Modern Technology of Tomato Processing and Dehydration (Ketchup, Juice, Paste, Puree, Soup and Drying) (hand book)

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The book Modern Technology of Tomato Processing and Dehydration (Ketchup, Juice, Paste, Puree, Soup and Drying) covers Tomato, Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato, Poly House Technology in Vegetable Production, Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables, Fruits and vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration, Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables, Technology of Tomato Products, Processing of Peeled Tomatoes, Processing of Dried Tomatoes, Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing, Flow sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree, Tomato Paste Technology, Technology of Tomato Puree, Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology, Soups and Soup Mixes, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes, Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree, Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable by Mechanical Washing, Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder), Packaging and Storage, Condensed Tomato Soup, Products from Tomato Pulp, Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup, Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree, Food Processing Unit, Tomato Powder, Tomato Products (Project Profile), Pineapple Tomato, Frut Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant.
- Importance and Utility
- Origin and History
- Botany
- Climatic Requirements
- Soil and its Preparation
- Varieties
- Seed and Sowing
- Diseases and their control
- Insect Pests and their control
Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato
- Introduction
- Hybrid Vegetables
- Advantages of Hybrid Vegetables
- Constraints in the Expansion of Cultivation of Hybrid Vegetables
- Remedial Measures
- Vegetable Processing
- Tomato Quality
- Positive Impact
- Negative Impact
- Future Developments
Poly House Technology inVegetable Production
- Polyhouse Technology in Vegetable Production
- Advantages of poly house Cultivation
- Major Constraints
Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables
- Principle and Process of Canning
- Process
- Disadvantages
- Containers for Packing of Canned Products
- Canning of Fruits (and Tomatoes)
- Bottling of Fruits
- Canning and Bottling of Vegetables
- General considerations in Estabilishing a Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Cannery
- Causes of Spoilage of Canned Foods
Fruits and Vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration
- Advantages of Dehydration over Sun-Drying
- Drying/Dehydration Techniques
- Shade Drying
- Osmotic Dehydration
- Atmospheric Drying of Foams
- Spoilage of Dried Products
- Reconstitution Test for Dried/ Dehydrated Products
- Reconstitution Test
- Food Concentration
- Methods of Concentration
- Changes during Concentration
- Intermediate moisture Foods (IMF)
Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables
- Vegetable Varieties
- Harvesting and Pre-Processing
- Reception
- Temporary Storage
- Washing
- Sorting
- Skin Removal/Peeling
- Size Reduction
- Blanching
- Canning
- On-line Simplified Methods for Enzyme Activity Check
- Catalase Test
- Fresh Vegetable Storage
- Vegetable Drying/Dehydration
- Vegetable Dehydration
- Technology for Vegetable Powder Processing
- Packing and Storage of Dried and Powdered Vegetabes
- Potato Crisp/Chip Processing
- Selection and Storage
- Peeling
- Slicing
- Frying
- Storage Stability
- Vegetable Juices and Concentrated Products
- Vegetable Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Aseptic Filling
- Carrot Juice
- Red Beet Juice
- Sauerkraut Juice
- Concentrated Tomato Products
- Tomato Paste
- Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Production Accidents and product Defects; Means to Avoid Them Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste and Concentrated Juice
- Tomato Sauce
- Pickles and Sauerkraut Technology
- Vegetable Natural Acidification Technology
- Gherkins and Cucumbers
- Sauerkraut
- Shredded Sauerkraut
- Removal of External Leaves
- Whole Sauerkraut
- Other Acidified Vegetables
- Simplified Flow Sheet For Whole Sauerkraut Processing
- Process
- Consumption of the Finished Products
- Finished Product Storage
- Artificial Vegetable Acidification Technology
- Cucumbers in Vinegar
- Size Grading
- Washing
- Salt (Sugar) Addition
- Spicing Addition
- Other Vinegar Pickles
- Vegetable Canning
