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    Manufacturing of Tea, Tea Processing, Blending, Chemical Composition, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Uses with Packaging Technology

    Manufacturing of Tea, Tea Processing, Blending, Chemical Composition, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Uses with Packaging Technology
    Manufacturing of Tea, Tea Processing, Blending, Chemical Composition, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Uses with Packaging Technology
    ₹ 1,350 INR
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      Manufacturing of Tea, Tea Processing, Blending, Chemical Composition, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Uses With Packaging Technology
      The Book contains the chapters: Antioxidant Compounds of Tea: Effect of Processing and Storage, The Cytogenetic Effects of Black Tea and Green Tea, Green Tea Polyphenols Block the Anticancer Effects of Bortezomib and other Boronic Acid,  HPLC Analysis of Commercial Teas and Green Tea,  Green Tea As A Phyto-Therapeutic Agent In Medicine And Dentistry,  Chemical Composition of Tea,  Green Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaves,  Medicinal and therapeutic potentialities of tea (Camellia sinensis L.),  Green Tea Polyphenols, Nutritional Value Of Dried Tea Leaves and Infusions of Black, Green and White Teas,  Medicinal Uses for Herbal Teas,  Tea Manufacture and Quality Improvement via Tea Machinery Management,  Tea blending unit, Processing and Marketing of Tea,  Packaging of Tea,  Tea Processing Industry.
      Tea is one of the most popular beverages that are being consumed all over the world. Tea is known as a soothing drink and a way of life. Owing to its increasing demand, tea is considered to be one of the major components of world beverage market. Tea is very beneficial for health and is also known as anticarcinogenic properties. Green tea acts as an antiviral agent. Growing tea requires sufficient amount of work and there is additional level of work that must be incorporated to harvest it. Tea is cultivated in tropical and sub tropical regions. There are various kinds of tea such as black tea, green, white  tea that can be obtained from real tea plant, Camellia sinensis. The making of different varieties of tea mainly depends upon plucking and rolling, spreading, storing process. 
      Black tea occupies the majority part of world tea production. The most important features of black tea manufacture involve different operations like - plucking and handling of green leaves, withering, processing (CTC), Fermentation, drying, sorting and packing. Each stage involves characteristic changes in the physical and biochemical composition of the leaves. Quality of made tea depends on leaf standard, making of high quality tea depends very largely on the fineness of the leaf. Any physical damage to plucked leaves, i.e. distortion or overheating will instantly initiate chemical reactions which may impair the quality of the made tea. Therefore, careful handling of green leaves from field to factory is pre-requisite to obtain good tea. There is a statement "Good teas are made in the withering house" Withering plays a major role particularly in CTC manufacturing contributing significantly to quality. So our utmost effort must be there to achieve correct degree of weather. Processing is the step of manufacturing where distortion of withered leaves is done. The aim is to increase permeability of leaves cell wall and to mix up different compound in the leaves so that oxygen can get through cell wall and help in oxidation. Fermentation of tea leaf is the process of oxidation of various chemical constituents of tea leaf through a series of chemical reactions. Colour, flavour, strength and briskness are developed in this stage. 
      The book describes aspects of tea cultivation, ranging from the history of old crop, machinery & equipment for various Tea, biological control, organic tea- and many more. This is a sincere attempt to open up the world of this wonderful beverage, its cultivation methods, types of tea available worldwide, manufacturing process, to the common man. 
      Some of the fundamentals of the book are growth of tea in other countries, tea in Indian economy, biochemical constituents, pharmacological properties, selection, pollination and propagation, nutritional requirements, growth, photosynthesis and respiration, nursery management, water theory, oxidative degradation of protein, biological effect of polyphenols, analysis of tea, tea processing, green tea processing, tea bag production etc. 
      This book will be a mile stone for its readers who are new to this sector, will also find useful for entrepreneurs, tea scientists and tea research establishments.
