Monomer conversion of copolymers with different wt% of conjugated alkyd resin (BA-MMA ratio is 80:20) (copolymers11-15 in Table 6.4)
- Figure 6.7. Monomer conversion of copolymers with different wt% of nonconjugated Alkyd-TMP-3 and BA as monomer (copolymers 1-5 in Table 6.4)
- Figure 6.8. Particle-size distribution of emulsion and dispersion with various alkyd contents (copolymers 1, 3, 5 in Table 6.4)
- Figure 6.9. Grafting of acrylic macroradical to double bond (a-c) and bis-allylic site (d-f) in the fatty acid chain. a) Macroradical attacks DB in fatty acid chain. b) Grafting occurs and a new radical is formed. c) Polymerization continues at the new radical site. d) Macroradical attacks allylic hydrogen in fatty acid chain. e) Hydrogen is abstracted and a new radical is formed in fatty acid chain, where new radical approaches. f) Macroradical grafts to radical site in fatty acid chain
- Figure 6.10. Monomer conversion and acrylic degree of grafting. BA-MMA ratio (wt%) was 80:20 in samples with conjugated alkyd (copolymers 11-15 in Table 6.4) and 100:0 in samples with nonconjugated alkyd (copolymers 1-5 in Table 6.4
- Figure 6.11. a) Effect ofBA concentration on grafting site and efficiency. b) Effect of alkyd-acrylate ratio on various grafting sites (copolymers 16-20 in Table 6.4)
- Figure 6.12. DSC thermograms of alkyd resin and copolymers (copolymers 16-20 in Table 6.4)
- Figure 6.13. a) TG and b) DTG curves showing thermal stability of alkyd resin, alkyd-acrylic copolymers, and acrylic copolymer.
- Figure 6.14. Two parts of FTIR spectra of neat whiskers and fatty acid-modified whiskers.The carbonyl peak at app. 1740 cm-1 is marked with dotted line
- Figure 6.15. Thermal stability of neat whiskers and fatty acid-modified whiskers presented as TGA curves
- Figure 6.16. a) ssNMR spectrum of copolymer film and freeze-dried copolymer. b) FTIR spectra of copolymer film after various drying times showing the decreasing intensity of the cis H-C=CH peak (marked with dotted line)
- Figure 6.17. Stress-strain curves of copolymer films with various alkyd contents. One measurement of each film sample set is presented
- Figure 6.18. Storage modulus of copolymer films with various alkyd contents. One measurement of each film sample set is presented
- Figure 6.19. Figure 1 Water and oil absorbance of copolymer-coated cupboards (copolymers 30-37). Samples 34-37 were crosslinked with GMA
- Figure 6.20. Effect of TOFA-modified whiskers on mechanical properties of films
- Figure 6.21. Effect of various cellulose types on mechanical properties of the films
- Figure 6.22. Effect of TOFA-modified cellulose on a) oxygen barrier properties (copolymers 32 and 33) and b) water and oil absorbance (copolymer 32) of copolymer-coated paperboards.
- Figure 7.1. Steroid skeleton
- Figure 7.2. Molecular structure of some phytosterols, phytostanols and a fatty acid ester
- Figure 8.2: Determination of the irritancy potential of single and repeated applications of tall oils
- Figure 8.3: The combined cytotoxicity and irritancy potential of single and repeated applications of tall oils
- Fig. 9.1. Structure of long-chain aliphatic alcohol (polycosanols): docosanol and tetracosanol
- Fig. 9.2. Effect of long-chain aliphatic alcohol type on CHO-K1 cell growth
- Fig. 9.3. Effect of long-chain aliphatic alcohol type on melanoma cell growth
- Fig. 10.1. Chemical structure of the synthesized polyols and polyurethanes, where R1 - residue of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (C16-C24) and R2 - residue of aromatic diisocyanate
- Fig. 10.2. IR-spectra of polyols (1, 2) and urethanes (3, 4), based on tall oil FOR2 esters (1, 3) and diethanolamides (2, 4)
- Fig. 10.3. IR-spectra of tall oil diethanolamides (1, 2) and esters (3, 4), containing 2 % (1, 3) and 20 % (2, 4) of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.4. IR-spectra of polyurethanes based on tall oil diethanolamides (1, 2) and esters (3, 4), containing 2 % (1, 3) and 20 % (2, 4) of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.5. Density of polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.6. Tg of polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.7. Modulus of elasticity of polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.8. Tensile strength of polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.9. Elongation at break of polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.10. Shear bond strength to wood (W) and aluminium (Al) for polyurethanes versus the content of rosin acids
- Fig. 10.11. TGA curves of polyurethanes with the content of rosin acids of 2 %
- Fig. 19.1 is a general flow scheme of one embodiment of the invention
- Fig. 19.2 is a more detailed flow scheme of one embodiment of the invention
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