- Canned Vegetables in Salt brine
- Canned Vegetables in Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Canned Vegetables in Vegetable Oil
- General Heat Preservation Operations-Canning
- Selection of Raw Material
- Preparation
- Filling
- Air Removal
- Double Seaming
- Heat Processing
- Cooling
- Storage
- General Technical Operations for Fruit and Vegetable Canning Lines
Technology of Tomato Products
- Flow sheet of Processing Operations for Tomato Products
- Manufacturing Equipment for Canned Tomato Products and Tropical Fruit Products
- Equipment Specifications
Processing of Peeled Tomatoes
Processing of Dried Tomatoes
Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing
Flow Sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce
Tomato Juice Processing Line
- Technology line for Tomato
Juice Concentration and Tomato Paste Pasteurization
Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Organoleptic Evaluation of Puree
Tomato Paste Technology
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
Technology of Tomato Puree
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Processing
- Results and Discussion
Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology
- Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste
- Tomato Cocktail
- Tomato Ketchup
- Chilli Sauce
- Tomato Sauce
Soups & Soup Mixes
Tomato Chutney, Cocktail, Soup, Chilli Sauce & other Processing
Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes
Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree
- Materials and Methods
- Measurement of Colour
- Results and Discussion
Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables by Mechanical Washing
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder)
Packaging and Storage
- Insect Infestation
- Packaging of Dried Fruit
- Packing of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Packing of Dried Eggs
- Packing of Dried Milk
- Packing of Yeast
- Packing of Dehydrated Meat
- Storage of Dried and ehydrated Fruits
- Storage of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Storage of Dried Eggs
- Storage of Dry Milk
- Storage of Dehydrated Beef Serum and Hemoglobin
- Storage of Active Dry Yeast
- Compression of Dehydrated Foods
Condensed Tomato Soup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Products from Tomato Pulp
- Introduction
- Raw Material Quality
- Processing
- Flow Diagram
Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup
- The Process
- The Problem
- The Solution
- Tomato Ketchup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree
- Manufacturing Process
- Plant Economics of Tomato Pulp/Puree
Food Processing Unit
- Process of Manufacturing of Garlic Paste
- Plant Economics of Food Processing Unit
- (Garlic, Pineapple Canning & Tomato Processing)
Tomato Powder
- Plant Economics of Tomato Powder
Tomato Products (Project Profile)
- Manufacturing Process
- Tomato Juice
- Plant Economics of Tomato Products
Pineapple, Tomato, Fruit Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant
- Manufacturing Process
- Fruit Pulp Manufacturing (Mango)
- Mango Juice Manufacturing Process
- Washing
- Plant Economics of Pineapple Juice, Canning, Tomato Juice, Sauces & Others
Out of Stock!
The book Modern Technology of Tomato Processing and Dehydration (Ketchup, Juice, Paste, Puree, Soup and Drying) covers Tomato, Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato, Poly House Technology in Vegetable Production, Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables, Fruits and vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration, Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables, Technology of Tomato Products, Processing of Peeled Tomatoes, Processing of Dried Tomatoes, Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing, Flow sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree, Tomato Paste Technology, Technology of Tomato Puree, Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology, Soups and Soup Mixes, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes, Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree, Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable by Mechanical Washing, Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder), Packaging and Storage, Condensed Tomato Soup, Products from Tomato Pulp, Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup, Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree, Food Processing Unit, Tomato Powder, Tomato Products (Project Profile), Pineapple Tomato, Frut Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant.
