Readymade Garments, Textile & Textile Auxiliaries, Leather Garments, Jute Garments, Hosiery, Spinning, Plastic Kimbles, Jackets, Jeans, Pants, Shoes, Chappal, Fashion Garments Retailing and Under Garments for Ladies & Gents
It needs to be noted and well understood that readymade garments include – Textile and Textile Auxillaries, Leather Garents, Hosiery, Jute Garments, Spinnng, Plastic Kimbles, Jackets, Jeans, Pants, Shoes, Chappals, Retailing of Fashion Garments, Undergarments for Ladies / Gents, etc. These garments are known to be mass-produced for the clothing industry. These products are not at all custom tailored as per the measurements, and are normally generalized as per anthropometric studies. They are made from different yarns and fabrics.
Readymade garments are normally divided into different categories such as – outer clothing, sportswear, leisurewear, uniforms, jersey goods and lingerie. This industry is one of the most globalize industries of the world. This sector has emerged as an experienced sector and depicts exponential growth since 1980s. China is one of the leading exporting country of ready-made garments and has 4490 units currently.
The concept of readymade garments started in the United States around 1825. When mass production of readymade garments is done, there are made of the same design and same size. After layering fabrics on the cutting table, fabric piles are cut together. A CAD generated marker sheet is also used . The readymade clothes are chosen on the basis of fibre of clothing, quality of weave, method of washing and type of cloth used for lining and piping. It needs to be noted and well understood that India is the world’s 6th largest readymade garment exporter.
It needs to be noted and well understood that the Indian textile industry is amazingly differed as it is hand spun and hand woven textiles industry sector. There is increased commercialization of this sector with competition of other global players such as Marks and Spencer. This industry has assumed an exceptional job in the Indian economy. This is one of the biggest employment sectors in the country after farming. There is much development and improvement in this sector with general advancement in the economy.
This industry depicts a low degree of working and manufacturing with few hardware industries which are run physically by hands. This industry is known to constantly expand because of progression of time . These readymade garments are known to be of much importance in various countries of the world. The entire export segment industry of clothing is based on the readymade garment industry sector.
It is important to study this apparel industry, structural problems accompanied, market access barriers, and various measures taken by the government of India to improve the competitiveness of this sector. There needs to be vital changes in the strategies for production, management style as well as different types of capacities of the units of the readymade garment industry sector. This industry is looking for more motivation due to increased competition n this sector. The kids are often seen and observed to be fashion conscious nowadays particularly to those aspects related to the dressing styles. Thus, we have been successfully able to briefly cover different aspects of the readymade garment industry so that it could be understood well.
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[CODE NO.1377]
Technical Textiles
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[CODE NO.3716]
As the name itself implies the readymade garments are garments ready for wearing. Wearing garment is a basic need for every human being. The trend for using readymade garments is increasing day by day. Ready to wear garments have been finding more and more acce..
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(Men’s casual, Formals & Kurta’s & Ladies Kurties)
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As the name itself implies the readymade garments are garments ready for wearing. Wearing garment is a basic need for every human being. The trend for using ready made garments is increasing day by day. Ready to ..
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