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    Detailed Project Report on modern rice mill

    Detailed Project Report on modern rice mill
    Detailed Project Report on modern rice mill
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      [CODE NO.3286]

      Rice sheller is the process that helps in removal of hulls and bran from Paddy grains to produce polished rice. The objective of rice milling is to get whole grain rice and preserve most of the rice kernel, in their approximate original shape.

      In order to improve nutritional and cooking quality of rice, a pre-treatment is given to paddy and the rice so obtained by milling the pretreated paddy is known as parboiled rice. The rice obtained from milling untreated rice is known as raw rice or white rice.

      Primary milling of rice is an important activity in food grains. Rice is used in almost all parts of India. Few decades ago, rice grains were processed at family level before cooking. Today, due to Industrialization and global competitive market trend, it has emerged as one of the major industrial activity in tiny, small, medium and large scale sector to cater to the needs of increasing population. Large number of mills engaged in processing/milling of rice are spread over in almost all states across the country. Due to increasing demand the number of rice mills will continue to increase throughout the country.
      The input to the Rice mill is paddy whereas the output is parboiled rice and raw /white rice
      depending upon whether the pretreatment is given to paddy or not. The objective of milling is to get whole grain rice and preserve most of the rice kernels in their original shape. The
      technologies used for rice milling in tiny and small mills are mostly conventional in nature and are not oriented towards minimizing pollution by incorporation of in plant pollution

      prevention cum control measures. These units generate substantial amount of pollution, especially air pollution as a result of fugitive emissions from various operations.

      The pollution is particularly high in cleaning of paddy, parboiling of paddy and milling of rice. Primary and secondary cleaning of paddy gives rise to solid waste and fugitive emission in the work environment. The coal or husk fired boiler generates fly ash, suspended particulate matter, smoke, and oxides of carbon. Residents of nearby towns suffer due to pollution generated by rice mills. Though some of changes are being brought in production processes to improve the efficiency and lowering the cost of production etc., as regards to pollution abatement & control it remains mostly unsatisfactory. A Civil Writ came up for hearing before the Punjab and Haryana High Court recently and during hearing, the Hon’ble Court had passed an interim order-“It be made known as to why rice husk etc. cannot mandatory be required to be stored, after expulsion by the machine, directly into an enclosed area, so that it does not in any way get out of the factory premises on to the crops/passing vehicles/any residence made in open fields/on farm workers, at all.” In compliance of the orders passed by the court, Punjab Pollution Control Board carried out a study so that some immediate action could be taken to prevent air pollution in the surrounding areas by following enclosed storage practices. The study included inspection of shellers of different capacities, measures taken by these shellers to store the Rice Husk in an environmentally sound manner, adequacy of the enclosure provided around the rice husk storage area, etc. After going through recommendations of the study, court expressed that problem of spillage of Rice Husk could not be solved without providing air tight enclosures. The court also expressed that loading/handling of Rice Husk should be inside the air tight enclosure, so as to rule out any possibility of rice husk particles becoming air borne. The handling and proper disposal of Rice Husk Ash is also a big problem. The ash deposited in the nearby areas is causing health impacts to humans as well as plants.

      Keeping in view the orders passed by the court and the gravity of air pollution caused by this sector, Central Pollution Control Board entrusted a project on ‘framing the guidelines for sitting of rice shellers/mills; handling and storage of rice husk and handling; storage and disposal of ash generated in boiler using rice husk as fuel’ to Federation of Indian Chambers for Commerce and Industry, so as to improve the environmental performance of the rice mills.


      Plant  Capacity                                      :       40.00 TON/day                  
      land & Building (6000 Sq.Mtr)            :       Rs. 3.35 Cr
      Plant & Machinery                                :        Rs. 2.23 Cr
      Working Capital for 3 Months            :        Rs. 5.6  Cr
      Total Capital Investment                     :       Rs. 10.96 Cr
      Rate of Return                                      :       41%
      Break Even Point                                 :        39%

      OVER VIEW OF RICE SHELLER                                    
      USES AND APPLICATION                                        
      B.I.S. SPECIFICATION                                        
      MARKET SURVEY                                            
      APPARENT CONSUMPTION OF RICE                                
      ESTIMATED DEMAND                                        
      DEMAND SUPPLY GAP                                        
      MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF RICE SHELLER                        
      PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM FOR RICE SHELLER                        
      AVERAGE YIELD OF RICE FROM PADDY                            
      PROCESS FLOW SHEET OF WHITE RICE (RAW)                        
      EMISSION ASSESSMENT IN RICE SHELLER                            
      EMISSION AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS                            
      CONTROL SYSTEMS ADOPTED                                    
      PLANT LAYOUT                                            
      PRINCIPLES OF PLANT LAYOUT                                    
      PLANT LOCATION FACTORS                                    
      SUPPLIERS OF RAW MATERIALS                                
      SUPPLIERS OF PLANT AND MACHINERIES                            
      APPENDIX – A:

       1.      COST OF PLANT ECONOMICS      
       2.      LAND & BUILDING                                      
       3.      PLANT AND MACHINERY                                  
       4.      FIXED CAPITAL INVESTMENT                             
       5.      RAW MATERIAL                                         
       6.      SALARY AND WAGES                                     
       7.      UTILITIES AND OVERHEADS                              
       8.      TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL                                
       9.      COST OF PRODUCTION                                   
      10.      PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS                               
      11.      BREAK EVEN POINT                                     
      12.      RESOURCES OF FINANCE                           
      13.      INTEREST CHART                                       
      14.      DEPRECIATION CHART                                   
      15.      CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                   
      16.      PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET      


      How to Make Project Report?

      Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.

      Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.

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      Detailed Project Report (DPR) gives you access to decisive data such as:

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      • Key highlights

      Overview of key market forces propelling and restraining market growth:

      • Up-to-date analyses of market trends and technological improvements
      • Pin-point analyses of market competition dynamics to offer you a competitive edge major competitors
      • An array of graphics, BEP analysis of major industry segments
      • Detailed analyses of industry trends
      • A well-defined technological growth with an impact-analysis
      • A clear understanding of the competitive landscape and key product segments

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