Rubber and Rubber Products, Rubber Chemicals, Goods, Latex, Compounds and Industries, Natural Rubber, Extruded Rubber, Synthetic Rubber, Rubber for Automobile, Belt, Gloves, Tyre, Tire, Rubber Based Industries
India is the third largest producer, fourth largest consumer of natural rubber and fifth largest consumer of natural rubber and synthetic rubber together in the world. Besides, India is the world's largest manufacturer of reclaim rubber. In fact, India and China are the only two countries in the world which have the capacity to consume the entire indigenous production of natural rubber and thereby obviate the compulsion and over dependence on exports of surplus quantity of natural rubber. The plantation sector with an estimated production of over 630 hundred thousand tones of natural rubber and a projected production of more than one million tones in near future, helps radical and rapid growth of the Indian rubber industry. The growth prospect is further enlarged by a boom in the vehicle industry, improved living standards of the masses and rapid over-all industrialization.<br />
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The per capita consumption of rubber in India only 800 grams against 12 to 14 kilos in Japan, USA and Europe. This envisages tremendous growth prospects of the industry in the years to come as India is far from attaining any saturation level, so far as consumption of rubber products is concerned.<br />
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<strong>Range of Products</strong><br />
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The wide range of rubber products manufactured by the Indian rubber industry are -<br />
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Auto tyres<br />
Auto tubes<br />
automobile parts<br />
footwear<br />
belting<br />
hoses<br />
cycle tyres and tubes<br />
cables and wires<br />
camelback<br />
battery boxes<br />
latex products<br />
pharmaceutical goods</p>
TYRE RECYCLING UNIT (PRODUCTION CAPACITY: 12 TONS/DAY)[EIRI/EDPR/4725] J.C.: 2945INR, 2945US$The automotive vehicles are increasing rapidly due to increasing motorization and industrialization which definitely leads to generation of tyre waste globally. Billions of waste tyres are available in all o..
₹ 0 INR
TYRE MANUFACTURING (TUBELESS & NORMAL) (MOTOR CYCLE & CAR)[EIRI/EDPR/4649] J.C.: 2866US$INTRODUCTIONTyre is a circular vehicle component manufactured from rubber and comprises tread, jointless cap piles, beads, synthetic rubber, carbon black, and fabric. It is used to cover the rim of wheels..
₹ 0 INR
DEHUSKING RUBBER ROLLER FOR RICE MILL (10”/12”) (PRODUCTION RATE – 20 PAIRS PER DAY)[EIRI/EDPR/4554] J.C.: 2771US$INTRODUCTIONRubber Roller is a rubber or an elastic material covering the core of metal or other material. Rice Dehusking Rubber Roll are precisely made and fitted with the fresh CI drum..
₹ 0 INR
[CODE NO.3882]
Gloves are single-use items and should not be washed or reused. Polythene: Thin and have a tendency to tear. They are not an appropriate choice for healthcare settings. Vinyl: Have been shown to be less effective than latex gloves in prov..
₹ 0 INR
BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE (BKC)[EIRI/EDPR/1558] J.C.353INTRODUCTIONQuaternary ammonium cation. The R groups may be the same or different alkyl or aryl groups. Also, the R groups may be connected.Quaternary ammonium cations, also known as quats, are positively charged polyatomic ions of the structure NR4..
₹ 0 INR
ANTIFOAMING/DEFOAMING AGENT LIKE ANTAROL T-709[EIRI/EDPR/1541] J.C. 334 (INR) 335 (US$)INTRODUCTIONA defoamer or an anti-foaming agent is a chemical additive that reduces and hinders the formation of foam in industrial process liquids. The terms anti-foam agent and defoamer are often used interchang..
₹ 0 INR
ANTIFOAMING/DEFOAMING AGENT LIKE ANTAROL T-709[EIRI/EDPR/1541] J.C. 334 (INR) 335 (US$)INTRODUCTIONA defoamer or an anti-foaming agent is a chemical additive that reduces and hinders the formation of foam in industrial process liquids. The terms anti-foam agent and defoamer are often used interchang..
₹ 0 INR
CALCIUM ALUMINATE [EIRI/EDPR/1531] J.C. 325INTRODUCTIONCalcium Aluminate Ca3Al2o6 often formulated as 3CaO.Al2O3 to high light the proportion of oxides from which it is made, is the most basis of the Calcium Aluminate.Like Ordinary Portland Cements, Calcium Aluminates are composed of oxides of ..
₹ 0 INR
[CODE NO 1515]
Manganese (II) sulphate is one of the most significant commercially important compound and is a conspicuous mineral based chemical industry. Madhya Pradesh is the biggest state in the country which ranks third i..
₹ 0 INR
• Introduction
• Properties
• BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) Specifications & Requirements
• Uses & Applications
• Present Indian Market Position
• ..
₹ 0 INR
CODE NO. 5254
Calcium Compounds
Calcium compounds such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and calcium sulphate are widly distributed in nature. A large number of them are manufactured on account of this applicat..
₹ 0 INR
• Introduction
• Properties
• BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) Specifications & Requirements
• Uses & Applications
• Present Indian Market Position
• ..
₹ 0 INR