- Importance and Utility
- Origin and History
- Botany
- Climatic Requirements
- Soil and its Preparation
- Varieties
- Seed and Sowing
- Diseases and their control
- Insect Pests and their control
Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato
- Introduction
- Hybrid Vegetables
- Advantages of Hybrid Vegetables
- Constraints in the Expansion of Cultivation of Hybrid Vegetables
- Remedial Measures
- Vegetable Processing
- Tomato Quality
- Positive Impact
- Negative Impact
- Future Developments
Poly House Technology inVegetable Production
- Polyhouse Technology in Vegetable Production
- Advantages of poly house Cultivation
- Major Constraints
Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables
- Principle and Process of Canning
- Process
- Disadvantages
- Containers for Packing of Canned Products
- Canning of Fruits (and Tomatoes)
- Bottling of Fruits
- Canning and Bottling of Vegetables
- General considerations in Estabilishing a Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Cannery
- Causes of Spoilage of Canned Foods
Fruits and Vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration
- Advantages of Dehydration over Sun-Drying
- Drying/Dehydration Techniques
- Shade Drying
- Osmotic Dehydration
- Atmospheric Drying of Foams
- Spoilage of Dried Products
- Reconstitution Test for Dried/ Dehydrated Products
- Reconstitution Test
- Food Concentration
- Methods of Concentration
- Changes during Concentration
- Intermediate moisture Foods (IMF)
Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables
- Vegetable Varieties
- Harvesting and Pre-Processing
- Reception
- Temporary Storage
- Washing
- Sorting
- Skin Removal/Peeling
- Size Reduction
- Blanching
- Canning
- On-line Simplified Methods for Enzyme Activity Check
- Catalase Test
- Fresh Vegetable Storage
- Vegetable Drying/Dehydration
- Vegetable Dehydration
- Technology for Vegetable Powder Processing
- Packing and Storage of Dried and Powdered Vegetabes
- Potato Crisp/Chip Processing
- Selection and Storage
- Peeling
- Slicing
- Frying
- Storage Stability
- Vegetable Juices and Concentrated Products
- Vegetable Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Aseptic Filling
- Carrot Juice
- Red Beet Juice
- Sauerkraut Juice
- Concentrated Tomato Products
- Tomato Paste
- Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Production Accidents and product Defects; Means to Avoid Them Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste and Concentrated Juice
- Tomato Sauce
- Pickles and Sauerkraut Technology
- Vegetable Natural Acidification Technology
- Gherkins and Cucumbers
- Sauerkraut
- Shredded Sauerkraut
- Removal of External Leaves
- Whole Sauerkraut
- Other Acidified Vegetables
- Simplified Flow Sheet For Whole Sauerkraut Processing
- Process
- Consumption of the Finished Products
- Finished Product Storage
- Artificial Vegetable Acidification Technology
- Cucumbers in Vinegar
- Size Grading
- Washing
- Salt (Sugar) Addition
- Spicing Addition
- Other Vinegar Pickles
- Vegetable Canning
- Canned Vegetables in Salt brine
- Canned Vegetables in Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Canned Vegetables in Vegetable Oil
- General Heat Preservation Operations-Canning
- Selection of Raw Material
- Preparation
- Filling
- Air Removal
- Double Seaming
- Heat Processing
- Cooling
- Storage
- General Technical Operations for Fruit and Vegetable Canning Lines
Technology of Tomato Products
- Flow sheet of Processing Operations for Tomato Products
- Manufacturing Equipment for Canned Tomato Products and Tropical Fruit Products
- Equipment Specifications
Processing of Peeled Tomatoes
Processing of Dried Tomatoes
Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing
Flow Sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce
Tomato Juice Processing Line
- Technology line for Tomato
Juice Concentration and Tomato Paste Pasteurization
Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Organoleptic Evaluation of Puree
Tomato Paste Technology
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
Technology of Tomato Puree
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Processing
- Results and Discussion
Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology
- Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste
- Tomato Cocktail
- Tomato Ketchup
- Chilli Sauce
- Tomato Sauce
Soups & Soup Mixes
Tomato Chutney, Cocktail, Soup, Chilli Sauce & other Processing
Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes
Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree
- Materials and Methods
- Measurement of Colour
- Results and Discussion
Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables by Mechanical Washing
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder)
Packaging and Storage
- Insect Infestation
- Packaging of Dried Fruit
- Packing of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Packing of Dried Eggs
- Packing of Dried Milk
- Packing of Yeast
- Packing of Dehydrated Meat
- Storage of Dried and ehydrated Fruits
- Storage of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Storage of Dried Eggs
- Storage of Dry Milk
- Storage of Dehydrated Beef Serum and Hemoglobin
- Storage of Active Dry Yeast
- Compression of Dehydrated Foods
Condensed Tomato Soup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Products from Tomato Pulp
- Introduction
- Raw Material Quality
- Processing
- Flow Diagram
Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup
- The Process
- The Problem
- The Solution
- Tomato Ketchup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree
- Manufacturing Process
- Plant Economics of Tomato Pulp/Puree
Food Processing Unit
- Process of Manufacturing of Garlic Paste
- Plant Economics of Food Processing Unit
- (Garlic, Pineapple Canning & Tomato Processing)
Tomato Powder
- Plant Economics of Tomato Powder
Tomato Products (Project Profile)
- Manufacturing Process
- Tomato Juice
- Plant Economics of Tomato Products
Pineapple, Tomato, Fruit Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant
- Manufacturing Process
- Fruit Pulp Manufacturing (Mango)
- Mango Juice Manufacturing Process
- Washing
- Plant Economics of Pineapple Juice, Canning, Tomato Juice, Sauces & Others
Out of Stock!