      Antioxidant COMPOUNDS of Tea: Effect of Processing and Storage
      • Introduction
      • Antioxidant Compounds of Tea
      • Flavan--ols
      • Phenolic Acids
      • Flavonols and Flavones
      • Theaflavins and Thearubigins
      • Theasinensins
      • Theabrownins
      • Effect of Production and Processing
      • Phenolic Compounds in Fresh Tea Leaves
      • Manufacturing Process
      • Withering
      • Steaming/Pan-Firing
      • Effects of Production and Processing
      • Rolling
      • Oxidation/Fermentation
      • Drying
      • White Tea
      • Yellow Tea
      • Green Tea
      • Oolong Tea
      • Black Tea
      • Pu-erh Tea
      • Home Preparation of Tea Infusions
      • Water Quality
      • Temperature and Time
      • Tea Leaves/Tea Bags/Tea Powder
      • Serving Additives
      • Production of Ready-to-Drink Tea Beverages
      • Tea Leaves/Tea Bags/Tea Powder
      • Serving Additives
      • Production of Ready-to-Drink Tea Beverages
      The Cytogenetic Effects of Black Tea and Green Tea
      • Introduction
      • Material and Methods
      • Preparation of aqueous extracts
      • Chemicals
      • In vitro mitotic index assay
      • In vitro micronucleus assay
      • Statistical analysis
      • Results
      • Micronucleus
      • Mitotic index
      • Replication index
      • Discussion
      Green Tea Polyphenols Block the Anticancer 
      Effects of Bortezomib and other Boronic Acid
      • Introduction
      • Methods
      • Materials
      • Cell lines and culturing
      • MTT assay
      • Colony-formation assay
      • Apoptosis measurements
      • Immunoblots and antibodies
      • Proteasome activity assay
      • Alizarin red S assay
      • Drug treatment of nude mice
      • Hematoxylin and eosin staining
      • Results
      • EGCG blocks the cytotoxic effects of BZM in glioblastoma cell lines
      • EGCG differentially affects cytotoxicity of 
      • various proteasome inhibitors
      • EGCG prevents proteasome inhibition and ER 
      • stress induction when combined with boronic acid-based compounds
      • EGCG neutralizes the antitumoral effects of BZM in vivo
      • EGCG inactivates BZM via a direct reaction with its boronic acid group
      HPLC Analysis of Commercial Teas and Green Tea
      • Introduction
      • Materials and Methods
      • Materials
      • Extraction and analysis of commercial tea leaves and 
      • green tea dietary supplements
      • Statistical analysis
      • Results and Discussion
      • Analytical aspects
      • Composition of tea leaves
      • Composition of dietary green tea supplements
      Green Tea As A Phyto-Therapeutic Agent In Medicine And Dentistry
      • Introduction
      • Pharmacological Uses of Green Tea in the 
      • Field of Medicine
      • Role of Green Tea in the Field of Dentistry
      • Green Tea: Not Everything is Positive
      Chemical Composition of Tea
      • Introduction
      • Primary Compounds Present in Tea and Their 
      • Structural Formulas
      • Chromatographic Methods Used to Determine 
      • the Chemical Composition of Tea
      • Determination of Volatile Impurities in Tea by 
      • Gas Chromatography
      • Determination of Amino Acids and Sugars in Teas 
      • by Anion Exchange Chromatography
      • Application of High Performance Liquid 
      • Chromatography (HPLC) for the Determination 
      • of non-Volatile Compounds in Tea
      • Analytical Methods
      • Analyte Extraction
      • Determination of Non-Volatile Compounds
      Green Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaves
      • Introduction
      • Materials and Methods
      • Result and Discussion
      Medicinal and therapeutic potentialities of tea 
      • Camellia sinensis L.
