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    Detailed Project Report on whisky (hard drink)

    Detailed Project Report on whisky (hard drink)
    Detailed Project Report on whisky (hard drink)
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           The  history of distilled spirits goes back into  antiquity.  Scientists  have  unearthed  pottery  in  Mesopotamia   depicitng fermentation  scenes dating back to 4200 BC a small wooden  model of a brewery from about 2000 BC is on display at the Metropolitan Musem  of  Art in New York City, and Aristotle  mentions  a  wine which produces a spirit.  The first real distiller was probably a Greek-Egyptian  alchemist who in the first or second century  AD, in an attempt to transmute base metal into gold, boiled some wine in  a  crude  still.   The discovery  of  ardent  spirits   which restulted from this effort was looked upon with awe.  It was kept a secret for centuries.  

           The  technique  of  distillation  probably  came  from   the Egyptians  who  had  been interested in alchemy  since  the  pre-christian  era.   At  a  later  time  the  Arabians  gained  this knowledge  from the Egyptians.  Distillation was introduced  into  Western  Europe  either through Spain about 1150 AD,  or  by  the crusaders  who learned about it from the Moslems in the 12th  and 13th centuries.  Distilled spirits were probably known in Ireland and  Scotland  before the 12th century, but actually it  was  not until  then that there is a recorded history of distilled  spirit inm  Europe. The first written evidence is in the description  by Master  Salernus who died in 1167 AD.  However for another  three centuries  spirits  were  regarded  only as  a  rare  and  costly medicine called aquavitae,the water of life.  

           The  first treatise on distillation was written by a  French chemist, Arnold devillence, sometime before 1311, and was printed in  1478  in  Venice.   A  Spaniard,  Raymond  Lully,  was   also instrumental  in spreading the knowledge of distillation  through Europe  in the late 13th century.  Liber de Arte  Distillandi  by Hieronimus  Brunswick, a well-known author of medical works,  was printed  in  1500 in Stratgbourg.  A more comprehensive  book  by Ryff  another  medical outhor, appeared in1556  in  Frankfurt  am Main.   Both works contain elaborate chapters on herbs and  their distillates with indications of their uses as medicines.

           The  work whisky comes from the Gaelic Word uisge-beatha  or usquebaugh,  as the Irish called it, meaning the water  of  life.  The real whisky of the Irish was called potheer, reputedly a very formidable  drink, full of heavy-bodied flavours  resulting  from single distillation.  


      Plant Capacity                                    20000.00 BTL/day       
      Land & Building (1 Acre)                  Rs. 30.00 Lacs   
      Plant & Machinery                             Rs. 60.00 Lacs    
      W.C. for 3 Months                              Rs. 9.31  Cr
      Total Capital Investment                  Rs. 10.54 Cr          
      Rate of Return                                   59%  
      Break Even Point                              67%

      1.   INTRODUCTION                                     
      2.   PROPERTIES                                        
      3.   USES AND APPLICATION                              
      4.   BIS SPECIFICATION                                 
      5.   MARKET SURVEY                                   
      6.   PRESENT MANUFACTURES                            
      7.   RAW MATERIALS                                    
      8.   MANUFACTURING PROCESS                            
      9.   PROCESS FLOW SHEET                               
      10.  ANT AND MACHINERY SUPPLIERS                      
      11.  RAW MATERIALS SUPPLIERS                          

      APPENDIX – A :

       1.      COST OF PLANT ECONOMICS      
       2.      LAND & BUILDING                                      
       3.      PLANT AND MACHINERY                                  
       4.      FIXED CAPITAL INVESTMENT                             
       5.      RAW MATERIAL                                         
       6.      SALARY AND WAGES                                     
       7.      UTILITIES AND OVERHEADS                              
       8.      TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL                                
       9.      COST OF PRODUCTION                                   
      10.      PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS                               
      11.      BREAK EVEN POINT                                     
      12.      RESOURCES OF FINANCE                           
      13.      INTEREST CHART                                       
      14.      DEPRECIATION CHART                                   
      15.      CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                   
      16.      PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET                              

      How to Make Project Report?

      Detailed Project Report (DPR) includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.

      Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.

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      Detailed Project Report (DPR) gives you access to decisive data such as:

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      • Key highlights

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      • Pin-point analyses of market competition dynamics to offer you a competitive edge major competitors
      • An array of graphics, BEP analysis of major industry segments
      • Detailed analyses of industry trends
      • A well-defined technological growth with an impact-analysis
      • A clear understanding of the competitive landscape and key product segments

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