The book Modern Technology of Tomato Processing and Dehydration (Ketchup, Juice, Paste, Puree, Soup and Drying) covers Tomato, Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato, Poly House Technology in Vegetable Production, Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables, Fruits and vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration, Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables, Technology of Tomato Products, Processing of Peeled Tomatoes, Processing of Dried Tomatoes, Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing, Flow sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree, Tomato Paste Technology, Technology of Tomato Puree, Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology, Soups and Soup Mixes, Tomato Juice Processing Line, Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes, Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree, Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable by Mechanical Washing, Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder), Packaging and Storage, Condensed Tomato Soup, Products from Tomato Pulp, Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup, Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree, Food Processing Unit, Tomato Powder, Tomato Products (Project Profile), Pineapple Tomato, Frut Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant.
- Importance and Utility
- Origin and History
- Botany
- Climatic Requirements
- Soil and its Preparation
- Varieties
- Seed and Sowing
- Diseases and their control
- Insect Pests and their control
Impact of Introduction of Hybrid Tomato
- Introduction
- Hybrid Vegetables
- Advantages of Hybrid Vegetables
- Constraints in the Expansion of Cultivation of Hybrid Vegetables
- Remedial Measures
- Vegetable Processing
- Tomato Quality
- Positive Impact
- Negative Impact
- Future Developments
Poly House Technology inVegetable Production
- Polyhouse Technology in Vegetable Production
- Advantages of poly house Cultivation
- Major Constraints
Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables
- Principle and Process of Canning
- Process
- Disadvantages
- Containers for Packing of Canned Products
- Canning of Fruits (and Tomatoes)
- Bottling of Fruits
- Canning and Bottling of Vegetables
- General considerations in Estabilishing a Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Cannery
- Causes of Spoilage of Canned Foods
Fruits and Vegetables Drying/Dehydration and Concentration
- Advantages of Dehydration over Sun-Drying
- Drying/Dehydration Techniques
- Shade Drying
- Osmotic Dehydration
- Atmospheric Drying of Foams
- Spoilage of Dried Products
- Reconstitution Test for Dried/ Dehydrated Products
- Reconstitution Test
- Food Concentration
- Methods of Concentration
- Changes during Concentration
- Intermediate moisture Foods (IMF)
Processing Technologies of Tomato and other Vegetables
- Vegetable Varieties
- Harvesting and Pre-Processing
- Reception
- Temporary Storage
- Washing
- Sorting
- Skin Removal/Peeling
- Size Reduction
- Blanching
- Canning
- On-line Simplified Methods for Enzyme Activity Check
- Catalase Test
- Fresh Vegetable Storage
- Vegetable Drying/Dehydration
- Vegetable Dehydration
- Technology for Vegetable Powder Processing
- Packing and Storage of Dried and Powdered Vegetabes
- Potato Crisp/Chip Processing
- Selection and Storage
- Peeling
- Slicing
- Frying
- Storage Stability
- Vegetable Juices and Concentrated Products
- Vegetable Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Aseptic Filling
- Carrot Juice
- Red Beet Juice
- Sauerkraut Juice
- Concentrated Tomato Products
- Tomato Paste
- Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Tomato Juice
- Production Accidents and product Defects; Means to Avoid Them Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste and Concentrated Juice
- Tomato Sauce