      • Introduction
      • Tea, the chemical constituents and 
      • activities of polyphenols
      • Tea, various types with varying properties
      • Health benefits of tea consumption on human 
      • beings
      • Cognitive functions with tea consumption
      Green Tea Polyphenols
      • Introduction
      • Setbacks related to the use of green tea polyphenols
      • Nano-approaches for improved oral bioavailability 
      • and efficacy of green tea polyphenols
      Nutritional Value Of Dried Tea Leaves and 
      Infusions of Black, Green and White Teas
      • Introduction
      • Materials And Methods
      • Result And Discussion
      Medicinal Uses for Herbal Teas
      • Medicinal uses for  common herbs
      • How do I know if tea is right for my patient?
      • Tea Preparation
      • Where do my patients get teas or herbs?
      • How long will tea last?
      Tea Manufacture and Quality Improvement 
      Vis-à-vis Tea Machinery Management
      • Introduction
      • Specification for Black Tea- ISO Standard
      • Manufacturing of black tea
      • Plucking leaf standard
      • Effect of coarse plucking
      • Leaf Handling
      • Analysis of green leaf
      • Withering
      • Benefit of withering
      • CTC
      • Sharpening of CTC rollers
      • Fermentation
      • Drying
      • Sorting
      • Conclusion
      Tea blending unit
      • Introduction
      • Product & Its Application
      • Desired Qualifications For Promoter
      • Raw Material Requirements
      • Manufacturing Process
      Processing and Marketing of Tea
      • Processing by small farmers
      • Processing for green tea
      • Storage between plucking and processing
      • Fermentation stopping
      • Rolling (sometimes called "squeezing")
      • High temperature drying
      • Low temperature drying (and scenting if desired)
      • Classification
      • Final roasting
      • Packaging and labeling
      • Customers within Viet Nam
      • Customers in other countries
      Packaging of Tea
      • Modular System For Maxim
      • Compacta Tag (With Hand Removal System)
      • Compacta Tag (With Automatic Box Fi Lling System)
      • Compacta Hs (With Hand Removal System)
      • Compacta Hs (With Automatic Box Fi Lling System)
      Tea Processing Industry
      • Soil
      • Rainfall
      • Humidity
      • Air Temperature
      • Land Preparation
      • Erosion Control And Drains
      • Water Requirement
      • Soil Chemistry
      • Fertilizer
      • Primary nutrients
      • Secondary nutrients
      • Micronutrients
      • Phosphorus (P)
      • Potassium (K)
      • Secondary nutrients : Calcium (Ca)
      • Magnesium (Mg)
      • Sulphur (S)
      • Phosphorus (P)
      • Potassium (K)
      • Secondary nutrients : Magnesium
      • Sulphur
      • Micronutrients : Boron
      • Organic Fertilizer
      • Green Manure
      • Manure from plants in the field
      • Electrical Power Source
      List of Tables
      Table  An Overview of the Studies Carried Out on the Phenolic Compounds Composition of Different Types of Tea
      Table  - Mitotic index (%) (mean ± SDs) in human lymphocyte cultures exposed to extracts of black tea and green tea.
      Table . --- Content of  catechins [(–)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (–)-catechin (C), (+)-epicatechin (EC), (–)-epigallocatechin--gallate (EGCG), (?)-gallocatechin--gallate (GCG), (?)-epicatechin--gallate (ECG), and (–)-catechin--gallate (CG)], their sum (total CATS);  theaflavins [theaflavin (TF), theaflavin--gallate (TFG),theaflavin-_-gallate (TF_G), and theaflavin-,_-digallate (TF_G)], their sum (total TFS); sum of  catechins and  theaflavins (total flavonoids, FLAV); caffeine (CAF), theobromine (TB), and theophylline (TP), their sum (total alkaloids) in black, green, specialty, and herbal teas extracted with % ethanol/water (E) or water (W)
      Table . Commercial green tea extracts sold as capsules, gums, and powders
      Table . Primary chemical compounds present in tea (analyzed by Chromatographic Methods)
      Table . Chromatographic methods used for the chemical analysis of tea
      Table .. Classes of compounds contained in aroma of black tea
      Table .. Main volatile components determined in tea samples
      Table .. Content of Sugars in Green Tea Determined by HPLC with Amperometric Detector
      Table .. Content of amino acids in green tea determined by HPLC with pulsed amperometric detector
      . Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the Determination of non-Volatile Compounds in Tea
      Table .. Extraction of polyphenols from tea using different solvents (mg/g)
      Table .. Content of flavonoids (% dry weight) in the leaves of green tea, oolong tea, and black tea
      Table .. Content of catechins, gallic acid, caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine in green tea, oolong tea, black tea, and pu-erh tea, in mg/g
      Table .. Content of catechins, gallic acid, and caffeine in various tea grades
      Table . Content of catechins and caffeine in various teas determined by HPLC-MS
      Table . Content of polyphenols in green teas from Japan, oolong tea from China, and black tea from Kenya, in mg/g
      Table .. Content of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), catechin (C), epicatechin (EC), and total amount of all catechins in various grades of tea from China, Taiwan, and Japan, in mg/g of dry tea (W - hot water extracts, A - alcoholic extract, %)
      Table .. Total polyphenols, total catechins and caffeine content in tea
      Table .: Differences among green and black teas
      Table .a: Effect of consumption of tea on combating different types of cancer
      Table .b: Effect of consumption of tea on combating different types of cancer.
      Table .: Content of caffeine (mg) in a seven cup in regular soft drinks.
      Table .: Polyphenolic components in green and black tea (% w/w of extract solids).
      Table . Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of chemical composition in Chinese black teas.
      Table . Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of chemical composition in Chinese green teas
      Table .. Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of chemical composition in Chinese white teas
      Table .. Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of selected mineral elements and caffeine contained in infusions of Chinese black teas
      Table .. Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of selected mineral elements and caffeine contained in infusions of Chinese green teas
      Table .. Mean values and standard deviations in the analysis of selected mineral elements and caffeine contained in infusions of Chinese white teas
      Table .. The content of nutrition components, minerals and caffeine in different types of Chinese tea
      Table .. Coefficients of correlation between the contents of protein, caffeine and mineral elements in infusions of black,green and white teas
      Table  Chemical requirements for black tea
      Table  Analysis of green leaf by counting
      Table . Physical wither of leaf needed with different fresh leaf moisture content
      Table . Parameter of chemical withering
      Table . Requirement of milling and chasing groove depth for standard chasing
      Table . Conditions for different type of fermentation
      Table . Drying condition of different dryer
      Table . Different sorting machine
      Table . Some of the minimum physical and chemical standards for green tea, as established by Vietnamese Standards Bureau.
      Table . Indicators for classifying green tea into quality grades, as established by Vietnamese Standards Bureau. The weights given to the various indicators: appearance %, colour of liquor %, smell %, taste %.
      Table .: General Chemical Properties of some Tea Soils of the World
      Table .: Physical Properties of some Tea Soils of the World (- cm depth on average)
      Table - . : Nutrient Content in Commercial Fertiliser used in Tea
      Table - . : Relative distribution of chemical compounds in the tea bush
      Photograph - . : Picture shows diesel fired burner attached with the drier. Fermented tea is dried at °C - °C.
      Table-.: Description & Characteristics of CTC Tea
      Photograph - . : Grading of Orthodox Tea (Makai Bari).
      Table- .: Thermal Energy Consumption of Different Energy Sources
      Table- . : Section-wise energy Consumption in Typical CTC Factory
      Table-.: Pests Of Tea
      Table-.: Sequence in the Appearance of Different Kinds of Arthropod Pests on Tea
      Table - .: Classification of Pesticides based on 
      Target Pests
      Table-.: Some details of Available Organic and Inorganic Pesticides
      Table - .: Pesticides and their Recommended Dosage
      Table-.: Steps for Effective Control of Pests
      Table - .: Safety Precautions Needed for Application of Pesticides
      List of figures
      Figure  Chemical structure of theogallin. Theogallin and gallic acid are the most common simple phenolics in tea.