- Pickles and Sauerkraut Technology
- Vegetable Natural Acidification Technology
- Gherkins and Cucumbers
- Sauerkraut
- Shredded Sauerkraut
- Removal of External Leaves
- Whole Sauerkraut
- Other Acidified Vegetables
- Simplified Flow Sheet For Whole Sauerkraut Processing
- Process
- Consumption of the Finished Products
- Finished Product Storage
- Artificial Vegetable Acidification Technology
- Cucumbers in Vinegar
- Size Grading
- Washing
- Salt (Sugar) Addition
- Spicing Addition
- Other Vinegar Pickles
- Vegetable Canning
- Canned Vegetables in Salt brine
- Canned Vegetables in Concentrated Tomato Juice
- Canned Vegetables in Vegetable Oil
- General Heat Preservation Operations-Canning
- Selection of Raw Material
- Preparation
- Filling
- Air Removal
- Double Seaming
- Heat Processing
- Cooling
- Storage
- General Technical Operations for Fruit and Vegetable Canning Lines
Technology of Tomato Products
- Flow sheet of Processing Operations for Tomato Products
- Manufacturing Equipment for Canned Tomato Products and Tropical Fruit Products
- Equipment Specifications
Processing of Peeled Tomatoes
Processing of Dried Tomatoes
Flow Sheet for Tomato Juice Processing
Flow Sheet for Processing of Tomato Ketchup or Sauce
Tomato Juice Processing Line
- Technology line for Tomato
Juice Concentration and Tomato Paste Pasteurization
Processing and Storage of Orange Fruited Tomato Cultivars into Puree
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Organoleptic Evaluation of Puree
Tomato Paste Technology
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
Technology of Tomato Puree
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Processing
- Results and Discussion
Tomato Ketchup, Juice & Bottling Technology
- Tomato Juice
- Tomato Paste
- Tomato Cocktail
- Tomato Ketchup
- Chilli Sauce
- Tomato Sauce
Soups & Soup Mixes
Tomato Chutney, Cocktail, Soup, Chilli Sauce & other Processing
Processing and Preservation of Tomatoes
Effect of Storage on the Colour and Sensory Attribute of Tomato Puree
- Materials and Methods
- Measurement of Colour
- Results and Discussion
Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables by Mechanical Washing
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
Dehydration of Tomatoes (Tomato Powder)
Packaging and Storage
- Insect Infestation
- Packaging of Dried Fruit
- Packing of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Packing of Dried Eggs
- Packing of Dried Milk
- Packing of Yeast
- Packing of Dehydrated Meat
- Storage of Dried and ehydrated Fruits
- Storage of Dehydrated Vegetables
- Storage of Dried Eggs
- Storage of Dry Milk
- Storage of Dehydrated Beef Serum and Hemoglobin
- Storage of Active Dry Yeast
- Compression of Dehydrated Foods
Condensed Tomato Soup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Products from Tomato Pulp
- Introduction
- Raw Material Quality
- Processing
- Flow Diagram
Manufacturing Tomato Sauces and Ketchup
- The Process
- The Problem
- The Solution
- Tomato Ketchup
- Raw Materials
- The Manufacturing
- Quality Control
Project Profile on Tomato Pulp/Puree
- Manufacturing Process
- Plant Economics of Tomato Pulp/Puree
Food Processing Unit
- Process of Manufacturing of Garlic Paste
- Plant Economics of Food Processing Unit
- (Garlic, Pineapple Canning & Tomato Processing)
Tomato Powder
- Plant Economics of Tomato Powder
Tomato Products (Project Profile)
- Manufacturing Process
- Tomato Juice
- Plant Economics of Tomato Products
Pineapple, Tomato, Fruit Juice and Other Products Bottling Plant
- Manufacturing Process
- Fruit Pulp Manufacturing (Mango)
- Mango Juice Manufacturing Process
- Washing
- Plant Economics of Pineapple Juice, Canning, Tomato Juice, Sauces & Others
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Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
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