      Figure  Mechanism of theaflavin formation. Theaflavins are formed as a result of co-oxidation of selected pairs of catechins catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase (PPO). R = H - EGC, R = galloyl group - EGCG, R = R = H - theaflavin; R = galloyl group, R = H and R = H, R = galloyl group - theaflavin gallate; R = R = galloyl group - theaflavin digallate.
      Figure  Chemical structure of theanisenisins: theanisenisin A: R = R = galloyl group; theanisenisin B: R = galloyl group, R = H and R = H, R = galloyl group; theanisenisin C: R = R = H.
      Figure  Flow chart of processing of different types of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong, black CTC, crush-tear-curl.
      Figure  Flow chart of processing of different types of pu-erh tea.
      Figure  - Percentage change in lymphocyte micronuclei, according to the control and treatment with different concentrations of green tea and black tea. MN rates were decreased by the extracts of both the black tea and green tea. While these decreases were dose-dependent and statistically significant for the black tea, they did not significant for green tea. The MN rates of the control and the black tea extracts (., , , and  mg/mL) were , , ,, and %, respectively. The MN rates of the control and green tea extracts (., , ,and  mg/mL) were , , , , and %, respectively. The MN rates ( and %) of the  and  mg/mL extracts of the black tea were quite lower than the control (%).
      Figure  - Replication index changes in the lymphocyte, according to the control and treatment with different concentrations of the green tea and black tea. The RI rates were increased by the extracts of both the black tea and green tea. But these increases were not statistically significant. The RI rates of control and black tea extracts (., , , and  mg/mL) were , , , , and , respectively. The RI rates of the control and green tea extracts (., , , and  mg/mL) were , , , , and , respectively. The most RI values were  mg/mL concentration for the black tea and  mg/mL concentration for the green tea.
      Figure . EGCG neutralizes the cytotoxic effects of BZM in multiple myeloma cells. (A) Chemical structures of Bortezomib
      Figure . EGCG neutralizes the cytotoxic effects of BZM in glioblastoma. (A) Percentage cell viability of LN cells treated for  hours with increasing concentrations of BZM in the presence of increasing concentrations of EGCG was determined via MTT assay. (B) U and LN were treated with  nM BZM in the presence or absence of  or  _M EGCG for  hours and the number of long-term surviving cells ( weeks) was determined by colony-formation assays. Images were taken of representative -well plates. (C) The average number of colonies of U and LN cells treated with BZM in the presence or absence of EGCG is presented as the percentage of colonies from untreated cells, which was set at % (mean _ SE; n _ ).
      Figure .. Complete green tea extract and its polyphenols EGC, ECG, and EC neutralize the cytotoxic effects of BZM.
      Figure .. EGCG neutralizes the cytotoxic effect of MG- and proteasome inhibitor IX but not NFV,MG-, and proteasome inhibitor I. (A) Chemical structures of the proteasome inhibitors NFV, proteasome inhibitor I (PS-I), MG-, MG-, and proteasome inhibitor IX (PS-IX), and their grouping according to the presence of a boronic acid. (B-F) LN cells were treated with increasing concentrations of the individual proteasome inhibitors in the presence or absence of  _M EGCG for  hours; thereafter, the number of long-term surviving cells that were able to spawn colonies during the following  weeks (in the absence of drug treatment) was determined by colony-formation assays.Shown is the mean plus or minus SE (n _ ). (G) Typical result of MTT survival assay of LN cells treated for  hours with increasing concentrations of BZM in the presence of increasing concentrations of either MG- or MG- Shown are wells from a -well plate. Deep purple colour represents fully viable cells; pink(ish) colour indicates reduced viability; yellow indicates absence of viable cells.
      Figure .. EGCG prevents proteasome inhibition and ER stress induction when combined with BZM and MG-, but not MG- (A) LN cells were cultured for  hours with  nM BZM,  _M MG-, or  nM MG- in the presence or absence of  _M EGCG. (Top) Percentage proteasome activity in total cell lysates was determined via S proteasome activity assay. (Bottom) The relative amount of polyubiquitinated proteins and the ER stress marker GRP was determined via Western blot analysis with specific antibodies against ubiquitin and GRP, respectively.Western blot to actin was used as a loading control. (B) RPMI/ cells were cultured for  hours with  nM BZM in the presence or absence of  _M EGCG. (Top) Percentage proteasome activity from total cell lysates was determined via S proteasome activity assay.(Bottom) The relative amount of polyubiquitinated proteins, activated caspase- (cleaved casp-), and cleavage of poly (ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP, which indicates ongoing apoptosis) in RPMI/ cells was determined via Western blot analysis with specific antibodies against ubiquitin, caspase-, and PARP, respectively. (C) Highly purified proteasomes were treated with increasing concentrations of BZM in the presence or absence of  _M EGCG. Percentage activity was determined via S proteasome activity assay. Shown is percentage proteasome activity (mean _ SE; n _ ), where activity in the absence of drug was set to %.
      Figure .. EGCG neutralizes the antitumoral effects of BZM in multiple myeloma in vivo. Tumor-bearing mice
      Table . --- Content of  catechins [(–)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (–)-catechin (C), (+)-epicatechin (EC), (–)-epigallocatechin--gallate (EGCG), (?)-gallocatechin--gallate (GCG), (?)-epicatechin--gallate (ECG), and (–)-catechin--gallate (CG)], their sum (total CATS);  theaflavins [theaflavin (TF), theaflavin--gallate (TFG),theaflavin-_-gallate (TF_G), and theaflavin-,_-digallate (TF_G)], their sum (total TFS); sum of  catechins and  theaflavins (total flavonoids, FLAV); caffeine (CAF), theobromine (TB), and theophylline (TP), their sum (total alkaloids) in black, green, specialty, and herbal teas extracted with % ethanol/water (E) or water (W)
      Figure . Eight major catechins found in tea
      Figure . Structure formula of tea theoflavins
      Figure .. Structure of oligomeric catechins
      Figure .. Structure formulas of tea Theanine and ?-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)
      Figure .. Chromatogram of green tea (brewing time  min) on a column with C Luna (-) eluted with acetonitrile and water;  - (-)- gallocatechin (GC),  - (-)- epigallocatechin (EGC),  - (-)- epicatechin (EC),  - (-)- epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),  - (-)- epicatechin gallate (ECG)
      Fig. . Chemical structure of major catechins in green tea. EC, (-)-epicatechin; ECG, (-)-epicatechin--gallate; EGC, (-)-epigallocatechin; EGCG, (-)-epigallocatechin--gallate.
      Fig. (a): moisture percentage of green leaf, withered leaf and made tea during tea processing
      Fig. (b): moisture percentage of green leaf, withered leaf and made tea during tea processing
      Fig. : Energy saving during withering and drying
      Typical tea drying drum. Problems include that drum is made of low-quality steel, and fire is only partly enclosed so heat is not evenly distributed.
      Fig: .
      Photograph - . : Basket carrying green tea leaves for further processing to black tea. System of transportation observed with small gardens. Eco-friendly transport system.
      Photograph-. : View of plantation in Darjeeling. Portion has already been plucked.
      Photograph - . : Solid waste from tea garden after deep pruning. This solid waste acts as a fuel in rural area.
      Photograph - . : Makai Bari Tea Gardens. Produces % bio-dynamic tea. No chemical/pesticides used here. 
      % EUU.
      Photograph . Rotorvane machine. Parnal cutting, turning and curling operation take place in this machine (CTC)
      Photograph . CTC rollor complete cutting, turning and curling operation takeplace in CTC roller after totorvance operation.
      Photograph . Gugi machine make CTC tea of current formula
      Photograph . Orthodox roller rolls the weathered leaf conntinuously in the
      Figure-.: Ctc Tea Manufacturing - Process Flow 
      Figure-.: Orthodox Tea Manufacturing - Process Flow Diagram
      Figure-.: Green Tea Tea Manufacturing - Process Flow Diagram
      Fig .. :Flow Diagram of the Mass Balance

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